So, 9.0.5 is only to address streamers and m+?

It’s not though. People can’t solo content they were soloing before Shadowlands.

No, they just want the legacy buff turned on in raids from two expansions ago.

Most Mythic Legion raids can’t be soloed. Not just a couple of bosses. It’s four year old content. I was soloing Mythic HFC the end of Legion.

This is false.

Not wrong. I addressed BfA gearing issues.


I’m also confused by this


Lol, no you didn’t. Having multiple gearing paths didn’t ruin the game for anybody but a few whiny leets.

  1. M+ in BFA was all about the weekly chest, and M+ in SL is all about the great vault. Nothing has changed, there. The end-of-dungeon drops in BfA were vendor trash after a couple weeks, just like the end-of-dungeon drops in SL. Nothing has changed, here.
  2. People complained incessantly that Horrific Visions were too hard. Just like people complained that Mage Tower was too hard. And just like people complained that Torghast was too hard. THANK GOD Torghast doesn’t give end-of-run loot, can you imagine how much worse the complaints would have been, if it did?
  3. Invasions were basically world quests/emissaries. These are still in the game, the problem is that the Covenant sets made them obsolete (along with normal raids, Mythic dungeons, and the first few levels of M+ keys).

If there’s a legit complaint, it’s with the covenant sets, which were too easy to get, too fast to get, and made a ton of content obsolete.

It’s no coincidence that all of these “there’s no progression path for solo players!” threads started the MOMENT that everyone mass-unlocked the full covenant gear sets.


Hyperbole much? Especially since this is the supposed playerbase they are catering to, so why would that catered to playerbase leave? Lol.

Actually things like Avatar that basically are gauranteed to drop you into a deathpit are pretty hard to solo if you don’t have a pet to cheese the mechanics, I know because my monk friend and I were going after it for a Tmog run and there were some pretty ridiculous scaling fights like avatar, maiden, prob KJ I wouldn’t know I got stonewalled by Avatar.

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Gear raining from the sky at levels I shouldn’t be getting it at was neither engaging or exciting. It was boring and unrewarding. Blizzard clearly felt the same way. They even have a very long explanation about it.

Sorry you think “leets” are somehow responsible for a crappy gearing system getting fixed.


We repeatedly warned everyone that Blizzard was going to screw up the level squish, but everybody kept insisting that everything would be fine and the level squish was wonderful.



Why does everyone love Legion raids so much?

I’m just curious.

Players who are 200+ are already beyond the gear wall. The goal should be to get more players interested in running mythics/raids, not locking them behind the wall, and then scolding them for being unable to get interested in trying to scale that gear wall.

If you are already geared, why should it bother you that other players up against the wall currently, are being helped over it?

The players this affects the most, are on the cusp of 200 already, who continually get hit with poor RNG. I constantly hear about how we need more players in m+/raids, but the players who are working to get there are unwelcomed unless they struggle?

Weird stance.


You realize blizzard actually holds events/discussion with streamers and people like you aren’t invited.

You probably can solo legion raids on normal difficulty.

I’m confused. Are you saying that the reason people who don’t want to do dungeons or raids aren’t doing them, is because they’re undergeared? Because I see a ton of complaints from people who have the gear, they simply refuse to do dungeons or raids. And then they complain about it.

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I don’t know. Maybe it’s because 9.0.5 is primarily a balancing patch with some QoL additions. It’s not a full-fledged patch. That’s what 9.1 is for.


some fights on normal. Eonar is still unsoloable due to the whole mechanics

Awesome transmog and mounts.


And when a casual hits 200+ just from getting PvP or rep gear and weekly quest gear they’re absolutely ready for M+ and raiding. They’re actually overgeared for it.

Giving them higher than that would do what exactly? If they don’t want to do it now when they’re overgeared for it, giving them higher gear isn’t going to give them more incentive.

The incentive is to do the content to get the higher gear.

You made your own wall. I’m perfectly fine where I’m at and not wanting to run higher content. I made the choice to be casual and not run high keys or raids. So I’m exactly where I should be.

I never hear this. And not sure why we need to force people into content they don’t want to do. They’re already at the level to do the content.

What are you even talking about? If you’re around 200 ilevel, you can run M+ up to 10s and you’re already geared for Heroic raiding. What more do you want??

The end goal should be to get more people interested in running current content, and if making that path easier is the way to do so, why should it affect people who are already geared, if that’s what’s done?

Or is this really about having gear other people don’t?


If solo players can’t get 226 gear facerolling easy content, then the game is built for streamers/elitists.

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They can already run that content. They choose not to.