'Sliver of N'zoth' toy power abuse!

Hello, Blizz.

I would like to report an important issue that is currently happening in the world pvp. Now we have a toy called ‘Sliver of N’zoth’ which allows players to kill others who are in the same faction. Some evil and unethical players abuse this toy by joining in a random group (war mode on) and killing team members who are unaware of their selfish intentions. Innocent team members are under great disadvantage because, first, they don’t know they are being hunted, therefore, when they see their group members approaching to them they usually are unprepared to pvp. Second, their location can be tracked on the map, so it is very easy for the others to find them and kill them again and again.

I formed a group today to find the friendly alcapa and unfortunately, recruited two people, a DH and a DK, who were on this toy. I was brutally killed by them twice and they killed the other player in my group as well. I didn’t manage to screenshot their names, but I remember the DH is named ‘Alex’. I hope WoW team can treat this issue seriously and make some change on how this toy works, for example, by forbidding people joining in a group while they have this toy on. I am still very upset about my experience today and sincerely hope this problem can be excluded in the near future.

Thank you very much for reading my letter. Cheers.


What I don’t like about this toy is when they’re about to die, they turn the toy off.


Oh, you mean my two buddies Jholagian and Alex? We do this often. It’s fun. :slight_smile:


PvP happened in War Mode.

Nothing to see here folks.


Working as intended


Right-clicking the buff should do another 60% of your health in damage.


You deleted your post before I could read it. Rip.


I guess its time to spend as much PvP as PvE, in case someone attacks you, you should be able to defend yourself. X

Oh, pls don’t get me wrong, genius. I love pvp and I enjoying killing players with no sense of ethics. I was surprised how this toy can be misused and that’s it. I will make sure next time I’d be prepared.

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I mean it’s not really misuse if the toy makes it so you can attack your own faction. That’s exactly what they did.

I use mine to kill guildies in Boralus. It’s great because everytime I log in there is now chat about “HIDE” and reading back I can see they are plotting revenge. Good fun.


BAHAHAHA​:joy::rofl: classic

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Thanks for your reply. I completely understand this toy is designed to kill your own faction. However, I think wow needs to limit what this toy can do. See, will you be happy to be ganked multiple times and people in your group died just because you were the one who invited those gankers?

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Hey that was fun let’s do it again sometime!!!


Item working exactly as designed is considered “abuse”? :thinking:

“Waiter, I have a complaint! These ice cubes in my glass made my drink cold.”


Really? You sure this abuse of use is ‘exactly’ how the toy was designed? How about we ask the Blizz team? I would love to hear what they say. I hope you are not just saying so because it might kill your fun of bullying people. Oh and I appreciate your participation of this conversation.


So what you’re saying is…you don’t want the possibility of being killed in war mode. Maybe war mode isn’t for you…

Also bullying in a mode you opted into. I hope I find you again.


You have to be trolling…

There is literally a title one can earn for killing members of their own Faction, using this item.

Working as intended.


Sorry, my friend. It appears your ability to interpret people’s opinions is very limited. I would appreciate if you stop commenting further on my topic. Yesterday, you and your friend were not interested in helping group quest, yet you two joined the group and assaulted me and the other team member cowardly. I think you have said enough. Good luck with your game.

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I haven’t been able to earn this yet but man I really want to.

Frankly, what you are complaining about seems to be working as Blizz intended. Blizzard intended same faction to kill same faction with this toy. That expectation had to include suckering people into joining “kill groups”. If Blizz didn’t think about it, well… its hard to say that they would actually disapprove of what is happening.


Thank you for your comments. Like I have stated earlier, I would be very interested to hear what Blizz has to say about this ‘kill groups’. As it is clear that luring victims into your group then killing them is an easier way to get the title. I wouldn’t necessarily say they were cheating, however, it is obviously unfair to those who have good manners in world pvp.