Slowing down FERAL spec / Reducing APM..NO!

Unsure if that was the wrong forum location but this situation needs heavy attention. Feral feels so bad right now…

it’s pre patch everything feels bad rn

cat def never warranted extra range; kinda didn’t make any sense in the first place

is this an APM issue or haste issue because we’re not geared in the next xpac yet?


Snupy seems to be doing fine on Beta and says Feral feels really good and I agree with him. While our APM has gone down bleeds are doing a lot more damage. The damage feels pretty solid at 80.

I will say that the range nerf having to be literally on top of your opponent kinda sux playing from Australia in an NA world.

The extra range was because feral had historically been in the butts and crotches of any enemy we try to connect with, and I mean from a total pixel standpoint. It clips horrendously into the enemy target and was/is… very displeasing. For some enemies with big hitboxes you have to be DIRECTLY under them and your character completely disappears. It was a wonderful QoL update. I feel like feral is stepping backwards instead of moving forward.

It is an APM issue and a QoL issue.
There is no point in making the Feral rotation slower and having us stare at our energy, waiting for it to fill up in order to be able to press another button, it’s ridiculous gameplay that has been removed from EVERY melee class. Resources are decoration in modern WoW. No spec besides healer even goes oom anymore anyway. In todays game, it’s only central to the healing gameplay that resource management is a thing. Nobody should be saying energy starvation or not pressing buttons is fun. Feral shouldn’t be the red-headed step child that gets nerfed for literally no reason. It already had energy issues if you were unable to get Wild Attunement off - if you’re watching a literal professional like Snupy, it would be less discerning to the average spectator. And whereas I may not be on Snupy’s level I actually play with every person in all skill levels of PVP and see the skill curve. Wild Attunement success was the bridge between novice and competitive gameplay, it allowed for some serious setups that weren’t generally given to Ferals any time prior, this allowed Feral to be a viable pick against similar tier competition as WW and Rogue; which by the way have been/are S tier every expansion. I want feral to be afforded these opportunities as their counterparts are.

Wild Attunement allowed for amazingly fun outplay potential, particularly in 1v2 scenarios. I don’t see anyone but rogues and WW’s now able to accomplish such feats… which they have also historically done. It doesn’t feel rewarding to play anymore… I loved you Season 4 Feral… :sob:

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You don’t deserve any more range than any other melee. You make it sound like your melee range is shorter than another melee?

You keep saying APM but someone already mentioned in beta it feels fine. Are you using pre patch as reference? (which isn’t even the version of the game we’ll have for tww)?

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We’re on the same tier and more of a mirror of assassination rogue, which by the way, has increased range as well. I just feral to be as viable as the other tier options.
But also, have you played feral without the range and seen your character literally in the model of your target?

All increased melee range talents were removed; including lunge for survival. Was assa left in by mistake? I’d have to look it up.

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Not for PVP, but PVE it absolutely did need that range. It had such bad zones for its kit that it was night and day how much more viable feral was WITH a few yard range on its abilities.


I do not share this opinion. During both prepatch and seeing beta gameplay, the spec seems perfectly fine to play. Losing Wild Attunement was just one of those things where you have to get used to actually playing the game again.


Nope, acrobatic strikes was changed to a stacking melee swing speed buff or some such. No extra range for rogues anymore.


i hate being right :slight_smile:

Cat Form clips into enemies regardless, whether you’re trying to connect to PVE or PVP enemies, it is redundant.

And no you’re right, it was removed, I was talking about your (Wingclipt) comment on ‘why they deserved it and nobody else did’, I was insinuating that it had been a thing for rogues, before the TWW changes. I was perfectly fine with other specs having the ability to increase their range. Ret paladins have the ability to increase their range, most of their kit can touch you from 15 yards away…
And speaking about who deserves what, why are Hunters the only ranged class that can pull 100% of their sustain while on the run? Why do Hunters do more healing done in PVP encounters than actual Hybrid Healing specs if they’re a pure dps class? Why does Hunter get paladin-esque immunity and nearly unlimited range? Why does hunter get a Greater Pyro percentage based ability, Sniper Shot, which says 35% of total HP but is actually Modified by on use trinkets and other buff procs for up to 50%+ of anyone’s HP? There are a lot of things that do not make sense but I’m not advocating for you to lose your kit. I honestly feel like hunters were in a good spot, but needed some number changes.

I don’t agree with taking anything away, especially if said spec was perfectly fine in it’s then spot. Feral was sitting at B to A tier for the last 2 seasons and that was a comfortable spot, seeing from the 3% popularity it had, you could say the spec wasn’t abusable during it’s time there. If you’re going to change a spec entirely, you start with the classes -ehem, DH- roll the leaderboards in 15% popularity and consist of the majority of people camping and abusing that meta because it’s so oppressive and easy. I don’t get how anyone could say Feral is oppressive, when it had one of the highest skill ceilings, aside from Sub rogue, and unlike them - we had to juke in-order to even get that passive to work. It’s hard countered by Death Knights, Shamans, Evokers, and Priests. Not to mention it’s burst can completely be negated by Dark Iron or Dwarf PVP meta races.
I am NOT on the train that insists classes need to be dumbed down, pruned, or redesigned every single season, let alone expansion. We had finally gotten a break during the end of DF.
If you want to play a class that is boring and doesn’t have a lot of things to press, then Feral isn’t that. We need to revert these changes so that feral has viability in 2s. I can’t imagine facing Dwarf-like races in those aforementioned classes and specs as Feral and it being anywhere near close to being fun or fair with these. I have a 0% win-rate against Resto Shamans in 2s, also because they roll Dwarf races, hell my W/L rate was 76% before I came across Seapig-Andorhal and Muggz/Notmuggz at 2k rating. Feral is hard countered unlike any other class in-game, but Wild Attunement made it effing-fun. I’m not a professional by any means, I get bad anxiety by going too high in rating that I have never pushed seriously. I get great satisfaction however, from outplaying potential and the challenging nature that had been Feral.

I respect your opinions however, and I’m glad we both revere this game.

When I see your giant blocks of text my eyes just glaze over. There has to be a more succinct way of conveying whatever it is you’re trying to say.

Slowing down FERAL spec / Reducing APM..NO! - #10 by Wingclipt-sargeras he was talking about pre tww, did you read the OP? its not everyday you see people pat themselves on the back but im all for self improvement and positivity so :woman_shrugging:.

i took a break for s4 but i loved where Feral was at the end of 3. it hadnt felt that smooth and viable in a longg time. jungle was normally the go to because of the cc potential hunter has. it felt like feral was able to branch out in other compositions for once instead of being next to hunters every pac. i can see them potentially making it off well in 3s or shuffle bc of what other classes bring to the table. but as far as 2s goes feral just dropped a tier or two. i would not suggest feral play with anything but a rsham or monk now, esp with the nerfs to frenzied and renewalz. if we werent kt before everytime then we definitely are now.

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Forums are meant for dialogue, not snarky comments. If you don’t have anything pertaining to the OP then I would have to ask you to please, keep the decorum. I read a lot so it isn’t an issue for me, but I apologize if it’s overwhelming.
My love for this class is boundless so my way of expressing it can be as well. :green_heart:

It’s a real comment to help you. If you want support you’re going to need to make it easier for people to read.

Sorry to be pedantic (I’m not really actually sorry though), but snarky comments can be useful in dialogue.

And the forums sure are filled with snarky comments.

Mind you, they’re filled with insane posts and novels too.

But, to your op, you are judging on below max level talents.

I haven’t played the Beta, but it’s possible that the talent changes that we have now are complemented by the next 10 levels of talents.

Id recommend paragraphs and indentation.