Slowing down FERAL spec / reducing APM..NO!

I’m seeing posts about how “Slowing down APM or energy starving us” won’t affect PVE so much because of the Devs ability to number crunch and tune, but it will drastically and negatively affect the viability of Feral in PVP compositions, even more-so because of the INSANE removal of Wild Attunement.

Feral, unlike other melee specs, has one of the slowest ramp up rotations (outside of Incarnation) and relies heavily on weaving in Wild Attunement to sustain pressure. Without being able to use Wild Attunement(pre-TWW), the rotation had already energy starved the spec because of how expensive Ferocious Bites were in conjunction with reapplying bleeds; even more-so now because everyone can seemingly remove bleeds as either an spell, ability, or racial… While I believe hard-casting for Wild Attunement is a clunky design for feral, it had been the single-most promising change into feral that i’ve seen for the spec.

I cannot imagine having much fun playing Feral if I do not have these (mini-game) burst windows from not having Wild Attunement. That PVP Talent, that mini-game, was the CORE part of how your presence as Feral could be felt in a composition. Your ability to succeed with it could determine a match’s outcome. The skill needed to get those successful clones off is what made the rotation fun and meaningful. Not having Feral Frenzy to follow up from having to fake-cast, wait for diminishing returns, making sure your bleeds are renewed, timing your setup for the perfect moment, makes the whole melee-but-having-to-cast clone rotation process feel like it’s NOT FUN OR FRUITFUL for the amount of effort you have to put in. Not considering the fact that every other melee class has kill-in-a-CC potential, so it makes no sense to remove our Wild Attunement.

It takes a lot of SKILL for a Feral druid to be anywhere near as oppressive or disruptive as it’s Rogue counterpart. If these horrible changes stay, people will have to reroll Rogue because why would they continue to play Feral if it’s such bad version of the spec it’s trying to simulate. And don’t tell me it’s not supposed to, Bears imitate Warriors, Feral imitates Rogues, and Moonkin imitates Mages. They’re not supposed to be identical but lets keep them on the same disruptive/burst/competitive viable level, alright?

Please, DO NOT make Feral into a “boring-enough-to-disassociate and mentally-afk” spec by slowing down APM and having us play this “waiting for energy game” like we’re still in vanilla, when all “mana-using” DPS classes DO NOT even run OOM anymore. Besides being a HEALER, resources are as good as decoration in today’s game.

We started with removing GCDs from certain abilities(like major CDs), which was a WIN.
We then reduced GCDs as a whole for all classes, which was a WIN.
Any attempt to slow down or reduce APM is a step backwards and is a LOSS.

We WANT to play a HIGH-OCTANE, HIGH APM specs that hold our attention and we want our classes to perform on the same level as others.
Before you start nerfing specs like Feral that have < 3% pvp popularity, maybe turn your attention to the kind that have been dominating the charts every season since their launch?

Postscript… Why did we NERF the extra range for Feral Catform?.. I don’t want to be inside of my target just to be able to hit them… Is anyone on the Development Team for Feral actually playing Feral?


Not gonna lie, I’m feeling the loss of Wild Attunement hard. Gameplay feels so much more boring, and damage just feels super under-tuned.


Just play assassination rogue now, I know feral is an aesthetic thing for most people but it’s not even worth it for pvp unless they revert the changes. You’re gonna be spamming shred and slow fero bites all while being energy starved and without the end of DR burst that every other class has in your tier XD. The devs are clueless if they can’t see that, but they usually learn when it’s too late.

Agreed that it makes the spec boring. Such a backwards step

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I know I shouldn’t act like it’s permanent, but I was really hoping to go into TWW with Chef’s kiss-Pre-TWW Feral. I almost can’t bring myself to log in now because it’s so atrociously bad. I feel like my child died. :sob:

And they screwed up flying with the new mount system.

You can no longer insta switch into flight form when out of combat. Now, flight form is no better than any other mount because it has the typical cast time.

Good job Blizz.

You found a way to make feral even less enjoyable. And I wanted to try it out as a secondary alt. Looks like it will be fury warrior. I wanted it to be assassin rogue, but I have a feeling they will get a slight nerf to subterfuge for a second or two.

The only thing that could “band-aid” remedy this; is if they re-implement Predatory Swiftness’ instant cast Cyclone. But they’ve already said previously that it was too oppressive and it was why they had changed it in the first place. I’m wondering what state feral truly has to be in in-order for them to not be potentially “oppressive” and still remain as viable as the other classes and specs in it’s Tier.

Yeah dude imagine being kicked and cc’d during your obvious hard cast clone windows and your bleeds wear off by the time you try it again, lmfao you won’t have any sustain dmg or burst without that wild attunement. Def need that or instant clones again for sure. Big L to whoever mains feral in pvps, you’re back with enhance shammy at the D tier list

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I can’t speak for PVP on feral, I haven’t PVP’d on my druid in expansions now. However, PVE feels scuffed. My single target is fine but AOE feels so slow and like I’m now hitting like a wet noodle compared to before pre-patch. We just got a round of buffs on beta but that doesn’t help here and now. I can’t believe people actually thought slowing the spec down would be more fun. Nothing fun about waiting 1-2 gcd’s to resume pressing buttons.

Its fun when dots did more damage. They slowed us down but didnt increase rake or rip damage by a substantial amount so now its just super boring in all aspects, me getting a perfect snapshotted rip/rake means at most a 1-2% increase. In cata/mop/wod if i snapshotted correctly it was 40-50% increase.

Yeah, I’ve played feral since TBC and it was really fun during Wrath, Cata and MoP. I actually enjoyed DF feral and the action oriented style. I can’t believe they mucked up feral after season 1 but at least it still felt fun to play.

Now, the past couple of days have been zZZ since the prepatch. Hopefully once we get hero talents and those beta buffs, it’ll feel smoother.

When they started letting every class remove bleeds, have wall-like defensives, and heal for more than hybrid healing classes did it threw that spread or slow burn playstyle out of viability. RIGHT NOW with Wild Attunement gone we will have NO viability compared to the other specs. The state of the game in PVP is currently; every melees potential to KILL-IN-A-CC. Snapshotting, as far as I am concerned, hasn’t been a thing for a very long time, but especially with the change that let already-rolling DoTs get damage increases with new buffs. They need to bring back DF SEASON 4 FERAL.

When you find an amazing food recipe and you’re wondering how you could make it even better, you do not remove ingredients! You add or adjust ingredients!

Please blizzard, revert The War Within Feral Changes…
Why are these developers always trying to REMOVE stuff? The spec was FUN and NOWHERE near over-powered. Take a look at the dang Leaderboards… PLEASE.