Small race druids

One person liked 2 posts. Hardly grounds to say multiple people don’t like OPs idea, when there are many previous replies saying they like it.

@OP, I support this idea. Hope devs make the right decision for the growth and advancement of the game and its community, whatever that ends up looking like.

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I don’t know about the gnomes, mostly just because I hate all things gnome and hope they would just hurry up and delete them.

But for alliance, if they add the sethrak people that would make more sense to me

I sorta support the idea of mecha-gnomes being druids. Goblin Shamans for example use a machine for their totems that perform the specific task, basically a drone rather than a totem.

Mecha-Gnomes being able to shapeshift like a transformer and cast spells like a laser weapon could make sense.

You could also make some lore where mechanical could harbor life and mecha-gnomes harness that. Ulduar comes to mind when I think about this.

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Tauren are so big that I can only play druid with them. I get that someone doesn’t want to play the race because of it’s size.

Vulpera druid would be awesome.