Truly epic title that will be desired, but other covenant’s titles are very very bad in comparison. Winter’s envoy? Hand of Archon? Baron? Baroness? They fail in comparison to the epicness that is count/countess. I hope they become acc-wide after shadowlands.
I’m going to disagree and say I think I actually like Baron / Baroness as much, if not more.
Just wait for the Count Choculas to replace Captain Obvious and Dora the Explorers.
I’d rather have the Baron title, I don’t even know how to count
Winter’s Envoy sounds like some kind of Godiva liqueur. Indulge yourself this holiday season with the smooth white chocolate flavor of Winter’s Envoy.
Hand of Archon is also lame. Seeing as Archon (and The Jailer) is about the most generic and uninspired name I’ve heard recently. Very low effort, there.
Sadly, this is enough to make me rethink my covenant choice.
The 2 covenants I wanted based on rp have the worse titles
Yes, please.
im sorry i had to
BRB rolling a new toon
Baron/Baroness would be great as well, not gonna lie.
But isn’t the Maldraxxus title “Prime” or something
Gotta admit I wouldn’t have minded “The Horned Hunter” being a renown/quest title reward for Ardenweald… that’s actually part of my Discord name XD.
“It’s you and me Megatron” Megatron: “no it’s just me PRIME!”
Winter’s envoy is weak. It should be one of the titles used by the members of the queen’s court. Droman is the one I think. It’s much cooler
I think the easiest answer is just to nerf the title so that no one feels like they are locked into picking a specific covenant just to have something fun. Make the title just Mr / Mrs.
Baron/Baroness seems to be about the same? no idea why it is different. I mean you can prefer one but both are types of nobility titles.
Winter’s envoy is truly truly bad though lol.
Hand of Archon is okay I guess.
Count and Baron ess are definitely the best.
Baron and Baroness are decent, but I will be Count Volodar and I want to suck your blo… anima! Bleh! Bleh!
I feel this is comparable.
I agree that the Night Fae and Bastion ones are weak AF, though.
I’m not Dracula. Don’t call me “Count”
I don’t count I envoy.
Power overwhelming!
I really REALLY hope we get some more titles for each covenant…