So about feral convoke

All you’d have to do is put your bleeds up before you convoke and there’s a good change you’ll rng bite kids to death instantly.

That is not what the OP stated though.

The OP said that he opened (I assume with a rake), then convoked, which will not cause more than 1-2 bites off the bat.

why waste vanish when you could just kick him

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Depends they could be lucky lol. Many times I’ve had a boomy delete a team mate 1 sec outta stealth.

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Boomies were a bit different, they had guaranteed crits with the Legendary “Balance of All Things”, and their magical spells ignore armor. Ferals don’t have either of those luxuries.

I tested this convoke build on my druid, in mostly duelist gear, 226 convoke conduit, badge, and savage roar (for the 15% flat damage boost), and the highest ferocious bite (with a crit) was 25-26k.

Yes, that is insane and unjustifiable damage, especially that can be used more than once per cast, but it takes a lot of setup and luck to get that off.

You need to get your bleeds to try and force it to cast bites, you need your damage modifications up (Savage roar and Badge), and need to make sure you are in a position where you can cross CC the enemy team so you don’t get kicked.

On top of all that, you need to luck out and get multiple crits in a row on a very specific ability (which isn’t awful since you should have LoTP and some crit gear, but RNG on top of RNG on top of more RNG makes it rough).


It is possible. It does not happen often and requires the stars to align.


To be fair, I’m relatively new to arena forums so I don’t know OP’s history, but I’m floating in between 1700 and 1773 in arena. I think the reason no one insults me over it is because I don’t make threads calling for nerfs all the time, and just accept I need to improve, and play more, or whatever.

If I were constantly saying Hpals need buffs, nerf everything so Hpals are better, etc. when there’s a galaxy of high MMR Hpals on the leaderboards–I would catch the same flame OP seems to.


i see. I had no idea. Im no expert pvp guy or anything of the sort but just noticed this post and was trying to be nice


Honestly convoke is not what makes druids OP.
Its being able to shape shift with out any real penalty and removing all slows in the process.

If none feral druids had to pay like…1/3rd their mana cost to shift to another form, it would solve most of the problems that make druids OP

Literally every part of this is wrong

If a feral gets a convoke off on you and he’s playing the 1m convoke legendary you won’t survive. Even if I battle master and desperate prayer for 90k hp before it can still kill me in the pounce stun.

It’s usually not a huge issue in 3s if you play around it with good teammates but they almost always have a hpal for aura mastery so keep a stun.

I don’t believe this for a second. Convoke is predictable and easy to counter as long as you trade CD’s and trinket properly.

It’s just as easy in 2s to stop it.

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You’re actually a clueless :clown_face:.
Just 1 mediocre half baked setup and convoke kills.
Convoke is whatever but when you add in the 1min convoke Lego then there’s a problem. Quit being a :clown_face:

Why do you sound like you just got convoke by a feral?

Why do you act like you have a clue?

What don’t you believe? That convoke wont solo you in a stun?

It’s easier to stop in 3s then 2s as there more people and harder to cross cc 3 then 2.

you pet nova, i trinket

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I don’t believe the 1 minute convoke legendary would do that much damage with that much HP, with some kind of defensives up.

You are welcome to post a screenshot of your 90k HP character being convoked to death though!

If you don’t have:

-any defensive ability you can use while stunned
-any auto proc defensive like a cheat death mechanic/shield etc

Then convoke can kill.

i lost all respect here.

should have x2 of those in 2s, and x3 of those in 3x, so again, a non-issue if properly rotated.

Your healer should be able to cast a defensive on you before they can set it up.