"Smurfing doesnt stop anyone from hitting their rating"

You could just as easily say it has a positive impact for all the people who are excited by their rating that they get to Q into better players and learn things and take away things from those games too, though.

If anyone quits because they Q into a booster/smurf a few times, then they were going to quit regardless. It’s not worth making sweeping changes that would up-end everyone’s enjoyment to address a problem that isn’t REALLY a problem.

I HARD disagree; I had a TON of fun when I was first Qing into gladiator players. It was exhilarating when I won and it was a learning experience when I lost. Also, there REALLY isn’t a huge difference between 2.2 and 2.4

There are plenty of players that have gotten a lucky night(s) of Qs and gotten 2.4 and then tanked down to 2.2 as well, especially if they’re having an off night or playing with new people; should they just have to lose every single game then and only fight other current glads? MMR goes both ways. If a current glad is playing 2-2.2k for anything more than 1-2 games, then they deserve to be there.

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Yes it is.

  1. Number is going down not up in this aspect of the game.
  2. It does not up end anyone’s enjoyment. And As you claim its not a big deal, and is pretty infrequent

Like you can’t have your cake and eat it too. Either this is a basically non issue that isnt imapcting anyone, or its super integral to the state of the game. Pick one.

I don’t think any of you realize how gutted the player base for 3s is going to be in tww.

A current glad shouldn’t be stuck at 2.2k on the same spec, correct.

Good on you for having a growth mindset

Except they most certainly can be. :dracthyr_love_animated: Esp if not playing main team. Idk what this discussion is even more it’s like thinly veiled ranting about something that can’t and won’t ever change and how easy rewards aren’t easy enough.

If you can’t beat a few R1 alts on your way to glad then you probably shouldn’t save your glad for the last two weeks

I just beat a s3 R1 shadow play team tonight and I am not R1 skilled

You got to beat people above you, to climb.

The alt problems don’t need to be solved with a mmr rework. There needs to be a reason for those players to not be on their alts. The lack of percentage based rewards is the real issue. There is no reason to queue beyond 2400 once you finish your wins unless you’re an established R1 team or close to getting your first

These players are not different my friend (for the most part)

The difference in climbing from 2.2 to 2.4 is often one little tweak for your comp.

We were sorta stuck 2.2-2.3ish and then my pres started running time stop to help with anytime I was scared on forbearance and now we’re 2510 …

If you’re 2.2 you should be foaming at the mouth to queue into more glads so you can figure out what you need to do to not be 2.2 anymore

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That unfortunately is not how it works.

If I play Demo/Boomy and only queue into affi splay, or dk/assa for instance, I simply do not win around 2.4. The comps themselves are auto wins into my comp. Other comps are very similar to this.

If I play my mainteam WWDK however, yeah, I won’t be sitting 2.2-2.4 and will be farming to top 50 of the ladder.

Comp matters, just as much as the team you play with matters. But queues are another factor.

Raw mechanics only get you so far.


I mean you’re playing with two people that already got glad, but it’s nice that they’re doing some charity work and taking you under their wing

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He’s also playing ret lol.

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I’d be fine with this, but boosters won’t actually care, because they don’t push or care about pushing. It doesn’t really fix anything; in fact, it’d probably INCREASE boosting because then r1 serious pushers would spam more games on their alts because they’d lose more and stay low to farm their 150 wins at end of season.

You really don’t get why people are pissed about this, the issue is that you aren’t rewarded accurately for the skill of the opponent. This posted solution directly resolves this without impacting anything else. Is a relatively compact solution, but the coding needed is the issue to implement.

Heard you were saying very not nice things about nas?

Care to explain yourself?

It’s fair to accept that this game is an mmo and will never be a competitive PvP game. Simple as that tbh. Once you acknowledge that then you’ll be

a. Happier accepting the truth.

b. Move on to a different game that will fulfill your competitive need/drive.

Need you to explain why you insulted nas in a shuff tonight…


He’s dodging how rude he is. How rude!

costing my boy a 6-0 and then insulting him is just crazy man…

i cant even q into him for vengeance as hes still too low for me :confused:

My evoker is higher than you tho :o


Imagine my MMR is still 200 higher than you :confused:

So tragic that you can’t explain why you were so rude to nas!