So any plans to fix tank pop?

But you are the most powerful role of all

The thing that most people don’t talk about that tanks can do it all. Yet people the real; reason behind the nerfs. Wasn’t just to nerf the tankness.

tanks can solo everything up to the gear they are at STILL, is it harder yes but we still having tanks solo bosses in 10s+. If tanks are not fun for you than tanking is not for you anymore.

Its the part of the problem on top its not a rewarding role to other roles.

People forgot tanks were meant to depend on the rest of the group to live. Now its *let me solo an rare or boss at 30% to dead easily STILL.

My scenario was proof. I, as a tank, will bypass every other dungeon and key level except the very specific one im looking for.

Then theres the plethora of folks who want only meta groups. Not going with a group of 3 ranged dps, nosiree.

Not to mention all the tanks that get denied groups (within reasons), for reasons

Like this isnt very hard to prove lol
Edit: the solution youre wanting to see to disprove you is a queue system where a tank will just go to the very first available group. But thats not how it works. Why would join up for all these 4-5-6 keys that appear at the top of the listing’s when im wanting/needing a 12?

I notice it too but it doesn’t bother me, I usually tank but I find other stuff to do if I dps during down time.

That’s my point, it bothers you enough to post for a lot of people we notice it but quite frankly don’t care that much

45/70 LFG M+ key groups have a tank in them. You are objectively wrong and jaded by your negative views and confirmation bias.

Like I said, the tank “shortage” is only in select sub-content because the community is awful to developing tanks and to each other in general.


Yep, and tanks are rarely gained only lost. Anytime someone tries to try tanking in leveling dungeons or even heroics they get rushed. They can’t learn to tank “properly,” because everyone wants to pull as dps and ignore mechanics.

And if a tank says they’re trying to learn the replies are always the same, “it’s only a heroic lol.”


Then you have the opposite where tanks pull big, but controlled, and get kicked for going “too fast”.

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The time it takes to get a group as a dps is much longer than the time it takes to get a group as a tank in a dungeon where there is something of value as a reward.

I’ve met people where the wait times are so great for dps that they have quit wow.

Give tanking back to Shaman and Warlocks

Can you explain why i, as a dps, recruited a tank in 5 minutes, but another dps waited 2 hours and didnt see a single tank, while other groups around him were filling and running?

Tanks should have a AoE taunt on a shortish CD.
For Bears Ironfur needs to be baked into another move like Maul or at least triple the duration on it. This would level out the damage spike. Right now youre squishy without Ironfur, and a Steel wall with 3 stacks. But the 7second buff time is a pain to weave in while also trying to use other abilities.

Also Give Druid tanks Heroic Leap…why? because in MoP remix it was hilarious to have 15 of us leap onto raid bosses lol

Make tanks OP. OP classes/specs are played more. Tanks being OP=More People Playing Tanks.


I could give you a lot of possible reasons but it would be pointless.

To make any meaningful comparison, you’d need a large sample size. You can’t just look at the one time you got a tank in 5 mins.

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The problem are toxic other people.

A friend wanted to start playing wow as a tank.
He quit after 1-2 days. Why? Because he was kicked from TW dungeons, even he said he is new.

Sadly most people in WOW are super toxic these days and not nice to new tanks/players like in FF14.

Blizzard made it even worse with the dungeon tools. The anonymous communities dont care about others. Sadly.

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They should make changes to the leveling dungeons to discourage this behavior.

Iron Fur ia off the GCD so this isnt an issue

I know a couple people who only want to play one spec, and because the raids 2 tank slots are taken they just go dps instead.

If raids needed more tanks, would more people play tanks?

If there was a better system to store/collect multiple sets of gear, would more people play multiple specs?

Even if the above managed to add more tanks to the game, I still think you’d find most of them would prefer to tank for their guildies/friends over pugs.

Its not pointless.
All those possible reasons play into why someone thinks theres a tank shortage when there’s really not.

In a game this large, hardly ever is there truly a “unique” experience. If it happened to me, theres an unremarkably high chance its happening to others.

And if its so common place that someone waits for hours without a tank ever applying to their groups, why has it never happened to me?

Thing is, the tools were made in part because of people like this that could not get groups and could not fathom that their behavior was what was killing their shot at groups in the first place.

I guess I’m being pedantic here, but I believe the discussion exists in this thread because of improper phrasing.

If we go by the numbers that Grizzle gave us (no clue if they’re correct, but I’ll take his word for it), there’s 2 million tanks available in game. That means there’s enough tanks to run 2 million keys per day, if each tank choose to just do one key each. Considering there’s nowhere near 2 million keys being done per day, there’s obviously not a shortage of tanks.
There’s however a shortage of tanks willing to run keys with the people that sit in queue and wait for a tank, which is a slightly different thing.

How to solve that? Not a faintest clue, but that shortage at least exist.

But costs 40 rage.