Had absolutely nothing to do with the “pain of weaving in” as i can use it at the same time as any other ability.
I can make macros so IF is pressed with every one of my abilities if i wanted to
Had absolutely nothing to do with the “pain of weaving in” as i can use it at the same time as any other ability.
I can make macros so IF is pressed with every one of my abilities if i wanted to
What do you suggest? simply make them dps that get punched in the face? because that is the only option to make them “popular” and even then you won’t them in anything that takes actual tanking.
We were literally in a LFR on my alt, we wiped lol. Anyways the tanks were fine, and out of nowhere a random shaman says “what a weak tank” and I was just like what the hell. There’s only so much tanks can do with all the heals dead and only 5 ppl alive lmao.
I told him to stop hating but was caught off guard by how I was the only person to stick up for the tank. How sad. Not to mention, the guy complaining was one of the first ones to die which I obviously brought up. I said “you died ages ago, quiet in the cheap seats please”
i w9uld have said “what makes them weak, the fact they can’t carry your worthless…”
I’m trying man but I’m only one cow
I dont think I have ever waited more than 5 mins for a tank for m+ during TWW.
maybe blizz could make hitting defense cds more fun and maybe more people would play them? ironfur doesn’t even have an animation yet its dire important— boring! watching your bear attack stuff is such a snore— ooo snarl, slap, slap, stand up on hind feet and slap.
eh, who am i kidding, we all know why there’s not many willing to tank (for pugs). i play this game to have fun, not to study up on every minute detail of an instance so that I can be de facto tour guide, preform perfectly, and know optimal paths, yadda yadda
i suggest OP make a friend who wants to tank and offer to help said friend learn and defend said friend from the annoying CENSORED in pugs… GL
Tanks are the most op role and still can do everything. We have people soloing bosses in 10+. No matter what tanks are not rewarding enough. Making them gods won’t make anyone them more.
Only way to fix the tank pop is to get more people playing tank.
Plus tanks don’t want to pug and I don’t blame them.
I was actually considering trying to Tank S2 and take a break from Fury just because… Then I played my Pally alt and uhhh… might as well just go Pally to tank like everyone else.
I have 3 tanks that I will not take in public. Period. I cannot deal with the comments I sometimes read or get as a healer, last thing I need is to deal with MORE negativity from the mean, nasty players.
My personal take.
I pugged to 3300 or so in Dragonflight. Tanking was fun, because I had excellent control the group of mobs, my life was in my own hands, and I could express mastery over the dungeons by learning to pull bigger. I was the lynchpin in the party. I set them up so they could be knocked down. It was great.
This season, I’m dependent on exceptional healer and dps play to keep up with how well I tank. It sounds counterintuitive, but I have to slow down and play more conservatively so as not to overload the responsibilities of the healer or the cognitive capabilities of the dps. That’s not fun. I feel like every key I’m carrying an anchor around my neck. Instead of setting the pace, the pace is set by the lowest common denominator.
And that makes pugging a nightmare. So I don’t. I just do a few for the vault and log off, when, in DF, I would pug >50 keys every week. The crest drop rate was also a big factor in limiting my enthusiasm for alts.
Tanks need more control if you want them to pug. And you want them to keep churning after they hit the season cap, so making alts more appealing would help a lot, too.
I feel the reliance bit should rely on the shoulders of healer as well as you as the tank. I was gonna tank, but realized not enough of my friends wanted to do PVE anymore… and you’re right about pugging, it’s a nightmare. I’ve barely even played this expansion… so I’ll definitely defer to your knowledge on this.
I think the best way to do it is to challenge people where they live. Challenge tanks on survivability and mob management. Give them the tools to excel there.
Ditto for dps and managing and doing damage.
And again for healers in mitigating incoming damage.
That came form the difficulty of the dungeons. The tank nerf was because how tanks been since legion overpowered. They could do everything while doing everything.
I feel like the reason why people wants be able to have 100% control over yourself life because you can’t blame anyone else on your own skill. So it feels great be able to pull huge and do big damage. Now where you have to lean on other people to live it feels so much awful that a wipe happens. No one wants that but thats how tanks were in classic to mop. Than tanks swing into more self pride to live by yourself baseline though everything.
