So Again. What is the Jailer Actually trying to do?

He wants everyone to serve him.

He says something like “all will serve.”

Not an incredibly far cry from “go in service” (Kyrian) or “do you serve the Shadowlands?” (Venthyr).

We get that it’s about disrupting an established order. But both the current and the new order are about serving, and we aren’t told why the new order will be worse.

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Yes, it’s implied to serve him.
It’s a villain trope.
Nothing more, nothing less.
After what is going on, the covenants [or at least Kyrian] kind of rethink their way of life.

Yes, it’s implied to serve him. It’s a villain trope.

What would happen if a covenant of the Shadowlands decided not to serve the Arbiter’s commands? Would the Arbiter be the villain?

I donno because I don’t deal in hypotheticals, OP asked about the Jailer and I am speaking on my observations from what I saw/heard him say + do.

Rule of cool. Jailer wants to rule all. Jailer bad. Jailer go out in a crazy fashion.


He’s trying to get us all to quit WOW since he’s actually works at Square.


He will open the Universe to the void lords, we have never seen them only heard of them, they created to old gods, the titans are terrified of them, i want to see the void lords finally come into the game

“Stabs sword through planet”

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The jailer and Shadowlands feel like Blizzard threw a bunch of typical bad guy tropes together to make it sound good, but when you get to the meat of it and really try to understand, it’s pretty hollow and vague


That is something Anduin faces off against in his older age - so we may not get a void vs light expansion for a while. Unless they ignore some comic or w/e it was.

That theme is strung along 'till the climax of the WoW story I feel like :ghost:
[void lords, void vs light]

Ideally for me , it would be a reboot where we start at lv 1 and the whole new everything.
But that’s not going to happen.
It’ll just be a boss shaking its fist saying ‘you meddling kids’ and we start again in a new area with a new boss shaking their fist or tenticle or paw or whatever.

Sargeras wanted to destroy everything because of the inevitability of suffering in the universe or something.

Zovaal wants to destroy everything because teehee mommy said dont push red button i wanna push button :clown_face:


Come on OP, the Jailer’s motivations are obvious.

He needs people to do his laundry.

Why do you think he’s shirtless all the time?


He’s just trying to play hide and go seek game that’s it. Not sure why ya want to kill him so much he’s innocent.

Need a few dozen cut scenes to convince me a the Jailer is the bad guy. Did the covenants lock him up and steal all his shirts? Maybe that why he is seeking revenge and new clothing through that portal he opened up.

The new raid is gonna be about stopping evil tailors making a new shirt to cover up those nips.


Sargaras wanted to destroy all life because he was terrified of the viod lords and what they were capable of when they corupt life, so he dicided to kill all life leaving nothing to be corupted


Simply, remake it so he is the ultimate ruler of ever thing. Typical megalomaniacal I’m better then everyone else so I should be in charge BS.


The best part of this motivation is that as arbiter of the afterlife he already was in charge of everything



He’s trying to reset the Wi-Fi password in the Shadowlands. Connection was dialup at best in the maw


He was pretty much a glorified gate guard. He wanted to be more, and to get more he wanted power. The other guards (The Eternal Ones) said no and locked him away. Now he’s just angry and wants to ruin everything so he can be numbah 1!


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The first thing Zoval did when he stepped through that portal with Anduin was to look for a Big and Tall store with clothing in his size. I bet he was disappointed with Sylvanas since he was really looking for a woman’s perspective when choosing new shirts.

Tell me this plot point is wrong, cause I haven’t seen anything from Blizzard to say otherwise.