Slime Cat NOT LFR what the heck

That outrage was about 7 weeks ago the new outrage is dragon riding plz keep up


Someone’s going to make a thread about this half way through 11.2.

Bosses were unfated days ago so there was no chance yesterday or today if even you did the right raid difficulty.

You should be more upset with them for not giving you a heads up.

Yea it sucks blizzard left lfr out of it. I didn’t bother getting the mount but it would have been nice to do it in lfr. I do love Maldraxxus and the plague cats but I just don’t like pugging raids and didn’t feel like going through that.

Nothing at all since they aren’t the ones that keep the lights on by themselves, so please do not be obtuse and act like ActiBlizz hasn’t straight up said that casual players make up the vast majority of the WoW’s population. In my experience, a lot the players that focus on that pestilential, pustulant, syphilitic cancer called m+ might be casuals, but a lot of the people that focus on that cancer are also raiders filling in gear slots until that can get a drop in raids.

The cancer called m+ should not exist in it’s current form as it promotes a toxic, and socially malignant playstyle that needs to disappear from WoW.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

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I did them yesterday. They were still fated with the affixes. Got the mount.

I guess they decided to change it. Fated was suppose to go away a week or so ago. Gratz to all who were able to get it done.

How the hell is this coming up again, a day before the next expansion launches

Even then it was still a pita. Something would end up not working out, needing to disband, or “guildie/friends just logged in , sorry pugs”. I just have terrible luck :man_shrugging: