So after the Eredar got a second chance by Velen

There is no real reason not to, you could even do it in a mini quest chain like they did the Man’arai. They just need to cook up a reason for them to do so. Perhaps Outland is reaching a critical level making it inhospitable even to fel orcs.

However there is a lingering issue, in that when Mannoroth was killed Grom seemed to de-chaos back into a normal green orc.

They could always use Illidans fel horde remnants in Outland. The ones he was still making up until he and his commanders were all killed off

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I’d be a fan, only thing is that Outland fel orcs seem somewhat Feral and I doubt blizzard would open up the customisation for Draenor Fel Orcs

But again, I could wager there would be a group of Fel orcs on Outland who are keen to get their urges in check now that the legion isn’t pulling their strings

The Legion never pulled their strings not even during TBC. They followed Illidan who was redeemed as good guy.

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It has always been possible to cure the Fel Orcs – Grom was cured in WC3 and the Horde were working on a cure in TBC. Now has Blizzard remembered the fact the Horde was working on a cure? Probably not.


Also Fel Orcs in TBC served Illidan and Illidan was a good guy according to Legion. Did the Fel Orcs all leave the Illidari or something?

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We’ve ‘technically’ had them since Burning Crusade …
There’s a friendly (to the Horde) fel-orc quartermaster @ Blasted Lands, named:

‘Quartermaster Dekrok’

  • At the time it was speculated as a bug or accidental — However it’s been 17 YEARS, and they didn’t bother to change it - so take that as you will. :thinking:

I’d argue the fel-orcs who simply became fel-orcs due to severe radiation when stuck in the more fel-suffused areas of Outland in all sorts of different ways – or perhaps even Shattered Hand Horde spies dedicating themselves to infiltrating the enemy at any cost (and drinking the blood of the demon pit-lord Magtheridon) would be pardoned.

Also keep in mind, if there were Horde spies who grimly drank the blood of Magtheridon — Would had been released from much of the additional amplified bloodlust side-effects when we slew them (akin to what happened with the orcs and Mannoroth – but without the pact).

  • :star: Ideally it’d be cool to learn some loyal Fel-orcs helped us slay Magtheridon to both tie the knot of their espionage efforts & release them from their burdens … Getting a fel-orc representative amongst the orcs who was there & did such a feat would be preferable too.
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Eredar leadership followed Sargeras willinging… that’s a big difference from the average citizen.

Even today there are those who serve their country not because they believe in what is being sold but instead out of fear, potentially as much for themselves as others.

Also we don’t really know how it was sold… at least I’m not aware of how it was sold to the average Eredar.

Spot on. Blizzard once again not thinking through the consequences of lore.

Everien makes a good point about redeeming Fel Orcs (though I wonder if he’d extend the same logic to Alliance or Alliance-seeming groups like Yrel’s group).


Real shame Warlocks cannot get Fyr’alath for their felguards / wrathguards.

I feel like shadowmourne and Fyr’alath should be open to warlocks purely for felguard transmog. I mean it is not like the warlocks themselves will be able to use the legendaries for actual combat purposes. Even more so for Fyr’alath since any class that can mog into 2hand axes can mog into it. So weird that Fyr’alath is not class restricted w.r.t transmog like most other legendary weapons are.


Cataclysm added Quartermaster Dekrok and Horde Portal-Sentry that appear as Fel Orcs near the Dark Portal.


The fel orcs only served the Legion between the shattering of Draenor and the events of TFT, while they were under Magtheridon’s control. Then Illidan defeated him and assumed control of them by way of controlling their infusion with the imprisoned Magtheridon’s cursed blood.

I’d imagine at least some of the fel orcs could be rehabilitated, especially since some of them were being created against their will from captured Mag’har and Azeroth orcs. Also fel orcs aren’t technically fully demonic, so it’s not a case of adding immortal orcs who can’t permanently die outside the Twisting Nether. Overall it’d be a mixed bag, since a bunch of the older fel orcs would be from certain particular Old Horde clans that were bloodthirsty maniacs to begin with and just became even worse with each stage of corruption, while others would have been more stable and reasonable before they either succumbed out of desperation to survive Outland or were captured and infused with Magtheridon’s blood.

