Small group ISO a few more friends

Ok, so there has to be a couple of awesome casuals out there running around in a small group trying to do stuff, but always 1-3 people short. You probably hate PUGs and large guilds because … people, amiright? I too have a small group of irl friends who like to casually push keys (currently 7-10 but want to try to keep going), maybe a normal raid if enough people want, gear up alts, and a casual BG every now and then, but don’t want to get lost in a large guild or community. No pressure, no set days or times, just friends hanging out and doing some group stuff for fun and for the shiny lootz.



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Hey Gilburto, I think we would be a good fit. Take a loot at our spam and let us know!

You guys sound like a great fit check us out at


We are an at the moment nameless and serverless reroll guild started by friends whose first and foremost priority will be to encourage a positive environment for playing a game that we all love. The goal of this new reroll guild is to start a community of like minded players looking for a fun experience and creating a space to make new friends as well as enjoy the new leveling experience before heading in to raiding. This reroll is not a race; new, experience, and casual players are all welcome. Play the game, hang out on discord, make new friends, and have fun!

We do not have a launch day yet. We are not doing staggered leveling caps. Leveling isn’t a race, but you can do it as fast or as slow as you prefer.

We will be offering free bags to everyone and guild repairs will be turned on when we start. Outside of leveling and raiding there will be more to do. At max level we will have m+ groups and pvp groups. We could even run old content for transmog, mounts, and achievements if there is enough people interested.

RAIDING?! Of course raiding is the goal. It would be a casual raid setting. 2-3 nights a week. The earliest our raid leader can raid is 8:30pm EST every night. I would like to wait and get opinions from everyone on what the nights and exact times should be. If we get to the point where we can and want to do mythic raiding I would still like to keep that as casual as possible.

If this sounds like something you are interested in please join us in discord. We already have a handful of people. :slight_smile: Help us pick a server, a name, and more!


If you are still looking we would love to have you!!!

We are building up the raid team but raiding isn’t a requirement and not all we do. I know how important it is too have people on running additional content out side of raiding and we do lots of plus! I think your group would be a huge asset if you haven’t found a home yet. Let me know!


Tenured AotC Guild
LF DPS for Aberrus and beyond!
Heroic Raid, AOTC Focused, and active in Mythic +.
Plenty of melee availability, always welcome ranged.
1 more heal spot once roster hits 18-20 (We recruit to 25)
Family First guild :heart: No Elitists

Contact Smuush-Thrall
BNET: Smush#11764
Discord: Smush#9763

Current Roster:
3 Paladin (Tank, DPS, Heal)
2 Druid (DPS)
2 Shaman (DPS, Heal)
1 Hunter
1 Evoker (DPS)
1 Warrior (Tank)
1 Priest (Heal)
1 Warlock
0 Monk, Rogue, DK, Mage, Demon Hunter

[b]Full Post w/ who we are as a guild & raid team/b]

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