He was one of the best things out of Shadowlands and took an exit to the left before things crashed down for the Jailer.
Where within the next 3 expansion does he fit and we get to see him again?
He was one of the best things out of Shadowlands and took an exit to the left before things crashed down for the Jailer.
Where within the next 3 expansion does he fit and we get to see him again?
He decided a career change would be in the best interests of his long term health given the fate of the Jailer and every other big bad who has taken on the wandering murder hobos from Azerorth. He took all the gold from his private vault, changed his name, bought a chain of McDonald’s franchises in Idaho and is living a quiet life in obscurity.
Well his essence is still in that sentient blade (forget what it’s called) as far as we know. So however he comes back that’s gotta be addressed
We’re gonna grab him while he’s still in there and use him to fight my ex-knife and save the day in the next expansion. Boom, TWW is over. You’re welcome writing team.
Sire D will most likely take over the burning Legion and be a shoe in for more DH races.
He’s currently sipping Mai Tai’s on some tropical Dreadlord controlled planet.
I seem to recall the Dreadlord plot line being open ended at the end of SL, with him tied to it. No idea if/how that comes up in the trilogy.
Fyrakk went to the Elemental Planes so he is still alive. The Big Bad of Dragonflight gets away in the end as does Helya, Azshara, Denathrius and Iridikron while Mueh’zala and Sargeras are sealed away!
Ever since Legion’s Final Major Patch the Major Interesting Bad Guys keep going all Exit Stage Left.
Unfortunately Blizzard couldn’t get the hint that Zul and Eternal Emperor Korthek of the Sethrak Empire should have gotten an Exit Stage Left like the others.
Of course both can be resolved with Mueh’zala’s escape from his prison easily. Zul should have gone to De Other Side so Mueh’zala should be capable of getting into contact with him.
He lives on in my heart…and whenever there are frontals in M+, because “SCREAM FOR ME” is my sound effect.
Pretty sure he’s bookmarked for future potentials. He was also decided last minute to be brought ‘back from the dead’ so I doubt they have concrete plans yet.
as with all vampire lords, he disappeared in mysterious circumstances coincidentally at the same time as jackie daytona, human bartender, opened a bar & grill in the rundown dustbowl belly of moonbrook in westfall. armed with nothing but his love of the local defias women’s volleyball team.
A safe speculation will be in “the last titan” since we’re going back to northrend. And that’s where the san’layn and blood magic happens (well most blood magic)
I’ve been suspecting he’ll be involved for the war within, the arathi feel too much like the scarlet crusade that one of his dreadlords has to be involved.
…and their zone resemble revendreth…
steal qamaits mai tai
I’m still so mad at what they did with Zul and Rastakhan. Both were such interesting characters IMO who had been teased from afar but we only just got to meet and then they died almost instantly. Zul was such a fantastic villain so it was sad that he ended up as fodder for us while we fought to take down some discount old god.
I’m just picturing dreadlords holding a little cup with a straw up to the sword he’s in
My crazy theory:
The Nathrezim took him back to Nathreza and got him out of the blade, where he gets so ticked off that we screwed everything up for him, that he becomes the new leader of the Burning Legion, gathers up what’s left of the demons and comes at us.
BfA was a strange story. Teldrassil was destroyed, horde was kinda enslaved, zul and tul were villains independent stories to the horde and the alliance, and then wrathion shows up to take down n’zoth which was released by opposing forces sent to a dry section of the naga kingdom.
…also li li remained small.
Idk but hopefully when we do Venthyr will be playable.
Given he’s the leader of the Nathrezim and they’ve been behind a lot of the bad that’s been happening during WoW, I’d expect him to turn up in a future expansion, maybe Midnight.