Slimecat is baaaack!

No, it isn’t.

Thank heavens for that. :dracthyr_heart:

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Victim complex harder.

And that’s about how all of us feel Everytime you give an opinion.

I wanna agree with player pressure but even with all the topics and reddit posts they still won’t bring back elite sets or mage tower apperances, closest source we have gotten to a aotc mount coming back was wowhead posting about that armored wolf mount but who knows what’s gonna happen with that

I will not buy it or use it. Justice for LFR players! Justice for the slime cat!


Who are you? A nobody.

They will. These rewards are an asset and not a holy cross.


I still haven’t even used it despite maining undead since the straddle has been broken the entire time it has existed. It is so pathetic they never fixed it it isn’t even funny.

We saw plenty of “You casuals forced them to remove the achievement from LFR by resubbing to do it after we marketed subs using the mount. You should have known they would have no choice but to remove it because you don’t deserve it” threads.

Thanks for never letting me down fox friend

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We casuals are the scourge of WoW’s existence in some peoples’ eyes. Never really understood it either. :sweat_smile: It might sound petty, but very few things satisfy me more than watching casual players being thrown a bone and seeing another portion of the player base rage.


It wasn’t an AotC mount per-se, it was awarded from completing a feat of strength achievement.

However AotC is a feat of strength as well, so it is reintroducing a feat of strength mount without adding an AotC mount.

Up to the beholder if they think there’s a distinction between the two. While I dont think there is, people can argue on technicalities that it was a normal tier raid not a heroic.

Alright, I’ve seen this conversation about this mounts name being censored so many times.

I’m not understanding why it is?

Like don’t say anything that’ll get you in trouble but I really don’t know what needs to be censored?