<–Sitara - Dwarf/hunter
AgingPunk#1499 is my tag
Dara and Ez posted up on: Smolderthorn Alliance Reconnections - #16 by Ives-baelgun
<–Sitara - Dwarf/hunter
AgingPunk#1499 is my tag
Dara and Ez posted up on: Smolderthorn Alliance Reconnections - #16 by Ives-baelgun
Missdimedime - Human Rogue
Natasul - Human warrior
Wingedangle (haha)
Sitara! I’m waiting on the Bliz updates to finish so I can add you and send the Discord link.
Tag: Emynence#1729
Thanks, Emy! Sent ya a battlenet request. I’m AgingPunk#1903 on Discord. What server/faction/guild are ya’ll on?
Played on Smolderthorn back in the day up until Wrath. Playing horde now on Incendius. Battletag: wapptor#1287
Looking for some friends:
Probably a lot more
Celestin- Night Elf Warrior Grand Marshal
Kiss and Avendesora
Celestin#8006 on discord
hoping to reconnect with some of the great people I met during the rank 14 race.
I remember you.
I remember you…OMG Meezer that guy… super intense
NAT! Ha, whats up man! im not a 12 year old anymore. #Wingedangle
Rendar (this character)
Runehammer Clan
Artighur#1188 on battle net
Taelas! Kazamir here, lol. Friend me at slingblade#11891, lemme know where y’all are. =)
Bertybert : Human Warrior
Hi NA Horde Friends
Dwarf Hunter - Bulivy
NE Priest - Reekhavc
Guild - Rogue Army > Rune hammer (Briefly) QQ quails. (Briefly)
Changed servers in TBC to play Horde with some RL buddies. Hit me up!
Hey Wildheart can u add me on discord? (It’s selody )Zee#2479 or on bnet zee#2516
Other players feel free to add me if we’ve played together before!
Faerina NE Druid forgot my guild’s name! But we used to raid MC and BWL
Ahh remember you! We used to be in the same guild when volk was gm then merged as exodia
Indecent Human Warlock (before Sera stole it from me)
Decent Human Paladin
If anybody remembers the 29 twink guild Hard Target, this is Burrnn, the GM. I was a 29 fire mage. I had a blast with a lot of you in the BG’s. Someone from the guild please remember, I want to recreate Hard Target again.
Mewtwo, Human Priest
Art of Warfare/Numb
Anyone else around?
I definitely remember raiding with you back in BC, I was a Ele Shaman under the name of Kamiria, and my buddy Kelee. Shadyy used to freak out on us if we messed up lol.