So Again. What is the Jailer Actually trying to do?

So he is going to remake reality. What does that mean? Really what is his goal? Is he going to change the fabric of reality, where none of the laws of nature apply anymore? All reality? Every realm? On every plain of existence? What about time? We already time travel, so does he aim to change that? Its just so vague and nondescript that it doesnt feel like a threat really.

And acquiring the sigils? If he has been trying for however long to acquire them, why then after he does, we can make all new ones in a couple hours? Why is it so easy to make new ones? And what are the sigils? What is their history or lore? Why were they needed to open the pathway? And if there are many more “Afterlives” like Ardenweld or Maldraxus, do those also have sigils? Why arent those needed? I mean in 9.2 we see that they are still making more “Afterlives” in Zereth Mortis. So why are the four Azeroth have access to the ones with the sigils to access Zereth Mortis?

If all it really is, is that the Jailer wants to remake reality into one where he is basically the one god to rule over everything. Then he is just another generic bad guy #291775.

Here’s what we got at face value. We are stopping bad guy we never heard of, from accessing a place we have never heard of, built by beings we never heard of, for a reason that is not explained and we dont understand. Which somehow is all part of a grand story started almost 20 years ago.

And in the announcement they first state that “The Jailer was never interested in Power.” Then a minute later “The Jailer has traveled to this place of power.” Just stretching it again.

I feel they are really stretching to make it seem like Shadowlands had ANYTHING to do with the story started in Warcraft III. It doesnt. And it didnt. Forcing it to fit, just feels off. I understand. Endwalker has some mega hype. It is the actual culmination of a story that has cohesion and direction. It is a huge grand finale to a game which has climbed to be WoW’s largest competition.

But it just feels that the dev team looked at FF and came to the conclusion while writing Shadowlands “Hey they are going to be launching this final expansion to end a long running storyline in epic fashion and there is a ton of hype about it. We should make Shadowlands the end to a huge Warcraft Storyline. Lets just retcon whatever we have to an make it fit a narrative.”

The story is so convoluted, vague and nonsensical. For me at least, they really cheapened the entire history of Warcraft and World of Warcraft. By basically saying that all the threats we have faced, and enemies we have defeated were all side quests and distractions in the master plan of the Jailer. Its just garbage storytelling. And really hurts Warcraft in an irreparable way

Unless we wake up from the Shadowlands, and it was all a N’Zoth dream. And we lost the battle against N’Zoth. And the entire Shadowlands expansion and Sylvanas breaking the crown and what now was his nightmare for us. And us trying to defeat the Jailer was N’Zoths plan to keep us in the nightmare. And the Jailer is really our consciousness trying to “Remake Reality” and break us out of N’Zoth’s Nightmare.


He’s trying to fix PvP gear


I think he’s trying to become a loot piñata.


My hottake (which is a giggle, so dont take it too serious)

He resets the world to where the realms never mixed up. Kil’Jaiden never went to the SLs to make the Lich King helmet. No Scourge, No Dreadlords that infiltrated everything. Just everything working as they should be.
So he never had the need to betray his siblings, everyone would have just stayed off his lawn and everything was happily ever after.

It would mean Azeroth resets to Arthas never having gone baddy and Sylvanas remaining Ranger General. A whole new story for us.


He’s gonna open a door and let the void in. My guess.


Zooval wants a reality were everyone is broken and be made to serve him.

Something like that said The Primus.


Forget Warcraft 3, I’m not convinced they had this all planned out when they were working on Shadowlands.

This is like when I introduce my D&D group to a new villain who is after something that my notes only say “come up with the specifics of what this does and why it’s bad if the villain gets it later”.

Only they never did.


The storyline of Shadowlands is really about the dangers of automating out middle management.


I wish this was real :sob:


Sounds like generic bad guy stuff :laughing:

You know who was a cool villain that wasn’t a villain? Xera, that naaru that tried to force the light into Illidan :laughing: Though I will admit I would be very curious to see light infused Illidan model :smiley:


I mean, how far would you go to get them darn kids off your lawn?

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loads shotgun


I have no idea I guess he just hates the afterlife for some reason and wants to undo it or remove it just cause? This is why we usually say Blizzard is bad at story telling in their mmo cause their main big bad is just soooooo mysteriously bad.

He wants everyone to serve him.
He literally says it I think in the last cinematic.

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But why and what for? Is he narcissistic and that is the depth of his character? Hey guys look at me I’m sooooo awesome oh my god this is heaven! Yes yes yes keep worshipping me oh it feels so good.

Sargeras wasnt too deep, he just wanted to destroy everything.

If it’s dead or demonic, it can’t be taken over by the void!


So you’re saying the Jailer wants everyone to die so the void can’t win. So he’s basically Sargeras 2.0 and that was his big brain play?

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No, I was just replying to the guy above me, ‘correcting him’.

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