Then it’s on you to get to that point. I bet you do 30 in a 50 zone and expect everyone to crawl behind you.
You are fake news.
Not true at all
there are 14x more players between 25-59 than there are at 60
How does having others do stuff you are too low a level for really affect you? It doesn’t.
News flash - life is all about playing catch up with those ahead of you.
well im having 3 level 60 characters with all those things. Dont fidn excuses cuz you suck at the game
Here’s a question - why can’t you enjoy stuff if it’s been out a few months before you get to it?
Dude - you are NEV ER going to catch up, everything is gonna have gnome tracks on it.
Why should I wait because you went to the gym? I mean, I’m blessed with a metabolism that locks me into 3% bodyfat. I don’t need a gym. I work freelance, and have zero debt. Why do I have to wait for some 20 or 30 year old to organize his life?
I don’t watch tv, either. Why can’t I play while you watch BBT re-runs?
But - again - why does it matter if you aren’t teh first player in?
Everyone is missing the point. It’s not about me as much as MAJORITY of the people who can’t spend 16 hours a day playing wow. So talk $&!” to me as much as you want! All I’m asking is to slow down the phase release for the MAJORITY. We get people like you can no life wow. That’s not the point.
I can’t level to 60 fast so no one else should!!
Good for you noob. Bragging about how much you can play wow, save some p-tang for the rest of us.
If you played the game as much as you whine on the forums you’d be 60 already
Good one your so funny
The schedule they are following has already been established. While I agree it’s worrisome that they are already reneging on it with Dire Maul, I still don’t see any cause for concern for the ultra casual players like yourself.
As it stands, you’re currently worrying over nothing. If they go back on their word again though, then I think you would be justified in your concern.
Classic isn’t going anywhere. All raids and dungeons will still be run regardless of phase. People pug MC all the time, and will pug ZG and AQ20 once they’re out. You can pretty much do most of the content at a casual pace without any issues.
You’re right, my playtime isn’t the point, it’s a strawman. And, its disengenuous to say “it’s not about me” when it really is.
You didn’t answer the question - how does me doing something a few months sooner than you prevent you from enjoying the content?
Dude - I don’t play 16 hours a day - those people hit 60 a week in.
Pro-life tip - life contains many things you have to pick and choose to do, you can’t do everything everyone else does, because we all only have so much time. Somebody will always have more time than you for something.
The content, once dropped, will be there for you when you reach it. How does others doing it earlier ruin your fun?
calling me noob cuz i know how to play the game?
Speed up content release. Lets get some BG’s going
To give some context, I have just over 9 days played across my four characters. This puts me at like 4 hours per day (usually late at night or long weekend sessions). I am by no means no-lifing this game, although I do feel like I’m able to put in a solid amount of time. I don’t think that the minority of players that rushed to 60 week 1 and are already in BIS gear should dictate the pacing of the game’s content releases.
That being said, I personally don’t think that the pacing of content releases should be dictated by people who are level 24 almost 2 months post-launch either.
If you’re feeling left behind, then it’s time to pick up the pace a little bit, because you’re behind the curve. Look up a leveling guide to give you some direction while questing, pick up some dungeon quests and find a group, ask your guildmates for some low level consumables to make questing faster/easier. There’s a million things you could be doing to help make your limited playtime efficient, if you’re into that sort of thing.
If you want to take your time to 60, then literally none of ^that^ matters. Take your time, content will release when it releases and unless you’re 55+, it has literally 0 effect on your leveling experience. Vanilla WoW as it stands, is back for at least a few years before anything major like TBC or Classic+ happens. No one cares if you level to 60 on day 1 or day 1000 besides you. It’s your experience, stop trying to use the money you pay for a sub as an excuse to invalidate other peoples’ opinions that pay the same sub fee.
They did, it is is the current retail client.
Also, you don’t need to no life it to do well in Classic. I only play in the evening after work and some on the weekends. Hit 60 a couple weeks ago, recently got both Tailoring and Enchanting to 300.
Go back and look at the interviews with Ion from this summer, Phase 1 was suppose to be the shortest Phase and only last “a couple months”. For anyone not good with calendars, a couple months is in 10 days. So ya they released Dire Maul 11 days early, which is actually helpful to those not quite 60, because it is actually designed for players 56+.
Again, DM was released ~11 days early, just stop with the hyperbole. Phase 2 is not even out yet. The sky is not falling Chicken Little.
His point is valid in this case however the game has only been released 6 weeks ago! We did NOT have content this fast in vanilla, and as such we should not be dictating the games content based on some 24 hr a day youtube streamers that get paid to play the game!
I agree content is being released early for that 1% who cry that they do not have anything to do. I hit 60 super early and have all pre raid BiS gear, raiding MC. and there is still so much to do.
Blizzard keep it slowed down and release faster content for retail so that elitist 1% goes back.
/em sits back laughing at the haters responding.