Team Slippery When Wet is a cross faction raid team within the Currently Online Community! We are a one-night a week team focused on achieving AOTC and maximizing our progression on a casual schedule. Please feel free to message me on Discord at Ochyro with any questions.
Current Needs 
- Mage
- Holy Paladin or Disc/Holy Priest
SWW History:
- Sanctum of Domination 10/10H (AOTC)
- Sepulcher of the First Ones 11/11H (AOTC)
- Shadowlands S4 Fated Raids - Heroic Full Clears
- Vault of the Incarnates 8/8H (AOTC)
- Aberuss the Shadowed Crucible 9/9H (AOTC)
- Amirdrassil the Dream’s Hope 9/9H (AOTC)
- Dragonflight S4 Fated Raids - Heroic Full Clears
- Nerub-ar Palace 8/8H (AOTC)
Raid Times
Wednesdays 8:00pm- 11:00pm CT (server)
Good morning all! We are accepting all applicants at this time, and would specifically love to have a Priest (any spec).
A priest has joined our ranks! More priests are always welcome though! We now have all major buffs and debuffs covered.
Man, this looks like a really amazing raid team. If I was me I would definitely check it out
Join this team, you won’t regret it
I never see you on alliance anymore BIRD
We are currently looking for a Holy Paladin to bring righteous judgement to the team!
Still looking for more bump. Also 9/10H
Let the Sylvanas progression commence!
Still looking to fill some key positions within our roster! Can you believe our team doesn’t have any hunters, rogues or dps shamans?
We picked up a Rogue and pushed Sylvanas to 60%! There is magic in the air!
AOTC is complete, and 9.2 announcement is right around the corner! Are you prepared?
We are now preparing for 9.2 and considering what our team comp will look like. Biggest needs right now are Mage, DK, and Priest
We are still going strong!
We are preparing our 9.2 roster and beginning tryouts for the team!
Currently at 22 roster moving into 9.2, filling up fast!
We have trials going on this Wednesday for anyone interested in joining!