It’s not going anywhere because it’s a plot device for next expansion. Technically we are stuck in shadowlands, so when we “get back” to Azeroth (lore wise) there will be stuff happening. My bet is that the light is taking over the place, like in alternate draenor.
I don’t see anything else happening- maybe something to do with titans bein bad but doubt it.
Nope, we’ve got no idea, and that’s really the trick. In order to cut the metal, we need to know what it is, so we can find an element that can actually cut into it. I doubt heat is going to do the trick, given that it was being held by Sargeras who was quite literally on fire.
Removing the sword will likely require a Titan, either Azeroth herself when she awakens, or another Titan, and then the question is, should it even be removed?
When someone is stabbed IRL any doctor worth their salt will tell the person not to remove the blade, because pulling it out causes more damage and lets the wound bleed freely. The same would be true of Azeroth. The last time a major wound was caused by a Titan ripping something out of Azeroth, it almost killed the world soul and that was when Aman’thul tore Yshaarj out of the ground. To tear a blade out of Azeroth that is that big? That would result in a cataclysmic wound that I don’t think the forces of Azeroth could heal, and the world soul would die as a result.
Arthas, King of the Lordaeronians!
I dub it sargerite. Do we have that already?
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Ji Firepaw sweatin’ hard right now.
LOL. Well now I like to think Sargeras was edgy enough to forge something from his own blood.
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The Druids were throwing leaves at it.
It’s fine, everything is fine…
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Well we can’t just leave the afterlife and go back, can we?
Oh wait, we can? Then why aren’t we going back and getting help for this death soul mall thing?
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they probably cut that part out cause blizz is now a small indie company owned by actifail. i wouldnt expect the whole sword thing to be resolved for at least another 5+ years then maybe. if they need to rehash that zone for something else.
The corruption was removed and the wound in the world soul was healed. Now it’s just a chunk of stuff, no different than the rest of the planet. You don’t think there are mineral veins running just as deep? It’s basically just another rock formation now.
Azeroth is not an actual physical being inside the planet like a chicken egg or something. She’s a spirit. The physical makeup of the planet doesn’t affect her like that.
Azeroth is into piercings now.
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nah they plan to make so we use the combine might of both gnomes and goblins, followed by fueled by the tons of azerite we gathered, to shrink the sword and we use it as a legendary as we fight an endless war against the void lords.
also we get to cut planets in half.
Easiest thing would be for Silithus to regrown lush. Plant a new world tree that would grow over the sword with time. Wouldn’t have to remove it but could atleast make the zone not look like trash.
Hey we have a planet that bleeds, better the sword in there then a huge gaping hole for the blood to poor out of
Reminds me of the same dilemma we had on the Wandering Isle with the splintered ship in the side of the turtle in MoP.
Do we pull it out and heal the wound or leave it in and let the turtle (In this case Azeroth) suffer?
Hey night elves! We found a new home for you!
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over time it will erode and form Mount Silithis.