Smolderthorn Alliance Reconnections

Staplegun here. How do you remember that?!

Shmurricane, I still am your sis! You can’t disown me that easily!

Darthman human Paladin,

Eilfinwarrior, Why do they call it an xbox 360? Because you turn 360 degrees and walk away,

Kimie, Human Mage
KiSS, Transcendence

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Mudflap here. I’m rolling a gnome warrior (shocker) on Benediction. Will see if I can bring honor back to gnome warriors, or if I’m too old now…

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Alliance -

Name: Velanos
Class: Human Warrior

Guild: Unstoppables

Used to pvp with Exo wsg group and got Lt. Commander. Also did a lot of raiding with Unstoppables up through BC.

Battlenet: Velanos#1475

Playing as Alliance on Stalagg with some other Smolderthorn folks (Dunhili from Unstoppables, Bourind, Tere, and others).

I was a Tauren Shaman named Mucha. We used to mess with each other a lot out at blackrock mountain. Hi!

Kimie!!! hey its Selody :stuck_out_tongue:

You guys still on whitemane?

  • Darkacheron Night Elf Rogue, Ganseki Human Warrior, Frostgirl Human Mage
  • Dark#1211
  • The Insurgents
  • Played with/remember: Aargus, Shircon, Ustin, Felroon, Zaraah, Proxemo, Kallie (PvP Rogue I wanted to be like in level 49 bgs), Beanhunter, Kyle, Lily, Hectorius, Mankfoopa, Dugaraxx, Saulot, Rathall, Rathenod, Balaam (Mage whose crits healed bosses), Jedene (Bodene), Mashiro, Dinadan, Calvino, Vlokiv, Rapidengage, Razor, (what you know about) Gotganked, Redline, Bokchoy, Enyoca, Khya, Shmurricane, Staplegun, Alessandria (still remember that night at Majordomo), Nephenee, Omikkron, Tyrandee, Babyskittles, Carlospablos, Mothuggins, Velvett, Carlester (the molester), Schlomo, Shast, Notyourmom (playing from his car outside a library), Eyachke, Farwind, Adeil.

I only play once every few months now during holidays usually. Making gold pretty much became my replacement for raiding and I buy tokens on the AH to pay for Hearthstone expansion preorders and subs. I may roll on a PvE server in Classic and play casually.

Anyway, here is a video recorded and edited by Khya of us downing Onyxia I show up at about 3:30 with my shiny white swords.

I have an old screenshot with you in it! And Scribbles as a matter of fact.

Haha, howdy! I remember plenty of good battles around there! Loved the way pvp was more community focused back then. You always knew everyone you were fighting. It’s what eventually made me quit WoW. Once people stopped knowing each other and you didn’t have to group with your server for anything, the game sucked imo. Hopefully Classic will bring some of that back.

Of course man, from all the old guys, you are the one I remember the most. We used to spend hours chatting on Ventrilo. Very good stories. I remember u lived in Maryland, right? Are you still playing?
Sorry it took me this long to awnser, I’m kind of stupid with forums hahaha.

I added u by battle tag btw. Mine is Babyboy#1557

There’s a guild made from a break off of The Insurgents (Party Soldiers) , lot of old Insurgent players playing horde on Rattlegore, guild named Effortless

This is hysterical and awesome.

I played with you guys as Taelas, night elf warrior. I remember and miss each of you.

I’m with another group of old Phobia people who are playing classic. Let’s connect.

Hey, man! Long time no see. This is Taelas. I played a night elf warrior with you in Phobia and came over to play on Malfurion with you guys for a bit in TBC.

Since then, a small group of us from Phobia (Zinadu, Drenx, Iyesta, Gankuh, Maespa and myself) have played WoW on and off together and generally stayed in contact. A few of us will be playing classic. Hope to see you guys around!

A bunch of old Smolderthorn Horde rolled on Herod. Where did you roll?

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Exist - Night Elf - Druid

Guilds: KiSS and Rebirth

Just lookin at who’s around honestly, saw a few familiar names already (Kimie, Wildheart, Ustle, Selody, Malkovich, Key!) Too many names of people to start listing, but ESPECIALLY any of my fellow KiSS Druid brethren!

Wish I had known I was gonna be playing and found this before launch, but if anything just to catch up :slight_smile:

Xzyst#1670 on Discord add me and hit me up

Me, Ravensor and Glyth are all playing alliance side on Thalnos


Ez and Dara - small world!
Sitara - dwarven hunter from
Currently playing classic on Bigglesworth, horde side
hmu: AgingPunk#1499