So Again. What is the Jailer Actually trying to do?

The question is who or what broke the Jailer? Did the First Ones take him out of the oven too early and left him half baked? Was he corrupted by… um… furbolg thongs?

The story just keeps cascading from silly to sillier as each ultimate evil, this is the one for sure, turns out to have been led astray by someone in an even bigger, cosmic white van with candy.

The plots have jumped the kraken.


I want to know

  • What stopped the replacement Arbiter
  • Why did Zovaal want to get to Azeroth or dominate it via the Lich King(s)
  • Why have Sylvanas break the helm and the veil at ICC
    The remake reality via the Sepulcher part doesn’t address either of these.

Best I can do is offer guesses of course:

What stopped the Arbiter - Best guess I would have is the Jailers original man on the outside Prince Renathal. The red looks far to similar to his magic and seeing how dense the denizens of the Shadowlands appear to be I’m not too surprised they wouldn’t put two and two together.

Why did Zovaal want to get to Azeroth or dominate it via LK’s - I can guess why he made a LK was likely to spread more death to get more souls. I have no idea why “Death comes for the soul of your world” as I have no idea what links Azeroth to his “real plan”.

Why have Sylvanas break the helm and the veil at ICC - My guess here is the Jailor was tired of the failed LK’s and decided to be more direct and go after his prizes directly. The prize being the mortals in an attempt to find a champion he could use to gather the seals to free him.

Now after typing this all out I realize no one wants guesses, they want some concrete info of which I don’t know of any.

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That last one is not a bad guess. I suppose if he wanted someone like Anduin of the various faction leaders and any of Lich King(s) had conquered Azeroth via the Scourge then they would all be undead or dominated under the LK. So maybe the raid will explain why he wants Anduin etc.
I still thought Icecrown would come into play somehow linking back the beginning of the expac. Maybe it does somehow during the end of the raid?

I don’t know but I bet floating trees have something to do with it.

For some reason, in comics and books.

In game there’re demon void-infused, and void beings manipulating fel. Even void users risen death at his will, Nerzul can rise void infused skeletons.

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Yeah, it explained deeply in the chronicles book, but in game? Sargeras, his generals, his minions are all about raw destruction because they’re bad guys.

Sargeras barely speaks, he just destroy worlds.

But for some reason, lot of people think Sargeras is deep and complex. Maybe the Jailer will have his own book, but still you see in game he was planning a lot, influenced lots of events in warcraft lore is way more complex villain than the “mastermind” Nzoth.

The Jailer is your classic Saturday morning cartoon villain. He wants all to serve him.

It would at least be more palatable if the Jailer was, like, an Emperor Palpatine tier villain and not someone with the personality of a brick and a plan as comprehensible as an M.C. Escher painting.

Hopefully he blows up with w/e engine thing is in the new zone and we go back to less universe creating/destroying blabla.

Azshara somehow vanished, could have Wrathion go insane after too much exposure to the tendies lord and have him try to resurrect Big Bad Dragon Dad for him to get a proper boss fight, could even have a splinter NE faction that’s just tired of being pooped on and decides to go wack and sends shadowy assasins everywhere.

I guess there’s still room for some stuff to happen in Azeroth?

The Jailer himself said it too;

“Too long I endured the makers’ flawed design. I will forge a new reality, where all will serve me.”


He’s going to turn beans into peas.

No one knows because he’s a terrible villain, the only thing I can think of is that he’s a Thanos wannabe. It’s sad that they wanted to make him look like a big bad villain but what we got was a mumbling moron who doesn’t say or do much, just sits in his maw palace chilling until his plans worked.

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You know, a little over 100 years ago “some guy” they call HP Lovecraft wrote a bunch of things published in pulp magazines, and after he died, some people published his work.
While he was publishing, he had debates with “some guy” named Robert E Howard. Their discussions about Barbarism vs Mysticism and the resulting works added to their main body of work set the stories that most of the Fantasy and Sword Sorcery genres are repeating ad nauseum to this day.

For a folk that like to point out the problems, very few people actually point out that this story is not original, or even “inspired” by century old stories, but some “recoloring” and “recalibrating view” of the same stories.

