Slow Down Classic Content Release!

Crappy poll doesn’t mean anything. Once blizzard gets enough people arguing they fold.

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It’s not a poll, it’s a census addon.

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Doubt that it’s accurate.

still the best gauge we have, it’s not our fault you’re miles behind the pace.

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It’s not my fault you can play the game as much as you can, some of us don’t have that luxury.

and it’s not my fault you can’t.

The game is going nowhere, you have years to achieve your goal, who cares what others are doing, find a grouop/guild with your play time and go with that instead of asking others to slow down for you.


You actually are the problem. Absolutely nothing is stopping you from playing the game at the pace you want. Trying to force a change because you feel slighted is asinine.


it can take you 1 year to hit level 60 , does that means milion people will wait for you… no! Theres gonna be low level players now, theres gonna be low level players in 1 year! Just deal with it!

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Clearly missing the point again. You know what’s not going to be out forever? Experiencing the new phases as they release. Go back and read the post again.

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Rutheus cant keep up!!
Everyone stop playing until its convenient for him!!


Nothing is stopping me? LOL how about work, gym, responsibility’s that take precedent of video games.

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Right, nothing is stopping you. Learn how to manage your time.


So you feel that Blizzard making the game all about other people is bad, and your solution is for them to make the game all about you? Seems hypocritical.


Guess you better hurry up then, skippy.

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Oh my goodness… all I’m asking is to slow down the release of the phases not by a year or seven. Jesus people.

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That census addon is wildly innacurate, not to mention that the title of the thread is a mistake. 60s are more than likely a plurality, not a majority of the playerbase.

There is no way that 60s are a majority. You may see more of them in cities, but thats because they dont need to be out in the world leveling.

Please stop spreading fake data.


Citation needed


I have a full time job, a wife, two kids and another on the way. I just hit 52 about twenty minutes ago.

I get where you’re coming from, but wanting Blizz to slow down on releasing content for the few people who have less time than I do to play is quite selfish on your part.

I promise you, the game will still be here when you hit 60. Releasing a dungeon a bit earlier than expected is not “rushing content.” Relax, you’ve got plenty of time.


They haven’t released any new phases yet. Not one. Dire Maul is not phase 2.

I will say that OP is too focused on what others are doing. WoW is a game thats hard to ‘fall behind’ on. Even if you dont hit 60 until AQ releases, that just means you get to jump in with very geared 60s on their MC runs and claim a ton of loot.

AQ20 is also very much a ‘catch up’ raid that will allow you to gear quickly and become useful in AQ40. But keep in mind that that level of raiding will require time and commitment from you.

Slowing down the releases will not make some content more accessible to you.