So about Frost DK's, MM, sub rogues

Ultimately, mm is just a damage bot. Doesn’t really have a place in high rated play or tournaments anyways. Survival is the more complex spec and should be played over it no matter what.

Higher skill cap should always be rewarded.
Just turn mm into PvE spec.

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I like the fact you guys can have a convo without rating bashing or name calling. Proud of you guys… #buffsub

#buffsub 10chars

It’s sad that all these people are trying to come up with ways to fix MM, when MM was completely fine pre-WoD. Survival in WoD was an amazing spec, and was the last time hunters actually played as hunters should: a mobile ranged spec that is king of kiting.

To fix the spec, all you’d have to do is just bring it back to its pre-Legion state. Blizzard needs to just realize that their new ideas are simply bad most of the time in this game and look back to what worked in the past. Whoever post-WoD design team is just have bad ideas. Mugumbala is a horrible arena that shouldn’t be in the game, the Seething Shore battleground is quite possibly the worst one out of them all besides Isle of Conquest, shimmer exists, etc. These are all simply bad ideas.

Hunters need to be an extremely mobile, kiting-based class. Our defenses are far too weak for us to face-tank damage. Having to stand still to cast our main ability doesn’t make any sense at all for a class thats only hope of survival is to kite damage. This is just common sense, and I don’t understand why the current design team doesn’t understand this.

BTW, Demon Hunters who use Rain From Above do more ranged dps than any ranged hunter spec can do.