"Smurfing doesnt stop anyone from hitting their rating"

There is zero relationship between mistaking a person as someone else and wrongly working and understanding a database.

Why even bother.

I hope that in TWW they don’t do any MMR adjustments, and leave it strictly based off player participation and that it goes back to % based reward. Yall deserve it.

There is a relationship between being egregiously incorrect (even with caps lock) without first verifying your stance and wrongly working with other data that may not serve your direct, specific interest.

Not a hard line to follow, I’d assume it’d be rather easy since you seem to work with data often (albeit incorrectly).

This would result in the same people who have had glad for the last 15 seasons getting it again. It would also result in a sea of posts from players like yourself pointing at another monster under the bed as the reason for your inability to progress in a 20 year running game.

Based off the fact I posted this and before I even re-read it I saw your avatar typing, I’m going with you read the first sentence and nearly had a conniption + didn’t read anything else

No it wouldn’t. Because Wow isn’t dying, everyone knows wow sub numbers are up, but retail arena most certainly is dying.

Idk what you thought I meant, or what you thought you replied with, but try again please.

If you don’t understand how/why retail arena being in a continual state of decline in terms of player participation and how that will impact how people can climb, then I don’t know what to tell you.

I understand the issues surrounding wow arena & it’s participation far beyond any level you think you understand, so hop off the high horse.

Did you ever answer Nas’s question about the data and where it came from / how it was viewed? Or did you just incorrectly call him a smurfer with 1000s of games played to dodge that?

Nas can bother to read the explination earlier in the thread or not. It’s not like its hard to find? I mean why don’t you explain it to him, since you apparently understand this better then I do. 煞逼

So you get asked to provide the data twice for your claim, can’t do it because it’s a bunch of low tier drivel.

You then incorrectly call Nas a Smurf because you’re unable to do a check on 1/8 websites to verify that take.

Yeah 10/10 useless poster. Too bad ya don’t get your account silenced for taking up space here.

Go to pvp leaderboard, set filter to excluide alts, set targeted range.

Like its very basic? Why are you acting like this is a high thresehold? lmao. Like good god dude, are you really acting like i"m dodging? I’ve explained it twice now, it is VERY EASY and normal to do. I’m suprised someone who “understands” it at a higher level then me needs it explained to them.

In the long run, it doesn’t really.

Queue more, and eventually the effect of smurfs on your rating becomes very small.

Also don’t succumb to defeat just because they are more experienced players. Just as often as people smurf on the same spec, people are trying to learn new specs/classes and should be easy wins for you.

E.g., don’t think “oh it’s a smurf, gg, might as well afk”.

Also don’t kid yourself into thinking that you’re being held back by smurfs every lobby you lose, while simultaneously telling yourself that every lobby you thrive in is because of skill.

E.g., you’re probably getting just as many wins from beating people making/learning alts, lessening the impact of same-spec smurfs even more.


I’ve seen quite a few streamers doing carries this season, way more than I have ever noticed before. They just do it on stream without caring and I guess the person being carried doesn’t care either…kinda odd but whateveer I guess. Hard to say what the overall impact is on people trying to push glad but WoW does seem kind of dead right now so could be fairly significant. Regardless it is what it is and complaining isn’t gonna change it so like my boy Holinka always said “Queue up p*$#%”

Watched a vod recently of Lontar queueing into the same rogue 3 times back to back to back at 2100 mmr. The rogue was with a new team every time, guessing the guy was ragequitting the teams everytime they lost. The rogue teams got slaughtered in the first few minutes all 3 games.

Maybe boosting doesn’t have much of an impact long term, but on the short term, against LFG teams that are quick to disband and that make up the majority of games, it has a huge impact.

Was just watching a stream 10 min ago and saw 2 r1 tournament players doing a carry queue into 2 other r1 tournament players doing a carry. Kinda funny but yeah…seems a bit saturated atm.


This is the biggest thing that always frustrates me about these conversations. Does boosting/smurfing exist? Yes, absolutely. Should it in PVP? Probably not, at least in my opinion. However, I think the majority of people believe that, while frustrating, doesn’t really negatively impact anyone at the end of the day.

However, I think a LOT of people treat boosting/smurfing/class balance/game design (although there IS more merit to the last 2) as a “boogeyman” excuse for losing games, while attributing their successes entirely to skill.

Further, Qing into better players is often a VERY good way to improve and learn what they did to win and what you did to lose, so it’s not like it’s this entirely negative experience.

If someone has a suggestion to nullify boosting without making the game worse, then I’d love to hear it.

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Are you arguing ats keep people from R1 titles or just titles in general?

Making the expirence worse is negative impact, which it certainly does. Your constant claim of “just ignore it and push through” works for a bunch of arena junkies who play this as there main game year in and year out. Like it’s insane you feel you can make a proscriptive claim like that for other people, who plainly say “I do not enjoy this expirence and this is why”.

It does the opposite for r1, it substantially boosts the number of slots.

Queuing against glad level people is fun/good learning experience when you’re also at 2.4k. Not so much when you’re at 2.2k

Maybe not 0 CR, but it should at least be factored in.

Okay but if we’re considering inflation these glad players are really more like duelist in other seasons :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

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comparing seasons is like comparing apples to oranges. Bottom line is glad is 2.4k, you should be playing against current glads at 2.4k, not at 2.2k


Are you saying current glads can’t be 2.2k