"Smurfing doesnt stop anyone from hitting their rating"

Who is Nas? Never heard of him/her.

The same boomy you were rude to not even 30 minutes ago!

Nasrajin :slight_smile:


show the mean things he said to himā€¦

They arenā€™t very nice.

But youā€™re conflating CR with XP. If the 3k xp team is consistently playing at 2400, then theyā€™re playing as a 2400 team. if theyā€™re streaking and you win, you usually get a +20 and lose 0-2. I DO understand why people are upset, I just donā€™t think itā€™s worth getting significantly upset about, and I think that most proposed solutions make the game worse and more frustrating, not better.

It wonā€™t reduce any smurfing/boosting, in fact it would likely increase it.

WDYM? You knew it was me and you flamed me for cloning an evoker low on his wall + in earthen during his eternity surge cast while I was at 5% and out of the range of the ret paladin. If I didnā€™t clone him there, I literally died. You sent some damage into the clone instead of hitting the ret (also at 30%) with no wall, shield, or bubble/loh/spellwarden.

Then you proceeded to flame me in whispers and in lobby chat afterwards.

Swole, there are absolutely people who are more toxic to you than you deserve, but you go out of your way to be antagonistic, rude, and try to put down others.

You have put in so many games and genuinely climbed to be one of the better evoker (and prob enh) shaman players in the game, especially in shuffle, but you donā€™t get respect because you donā€™t respect others. You could legitimately be an icon for the community of a person who grinds, puts in work, and contacts success, but instead you throw it away to be angry for the sake of being angry.


No we arenā€™t, we are talking about same current spec cr difference, where the team would be at a different mmr if they were playing their same specced character.

There is no coherent explanation for why this would boost smurfing, since the only impact is how the other teams MMR and CR gains are calculated.

You and kennie massively overestimate the amount of elastic MMR. And both make the false assumption that teams from LFG or small session teams will quickly change MMR to be put in the right place. The reality is the skill difference between players at 2.1 to 2.4 is minor. However, beating 2.4 players on 2.2 characters does not give you the appropriate boost in mmr and cr, meaning that section of the bracket is so harder then it should be.

There is a reason there is a massive fall off, and that LFG is floating around 2.1.

Been playing with them since unchained.

They just got a DH/dev glad a few weeks ago because itā€™s busted and we were queueing ww/DH which is a D tier comp

Insert the ret reroll and weā€™re stuck 2300 for a few days then itā€™s easy

I definitely know that Iā€™m lucky I donā€™t have to fight the LFG battle, but competitive gaming is about networking and social skills anytime itā€™s not a solo ladder.

I met my teammates playing Fortnite tournaments lol


Wow quite the story lol. They made you reroll ret huh.

People say the darnedest things.

I guess it just depends on how good someone gets but I donā€™t understand how anyone has time for so many alts to get to gladiator with. Every time I push pvp its a struggle and for others its justā€¦Insanely simple. I still get it done but seeing some of the pros on youtube. ITs like second nature. Itā€™s insane.

Itā€™s all about learning what you lost to and how you won. A LOT of people donā€™t even try to do that, they just slam their damage and use their cc and hope they win.

Yeah Iā€™m aware. Solo shuffle is a true training ground for that for anyone having trouble learning a class or build. I recently learned how to kite Rogues, monks, feral druids because they are so mobile and vicious.

The game is very diverse in how a class works and it changes every expansion so it feels weird whenever you have to kinda relearn your own class lol.

This is like saying it sucks that itā€™s harder to rip people off because thereā€™s so much information available on the internet.

The answer to meta abuse is more frequent tuning.

Thereā€™s always going to be things that are exploitable. More often tuning can obv help solve that, but being able to gold boost to whatever got tuned to be the best spec and then quickly gear it up, is also an issue.

I 100% agree with this, but honestly thatā€™s something that dissuades a LOT of people from playing the game. I know a ton of people who are a glad from 4 years ago or w/e and their spec played ENTIRELY different in BFA and the meta was ENTIRELY different that donā€™t want to try and relearn their class, so they just say ā€œGameā€™s badā€ and donā€™t try.

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Iā€™ve been playing WoW and competitive games for a long time. One thing that is incredibly clear is that when an ELO system loses a critical mass of players, then the ranking system breaks down. The game becomes less and less competitive because its ranking doesnā€™t actually work.

WoW has passed the point where its ELO system does itā€™s job. Outliers at the top and bottom will have decent matchmaking, but less so where most people play at. For example, the amount of 1600 ranked matches that will include all actually 1600 players has got to be vanishingly small.

This kind of degradation occurred in other Blizz games too like HotS and WC3. WoW is probably there, or close to it. Smurfs/Alts just naturally make a bigger impact when the player pool drops lower. Smurfs/Alts also occur more when higher rated players canā€™t find games (or bored of fighting the same people) and make more alts. Eventually a small group of dedicated players remain as their impact and contribution to the declining population is felt more and more.

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Hots was weird because itā€™d actually grab, like, a plat player and throw them into a masters match. Or silver and diamond. That can make for some real wonky and lopsided games if your bronzie tries to pick up genji and theirs is on Azmodan.

Idk it doesnā€™t seem too unreasonable right now especially since like

If thereā€™s a higher rated player in a lower game then itā€™s often due to considerably lower teammate, them trying new comp, gearing, etc, etc

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