Slow Down Classic Content Release!

That is a gross statement blowing things out of proportion.
Phase 2 hasn’t even started yet, All we got was just another 5 man dungeon with some more loot to collect. BrD is still relevant for lots of things Like arena chest and belt, and angerforge trinket.
UBRS still has its OP 29 spellpower REED to get on casters

Diremaul gives healers some more options and melee and hunters lots of goodies. It is by no means “rushing out content”

Naxx won’t be out till at least a year i predict. Unless you suck really bad or play 1 hour a week you will get 60 before naxx.

I don’t get this whole argument. How is releasing DM now stopping you from playing it later? My highest toon is 45. I’m in no hurry. Here’s how I see it. if they hold off on content, then you get to “experience it” later, but those at 60 don’t get something new to do. If they release it now, you still get to experience it later, and they can play it now.

This whole concept reeks of selfishness on the OP’s side. No one is going to keep you from playing Dm once you get to that level…why are you trying to keep others from playing it now that they are at that level?

You have absolutely no evidence that they listened to “whiners”, only they have the real numbers. Changes to the /who scripting killed any of the online consensus apps, so now only blizz knows. So this thread is full of a bunch of hyperbole and biased opinions, and selfish people demanding that blizz cater to them only, instead of finding a balance that covers everyone.

Play it at your own pace, there is no rush.

They never said that.

Complaining about lack of things to do is not “pressuring” or “insisting” that Blizzard release content early. Streamers have opinions as well as everyone else in the game. A streamer stating their opinion has no influence on how Blizzard is releasing this content.

I don’t have any proof. It just seems like a more likely explanation than your Alex Jones-style conspiracy theories. You asked for what other reason that they might release the content early and I gave you a much more reasonable idea.

Blizzard is obviously releasing DM early because they are getting pressure of some kind. My guess is the streamer and the people who hit the forums who are part of the maybe 10 percent that have hit max level. That’s what I’m saying the problem is. People who haven’t hit max level aren’t going to be all over the forums complaining about lack of content.

This is my thought on the matter. I understand the OPs perspective, but this game will be frozen in time and we’ll have until hell freezes over to progress through the content at our own pace. I’m in the same boat of most those who played back in 2004–I’m older, slower, employed, and have responsibilities and interests that exist outside the game, but this museum is what I’ve been pining for for ages. I no longer have to progress as fast as everyone else or fall behind. I’ll eventually get there with time. My only fear is that once I make it to cap and start a raiding career, will there be others still around that I can play with? :slight_smile:

Why slow down? The fact that we have a pace at all already violates the #nochanges idea vs. 1.12.

Every time I see one of these threads, I hear the voice of one of those damnable turtles from BfA.


We aren’t in 2004 that’s why

These census results were taken 9 days ago.

Herod Alliance:

Herod Horde:

Heartseeker Alliance:

… but #nochanges? If that can arbitrarily brushed aside for convenience, then aren’t all bets off?

Hey don’t mess with my discount.

Well sure called this one. To all the dumb dumbs in this thread that said they weren’t releasing anything to early you must feel really stupid. BLIZZARD I AM DONE WITH CLASSIC NOW

Bruh stop neckbearding around.

No. The content will still be there when you’re at a point where you’re ready for it. The idea that a game should be tailored around the people that play it the least doesn’t make any sense.

I second this. Please slow things down. I’m tired of giving a crap about hardcore or extreme players with 30+ days played already by this point. It was their fault for rushing everything. Let things move along at a good pace - not too fast and not too slow.


I agree i don’t have the time i would like. I would like to see blizzard stop catering to the small amount of people on here begging for more… I’m with slowing down let the people that actually enjoy this enjoy it and not feel rushed.


I have to agree with the OP as well on this one. I have more time to play now but I still don’t wish to dedicate all my time to WoW just to keep up with the ‘hardcore’ gamers. Besides, slower content release will keep people playing longer.


I agree that they should slow down the release schedule a bit.


Seriously wtf blizzard?! Bgs in December.