Smolderthorn Alliance Reconnections

I definitely remember you :smiley:

Galway, Dwarf Warrior

Guild - Death Row(yup, that’s original)
Was focused on PvP only if I remember correctly. I am actually still in the guild.

Guild master has been offline for 14 years! Opwarl was his name. Also Dumaz is still in the guild afk for 9 years. Kinda interesting to see that I’m still in the guild.
As far as I remember we just focused on pvp, don’t remember doing any PvE though that was what i was focus on most back then. Think I made this toon because it was a new server and was feed up with PvE at the time.

Well if anyone is around I’m on grobbulus server playing classic playing a Dorf Hunter also named Galway.

I remember you! Im Omen, prot warrior from Devour! Im pretty sure we pugged some stuff together back in the day!

Holy crap - I remember you, I believe my characters name was Guenivere, forget the exact spelling, I was in Dragoncrest with you and Azshana! Discord - res1n#3548

Hit me up…my main is still Fraskeri on Smolderthorn

Hey Mewtwo

Cookielah the warlock here feel free to add me to bnet kookielah#1145

Hey Boomfreaka cookielah the human warlock here.

Feel free to add me on bnet kookielah#1145

Hey Slink cookielah the human warlock here feel free to add me on bnet kookielah#1145

Gnomer, mage
Guild: Transcendence

I’m playing again but can’t find anyone! So many names I recognize here. Looking for junior, dippindots, Steve, anyone who I played with then!

btag: hausofgnomer#1713

Name: Kumia (Mage)
Guilds: Remorseless, Dragoncrest

I thought I would share with you the very first pull in Molten core of Dragoncrest

Additionally some pvp with meezer and friends. Please ignore how bad I was back then :slight_smile: