"Smurfing doesnt stop anyone from hitting their rating"

This is how it should be. If a player is at lower rating than they normally play at, then there’s mitigating factors making them less than their “ideal” rating.

But I’m saying the system itself is broken and that people’s rating will rarely be “settled”. There’s too many variances going on and most people are constantly drifting because the game isn’t actually competitively ranked.

Very good clear post. Strongly agree.

They get settled within a few games, though.

I don’t think so…

Every match seems to fluctuate wildly in terms of skill level and rating. I could be fighting lower rated people on a win streak, or I could be fighting R1s. It’s all over the place, every match a coin flip.

I mean there’s always some variance

Can handily beat some glad/r1 then randomly get killed by a dev evoker and his pet male nelf assa rogue because they do 87% of your health in a dr’d kidney


For sure. I’m saying the variance is greater (and grown more) than usual because we’re using an ELO system in a player pool that doesn’t really support it. Ranks & ranking are increasingly arbitrary. Smurfs/Alts becoming more impactful is one outcome, just not the root problem.

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Are you trying to insinuate that it’s a boost??

You’re welcome to go see that unchained was the first glad that all three of us got together. You remember that one season you didn’t have the social skills to finish glad wins when it was against 1900 players ??

I rerolled ret after getting legend on WE because WW is horrible and only good with boomie which my friends do not want to play

Again, I am definitely lucky to be their friends, but I know them because I have social skills unlike Swolethyr.

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You actually have a really strong point here but I disagree that WoW is at that point yet.

You want to see a elo system that doesn’t have the players to support it? Go queue GW2 arena

As soon as you hit the equivalent of like “rival” in that game you are now top 200 in NA and queueing into the best players left on that game

Wow is fine. For every person that shouldn’t be in your game that is better than you there’s another person that shouldn’t be in your game because they’re worse than you.

Yeah, I’ve played games like that so I’ve now recognized some of the signs :joy: WoW is nowhere near that level but it’s still relatively recent that we can actually feel the cracks in the ELO system. It seems strange in WoW because it’s historically never really been a factor.

Expac will definitely help, until maybe we’re at this point again in a late season.

Bro is mad at people for having alts.

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You’re talking about variance of player performance, which is inevitable (irreducible error).

The point is really that with lower player numbers, either queue time or within-match skill rating variance has to increase. This has killed many games (BLC, battlerite), and there’s no magical solution.

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You are a racist.


Your hero did bad substances in a wendys parking lot

LOL i love gw2, but basically every pvp that isnt wvw in that game mode is cursed XD

and even wvw is pretty cursed.

account restrictions on end of season rewards standing. and with warbands kinda merging everything shouldn’t be a problem

i havent been keeping up to date with this thread because 3s bracket is lame, but yesterday i watched hansol q a fresh mage w 2 other multi r1s (rmp) getting less than 20 cr per win at like 1700 cr after like 20-25 wins just barely hitting 2400 mmr. this implies that they’re going to plow through another 20-40 teams before they actually start playing against people they should be playing against; for a rough total of like 60 teams just losing significant cr/mmr (losing to a team “below” you) because they had to fight 3 multi r1 players/boosters on main comp.
not to mention they’re probably going to have to throw games just so hansol isn’t stuck at 1900 cr and 3K mmr; which means even more will suffer. very fun bracket.

so, just that 1 q session(will be more) of 1 team on 1 of their alts.

this game was so good until they started pandering spvp to casuals and making every button give stun break, evasion, immunity, stability, pulse out weakness/blind, and be a 5s cd 3 charges.

it was much better when people actually had to pay attention to like their IP proc to make sure they landed the 10s icd burn AFTER their enemy used their condi cleanse. or when rangers would hold their blind for when a mesmer was going to cast a phantasm so it would miss/notsummon; now they just spam every button.

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