AU fel orcs, if they ever appeared again, would be trickier because the existence of the AU Mag’har kind of provides for any orcs who didn’t outright choose to drink the blood and become corrupted after already trying to destroy their own universe’s draenei and invade Azeroth, so the AU orcs who accepted Gul’dan’s offer when even Grommash still refused would have been pretty much all-in on the idea in order to salvage their failing conquest.

The eredar were really more of a stretch than fel orcs because despite them being sold something very different from what they actually received, Sargeras outright rewrote the population into demons en masse, and they all came out of it thirsting for the blood of Velen and his followers. The whole retconned “we secretly disagreed and wanted to quit this whole time” thing doesn’t really add up with the manner in which they were converted and their immediately corrupted personalities upon being transformed.


Kil’Jaeden use to have a method of scrying for absolute loyalty & detecting any sign of treachery.

Such was implemented on the Eredar & other ranks of races to prevent any chance of insurrection or them abandoning their infernally diabolical ambitions & cause.

In the book ‘Illidan

Kil’Jaeden uses such a method to scry the minds of Illidan and his subjects, through great tremendous willpower and guile → Illidan was able to obscure his motives & plans from him, however the rest of his allies looked grim (Fortunately Illidan kept his true goals from them).

  • It’s speculated that through this mind-scrying technique that Kil’Jaeden detected the desperation of Kael’Thas Sunstrider and the opportunities to be seized and that it was the prime moment he had been conscripted into the Legion’s ranks with a lucrative offer for a monumental price …

So :clap: Back to the Eredar …

Keep in mind also, that just about all of the Eredar we faced took glee & pleasure in their actions and rarely – if at all, made any indication to sever themselves from the Legion or even show an ounce towards a decorum of mercy.

So in a sense, you could state that save except an extreme-short-few truly utmost cunning & strong-willed of the Eredar — The vast mass majority were indeed absolutely willingly loyal to Sargeras, their leaders and their overall cause.


It could happen, but it hasn’t yet as there isn’t much demand for red orcs.

Its nice that the quest does point out others Velen considers to have sufficiently repented for major sins, but bringing in an entire group of Man’ari because one gave Velen a nice rock is a bit much.

Sure, give em a chance to prove their repentance is real and help them fight against the Eredar who still believe in the Legion, but integrating them into your forces?

I think it would have been much more plausible if this group showed up in Legion and assisted us


Problem there is it creates a planet of hats situation… and then follows up with a paradox…

By this standard then none should exist who are not evil. If you are able to “big brother” the minds of your entire people perfectly than you won’t have any who don’t fit into the desired mindset.

If you do have those who are not loyal, evil, sadists, then you can’t actually “big brother” your society and thus you don’t actually have that planet of hats… thus you have a very messy situation.

You don’t say…

Which is just another trope of writing to show how “special” the “good” ones are.

In case you can’t tell I find this style of storytelling rather weak.

But it’s all good, we can just use the unreliable narrator trope to rewrite that history and make a people who actually have depth and nuance, rather than just being a planet of hats…

That would have been much more fun, especially if they weren’t just more light cultists… getting boring having to keep working with the cultists and crusaders for everything that ever happens on a galactic scale.


Honestly – That’s kind of the point I’m making though.

That ultimately the Eredar joining the Alliance under the wing of the Draenei just seems extremely out of place via some Mary-Sue BS writing to justify it …

Like, if they had Eredar who were originally stationed in Outland before escaping to another world, who were actually originally Draenei seperated from Velen and his lot after the sundering of Draenor — Not knowing if there were other survivors, that they had made the grim decision towards drinking demon blood to "blend in" to ensure survival – I would have found that far more convincing & somewhat intriguing than what they pulled instead. :person_shrugging:


Perhaps kil’jaeden was fudging the numbers to sargearas given the sole reason he joined was to not have his species wiped out


If Eredar can be redeemed then anyone can really.


The one blade I might farm the Fel-Encrusted 2h blade from Mythic HFC. That’s a cool blade that fits a fel/wrathguard. I haven’t found any others that fit a felguard