Smoldering Sprout in Emerald Dream

The Smouldering Sprout is not giving the dialog option “Put out the Flames” to start the quest-line.


Same is happening to me. Sad.


Same here. I really want that mount, and it’s a shame it’s both timegated by design and timegated by bug. Gg.

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Having the same issue as well.

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Same issue here as well.

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I’m having this issue too

Are we sure we don’t need some type of water/ice item in our inventory to prompt the response?

Checked just now on Nagrand server and same bug.

same bug …checked yesterday & today

For some info on whether this could be renown locked at all, I’m renown 11 and also still do not have any interaction option to start the series.

Just checked on Dalaran and it’s still bugged here as well

Same issue - Windrunner

Same issue on Stormrage

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Non Interactable on Wyrmrest Accord.

Also having the same bug. :frowning:

Same bug on Farstriders

Same Bug on Aerie Peak I’ve been checking daily since Tuesday. Any word on when it will be fixed or if there is something else we need?

Same bug on Malfurion.

Same but on Moon Guard

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Same bug, Zul’jin