People think that the similarities were in a close name resemblance from Yogg Saron, or the very name Cthulhu, but anyone who played even the questchains in Stormsong Valley and know Lovecraft work, cant really feel surprise in the least.

Even the sigil thing, the Primus being the Runecarver. If you have read the old Sword and Sorcery tales of the Black Ring, you would really know the Runecarver was the Primus at the moment you laid eyes on him.


No one knows and that is the frustrating part of this whole story.

All we got is that he believes the 1st Ones creation of reality is flawed but how.

With the whole “Sylvanas will not serve” skit, has made him a typical Saturday Morning Cartoon Villian until they explain further his issues.


The jailer is angry that the First One’s made him do a job that he didn’t want to do, so now he’s like na fam lemme just burn everything to the ground.

I mean I relate tbh, it’s not fun to be promoted when you’re not ready and then your colleagues act like you’re not doing well when you didn’t even sign up for the role in first place??

This is about right,I agree, zoval is remaking reality that we know of and N’Zoth nightmare though doesn’t have to be played .Aezroth in lovecraft was a monster of a nightmare able to destroy anything in the universe that why it slept .Zoval needs reality to wake to destroy it yet he has to control it with domination to do it. In the end,it will be a titanic fight one of sure will.

Everything in wow is a of willingness and with that hope,as if it were a story long ago of the cave and the light ,we enter the nightmare and emerge after travel the dark to see another day ,a sort of hibernation that a druid has being vigilant holding off the corruption. What pictures does a mind form in it’s window in the dark?

You ask ,why do we have a unknown villain on a unknown quest to finish a fragmented lore ? Think of it where did the villain come from? Tying up lose ends of lore isn’t easy and many differences can be applied but how to do this tastefully and respectfully ,not everyone would be on board with the climax ,so this is where story telling need direction . Like the spock,says idic ;infinite diversity in infinite combinations,just about anything can be.

The other funny thing about all of this is that it isn’t even really scary nor intimidating but more humorous if anything. I can get behind a villain that is actually scary and seems like they really do want to mess things up and proves it. But this Jailer guy is such a goofy looking joke with that deep dark voice like he’s trying so hard to seem evil. Maybe if he started slaughtering the locals in Zereth Mortis and imprisoning them to do his will it’d be a start.

I posted this in another thread but I’ll post this here too.

'I’m completely not invested in the story. When we started Shadowlands with the covenants that was fun. I like that! But they were too quickly wrapped up and pushed to the side to move onto Zovaal and that’s Shadowland’s biggest downfall. I REALLY don’t care for Zovaal. I don’t know who he is, I don’t know why he’s doing what he’s doing, I don’t even really know why he’s seen as such a big bad. We’ve been told he does all this bad stuff but really never shown? He just appears, says some stuff, and leaves. I am not afraid of the big bad. ‘He can dominate wills!’ But we’ve only been really shown Anduin? He’s been more an annoyance keeping me from getting back to the cooler, base four covenant stuff or even other afterlives! I would have rather seen more different afterlives then jump straight into the maw stuff."

They can say they wanted Shadowland in three parts all they want but it really feels like they are just trying to look away and sweep up the mess they made so we don’t look at it anymore. Shadowlands could have been SO COOL. There was so much potential going into this. Like I said, I’d love to have seen more other afterlives. More info about the Maw(which looks like it’s shaping up to be a failed Zereth Mortis that they just decided to throw the worst souls into).

What really bugged me was Danuser saying he’s looking forward to fans getting the bits and pieces of the larger story and putting it together! All I could think of was ‘this isn’t FromSoftware game.’, coming from someone who ADORES listing to all the theory videos about FromSoftware games. FromSoftware has a BRILLIANT way to tell stories that Blizzard seems to want to copy but they will fail horribly straight up. Don’t tell a story like this Blizzard. We don’t want it.


N’Zoth was such a much better villain that Blizzard completely wasted. I enjoyed the creepy unease of Ny’alotha. I wish we got more from that place then just the raid.