Than dps loss thier weakness with all those defensives. Than they need tanks and healers to stay alive
Healers loss their skill needed where keeping people alive though rot damage than now spike damage 80% to 10% in a sec. We could do high key dungeons without an healer in (Legion/BFA/SL/DF). Its sad to get this far.
The difficulty isn’t the problem. I have tanked 10’s on 585 freshies. For me, it’s 100% not being able to pull the way I want.
I could pull, for example, all of Brackenhide in maybe 8 pulls, even up to +26 (never got the +27). If a dps wasn’t good enough, they died. And ran back, the good dps would keep blasting, I’d stay alive, the healer would keep healing. We might not time the key on a higher key, but the failure was contained.
In Grim Batol, I would like to combine (for example) the first 3 pack, 1 dragon, and the pat, followed by the two end groups in front of the mini-game and the 2 dudes at the front of the ledge. But if one of the dps misses a kick, the healer probably dies, and then I probably die while they run back from the damage amp and my cd’s being longer this expansion. And if one dps dies to a missed kick, it’s very likely that more will also die, because now we’re one kick shy, and the packs taking longer.
So I don’t pull that way in pugs. The timer is plenty long enough to just pull one pack at a time and only pull what I can personally control. That moment when you realize you’re no longer setting the pace, but the pace is being set for you is when tanks check out. It’s not fun. It’s not exciting. It’s just grinding. And if I wanted to grind something, I’d grind Alunir or the bug mount. I’m in m+ for the excitement.
So, I’m not in m+. Surprise. And I’m also not grinding 8 hours for a bug mount. I only run keys with my friends while we gear alts with 619 pieces and wait on the new season to hopefully alleviate this situation.
Tanks are the people who like to drive. Let us drive. Let how big we pull be our decision. Let my limitations set the pace, and I’ll tank all day.
Thats what people hate though and blizz don’t want that. Thats the challenge. If you want that pulling bigger, Than you just want a dungeon that have mobs that just melee and you can pull all you want until you cant handle physically.
I will say this no one want that because it gonna be so boring for everyone else after awhile. We kinda had what you want in time walking and some in wrath dungeons because once you were geared you could do them in 15 mins and no one did them to whole pool of players. The difficulty is the wall for the players to push though and learn the caps for pulls.
You will never have an endless drive unless the content rewarded nothing worth.
This has literally nothing to do with it. Tanks are treated the best, on average, out of the three roles.
The lack of tanks is exclusively and solely due to people not enjoying support roles. Always has been the case; always will be the case. The only fixes that will do anything about it is to either remove the roles entirely, or to change group compositions to match the demographics of the playerbase.
And they wont do either because that won’t be WoW anymore
There is absolutely not a tank shortage in the least. In fact, it is quite the opposite…there is a tank glut.
Your problems finding a tank in toothless queue content and babymode easy keys is NOT indicitive of the role as a whole. In actuality, tanking is at quite a glut at content levels that DO matter. Go ahead and take a look at groups forming for raids at normal+ and see just how many groups need tanks…and I’ll all but bet if you do happen to find any they are 1/2 and holding out for a unicorn like me whose beyond geared and experienced for the content level and leaving the 610+ on read.
Tanking is a stupid easy role to play mechanically ESPECIALLY in raids that also comes with the most baked in forgiveness to mistakes. Nearly all tanking complexity is boiled down to “press taunt once a condition is met” and move accordingly. It is incredibly rare, again in raids, that avoidable damage will kill you…in fact most aren’t even going to dent your HP pool.
Tanking is intimidating in keys and SIGNIFICANTLY harder than raid tanking…but it’s still a much easier role than being a DPS whose at literal life or death by a single mistake even in mid tier keys whole also far more under the microscope on the meters…and even in mid to higher keys, I can guarantee you DPS and healers know how to route a dungeon as much as a tank does.
Queue dungeon content, at this point, should really just be role-agnostic. Just slap the first 5 bodies in a dungeon group and scale mobs per role. LFR you can keep the token 2 tanks even if odds are 1 can do entire fights ( don’t really do LFR so I don’t know if the tankbuster and various taunt swap mechanics actually warrant taunting accordingly).