So about that 4+ shaman 4+ boomkin every bg

I’m not ret. :frowning: I’m a holy paladin aka unicorn spec. (We do exist!)

Bubble is an incredibly oppressing tool in a pvp setting that is as fast paced as SOD. I would never disagree with that.

What people tend to push back on when everyone brings up bubble is its 5min CD. People complain about bubble as if it’s up every fight, yet will complain in another post about pvp trinket being a 5min CD and it’s not up enough.

Bubble is OP in a fast meta, but a fast meta means fights are over/done far more often than every 5 minutes. I am in the camp of “nerf damage during bubble”, but I am not sure they need to do much else in addition to that. Any and all paladin utility is just a purge away from being useless.

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well honestly im of the camp that 3-5 min cooldowns are up nearly every fight in ab , especially when you have to res (can take up to 30 seconds) regroup and travel back to the node and even more so if you pop it early-mid fight as fights last around 3-5 mins at the most on a node.

what alot of people dont get is now (especially since the 50% nerf to riptide and earthshield) ele shaman absolutely rely on the 3 min cooldown (to kite mostly not so much for the stun though it is nice) to even function.

their lack of range combined with the rely on a low proc that sometimes procs like mad and other times is dryer than the desert or HARD CAST EVERYTHING while being stuck in melee other than shocks which are on a 5-6 second cooldown (depends on talent points) .

if they take the speed from the wolves we truly will be a free kill to nearly everyone in the game.

yet moonkin/pallies/hunters all are stronger and people still defend them like they cant see how possibly they are op .

its stupid.

i was one of those that said ok, moonkin / pallies/ hunters/ ele are strong so lets not call for nerfs for each other and maybe bring up suffering classes like mages.

well then they gutted the shaman healing to the point of it being almost useless to even keep earthshield up or cast riptide at all and ive had enough.

yes i want revenge nerfs cause im sick of people calling for nerfs on my class while ignoring their own op crap but also if they really are gonna go ahead and nerf for the sake of balance, they might as well nerf the actually op classes too right?

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The dude plays a hunter and judging from his remarks a terrible one at that. He also plays blindfolded… not realizing when there 4+ Paladins in his bg group.


ya i think i would probably be angry if i played blindfolded, of course maybe i wouldnt as i wouldnt know if i was winning or losing lol.

though the sound of a rogue coming out of stealth would still terrify me lol.

You have an extra 30% health you don’t need healing. Starting a fight with 30% extra health is like having a 30% heal with no GCD and it has no cooldown except being out of combat and healing up. The dev also said he’s coming after hunters next I don’t think they should do that but oh well
Looks like they taking nerf everyone route.

I would take 30% perma health buff over frenzy regen

lol imagine being able to stun and kill people in 3 hits… with zero energy management… dictating when a fight happens, being able to escape at any point… vs relying on idiots literally walking into a trap to be able to burst… hilarious actually.

You guys are still doing BGs?

an [Ice Cold Milk] says this dorf runs his wordhole nonstop in every single BG – sapping the entire Alliance team’s motivation – and ends the match with 1 Killing Blow, 20 Deaths, and half as many HKs as the players who spent 20 minutes guarding the stables.


the life of a flag guarder is a hard one , full of rogues and feral druids trying to solo cap .

too bad im playing my sl/nf warlock and guarding those flags :smiley: .

Got crit by a Sunfire for 1k today. The druid was already dead… That was a TICK OF SUNFIRE!

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Maybe because they aren’t? I have seen videos that we can do crazy burst in world PvP. But why does this matter?

Worst offenders

Ret paladins, Boomkins, Shammies, Hunters

They all need their survivability and dmg nerfed by ATLEAST 50% if not more. The PVP dmg nerf is 30-40% and yet these classes hit like that nerf isnt even there. Compared to other classes.

They need 2x the pvp dmg nerf that other classes currently have and survivability in pvp taken away.

Druids that cant be brought down by 5 ppl cause they popped frenzied + barkskin is a joke.

Hunters that cant be hit cause of deterance while resetting the fight with a trap on almost no CD to then stand still and delete half your hp bar with an aimed shot lmao

Shamans. nuffs said their burst is disgusting. Yeet delete tier.

Paladins, same as shamans but they also have a clown tier 12 second shield to push, chase, or do w/e the heck they like in a pvp setting with no downside

its not just wpvp. its also in bgs which ive been telling you several times now.

Because Paladins deserve to be OP in PvP. Because Horde got all of the Alliance’s PvE racials and Alliance got none of the Horde’s PvP racials. Because Ret Paladin is the worst dps spec in PvE. Because Alliance need some sort of boost in order to win 30-40% of the BGs instead of <5%.

There’s no such thing as symmetrical balance in Classic WoW. SoD suffers from the same issue. That’s why we need to rely on asymmetrical balance.

Alliance gets Paladins OP in PvP, Horde gets everything else and the kitchen sink. Fair? Nope, still favors the Horde. But it’s better than nothing like we had in Phase 2-4.


no class deserves to be op in pvp. If you want to clown, join a circus


Geared Ret Paladins are the only thing propping the Alliance up in PvP at this point. Alliance needs them, otherwise Horde’s advantage goes from merely being over the top to truly insurmountable.

If you want symmetrical balance, go play retail where everything is homogenized and factions don’t matter anymore.

Here in SoD, asymmetrical balance is the name of the game, and PvE geared Ret Paladins are literally the only thing Alliance has going for them in PvP. Dumb? Yes. Sad? 100%. But it’s still true.

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This is cope. Paladins deserve to be OP? That same logic can be used for ANY other class. It just so happens to be the class you play. Horde get "everything else. Except the broken class?

Pretty sure ally priests got the horde priest racials too. So that argument is moot. You want tremor totem? By all means, have it, its junk and can be out ranged with in fear all the time. Hardiness, pretty sure it got stealthed nerfed by blizzard, it almost never works (tested in duals repeatedly at like 5%).

1000% agree, there is no perfect balance here. By any chance, hey Blizzard if your listening to this, give us Horde racials and nerf our set bonus in PvP. I’m down.

Blizzard has admitted that they do not check forums. They have esstentially said our opinions do not matter.

Remember “You think you do, but you don’t.”

Yea… They want us to play their new garbage because if it was just sustaining a 20 year old game 80% of them would be out of a job.

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Yeah you may as well take a RNG 1-9 and assign each class to a number, then role the number out twice. Whichever one gets rolled first is buffed, the second gets nerfed lol

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