"Smurfing doesnt stop anyone from hitting their rating"

So why are 40% of the top 5000 lower ranked alts? Also, thats MMR averaging and dragging someone up, not really relevant to people smurfing.

Alts are not smurfs. People who are legitimately trying to climb an alt are different from those who purposely keep their MMR low through placement games.

The problems are the same as other games with a shrinking player base with few truly new players.

Because of an unfixable community problem where the top end of the ladder doesn’t queue until late night degen hours, but a lot of the top end wants to play during the day without sitting a 25 minute Q where they win 0 points and lose 20 plus 200 mmr.

So they make and play alts.

Also, can you show your source for this? I’m sure it is probably aorund there, I just like data and would love to see it.

It is EXACTLY that, though. People “smurfing” dont stay in smurf mmr long. Their mmr adjusts and puts them right where they’re supposed to be extremely fast.

Dude you cant even bother to read the thread before you spout off the same incorrect arguments over and over. No, I’m not going to give your lazyness the source, go read it. And stop commenting on things like how the ladder works if you dont bother to do basic research.

Yeah, for like 3-5 games at most.

Right…your personal expiernce is descriptive of the ladder. Not the dozens of people who come on here weekly who disagree and share their expirence. We should listen to you two. Who don’t even know how to look up basic numbers about the ladder.

Imma be real most people don’t know what they’re experiencing

Why are you being toxic?

Look, I’ve climbed the ladder more times than most people and never once have I been gatekept or bothered by any kind of smurfing. Not in any season that I have ever played. Is that anecdotal? Yes. But when I get gladiator my first season playing and every one after, AND on different classes with different teams (prior to them being made account wide in shadowlands) I have literally had to grind from the ground up.

I also keep hearing this narrative of boosters and smurfs repeatedly on the forums amd from people on discord, but I have yet to see ANYONE provide any evidence that they’re frequently Qing into any kind of boost or smurf.

YOU SMURFED LAST SEASON FOR LIKE 1,000GAMES DUDE. You are the problem. You are constantly dismissive and belitting to peoples frustration and claims, yet had 1k games played at around 2.2 and a main at 2.5, you are exactly the kind of player people are complaioning about.

And your like " I’m not hurting anyones chances!" you literally are.


Okay, so, in an attempt to briefly explain this

A 2700 player that’s going even at 2200 because gear, comp, friends, etc, is no different than another 2200 team

If the higher exp player was magically winning each game they’d be higher, but they aren’t, so they are, as they’re queuing, meant to be at 2200

Ratings are madeup examples but this should hopefully try to cover it


What are you talking about? Show your work.

You’re actually just making up numbers o.O

I am dismissive sometimes, absolutely, because their frustration is often times a deflection away from the fact that they’re looking for something else to blame besides their own play.

No, I’m not. I never gatekept anyone from any rewards. You’re the guy out here screaming that there are sharks at the beach because you know that they live in the ocean.

Exactly this. EXACTLY this.

Not all alts are smurfs, but all smurfs are alts.

This is true if teams are constant, and teams stick together. For most players on here, a long que session is 8 games. So they climb a bit, team breaks up they start again. A promising team often breaks apart by a big lost, which happens when you have lopsided opponents, ending a run.

However, MMR isn’t account wide as you are quick to point out, so a druid whose been messing around at 2.2k is not worse then when he gets on his 2.5k druid. So there is a misalignment in the blizzard system. In competitive terms this is called sandbagging however in gaming we call it smurfing.

Dude, you have 2 druids, one was at 2.2 at 1,3XXX games played, and the other was 1,XXX at 2.5 last eason when we argued about this. What do you mean show my work?


I didn’t play close to that many games, so I know you’re making this up. You also got wildly defensive when I asked you to show a source. I think you’re just lying about your numbers.

Wow arena isn’t based off of any single player, though, it’s the team, not an individual player.

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There’s a problem with the culture where players have to have low games played and high win/loss or they aren’t considered cool. So, a lot of players hide their alts from check-pvp and only show their main with few games and good win/loss and practice on hidden throwaway alts.

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Lmao, I litterally explained how I came to these numbers earlier in the thread. You are a troll.

MMR actually is just the averaged MMR of 3 players personal MMR rating.

You do claim to play casual, and weird night hours right? and you said you can only play a couiple of times when you have leave? Am I wrong?

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About half the time. I do a serious glad push once every season

Definitely not. I mostly play during the day except in the summer.

What?? wdym leave? I never have leave??

I think you’re confusing me with someone else.

Yeah, and it’s extremely volatile & fast adjusting. If I’m playing at 2200 mmr for whatever reason and it’s with those same people, then we deserve to be at 2200 rating and are not significantly dissimilar from a 2200 team.

Normally I’d just say they’re confusing you with me but like

i think hes just unhinged

Forums lately is just day after day of finding some new person saying weird things, eh?

I think you are right, I think I’m getting you mixed up with the Night Elf druid who trolls on here.


Yeah you can’t even say its me. I barely had 200 games played last season and I only played with 2 people.

Keep me out of your mouth.