Subject to change, etc. It was never confirmed.
Not engaging in group content?
Subject to change, etc. It was never confirmed.
Not engaging in group content?
From the announcement today…
Fated Raid Rewards
Several new rewards can be obtained by achieving the following Feats of Strength during Season 4:
Fates of the Shadowlands Raids – Clear all 3 Fated raids on Normal difficulty.
Rewards the Jiglesworth Sr. mount.
If LFR was not going to be an option for clearing the raids, as described on the current description on the achievement in game, make it that way in the very beginning.
Shadowlands seasoon 4 is coming. Ok cool. Gooey cat is coming to the game. LFR players, not allowed to get it. That is what it should have said on day one during the announcement of season 4 of shadowlands. But they waited all the way until PTR to change the wording. Like it or not, there are a bunch of people who play LFR for enjoyment in the game. I don’t think it should have ever been added in the game along with LFG. But that is a different topic altogether.
But you have these players. And no one likes being deceived. Just like i am certain ian and his crew of elitist jerks would have been absolutely maddened back in vanilla, being told the developers were going to nerf the cthun boss so he wasn’t so overtuned, all the way to the PTR, and then being all like, yah, never mind at the last minute. Those people wouldnt be raiding anymore i can tell you that right now.
They still shouldn’t have waited this long to change it in my opinion. Pretty scummy behavior, either way, to do it at the last minute. Like telling ion hazzikostas and all his elitist jerks back in vanilla, that they weren’t going to be killing cthun after all, because even though they said they were going to nerf and rebalance the boss, all the way to the PTR build, they backed down and said nevermind. No one would have been happy, not getting gear for however long. Even naxxramas would have still been impossible to kill cthun back then, even if that came out and you had access to naxxramas gear.
And not engaging in group content. Yes. I never do. Because, people in this game, on average, have proven to me it isn’t worth it. All the ninja looting, and the drama and whatever else that goes on. Nothing wrong with this. Being a group player isn’t a bad thing. Being a non grouped player isn’t a bad thing.
Either way, i still think that waiting till PTR to change the wording of achievement completion text to include normal only, was way to long. Seriously, alpha and beta at the earliest. PTR is when the game is being tested by everyone so when it makes it to live, it is ready.
So yes, it is subject to change regardless. And even the nerfs to cthun and all that probably had a alpha and a bloody PTR before the nerfs came in and people were going to actually have that feeling that there was a chance in heck they would be able to kill him. But changing it at last minute, just like blizzard is changing the wording to be normal mode only for the slime kitty, is a pretty scummy thing to be. Regardless of whether the change was set in stone, or subject to change or not. It is still way to late.
As far as i see it, Ion and his crew back in vanilla should have been starved of gear, and lied to about whether they were going to nerf cthun or not. They should have been told that they were going to nerf cthun, and then backed out at the last minute.
I mean, shoot. At least the developer’s listened to him, among other when he provided the numbers. But no one listens to the solo and casual non group creating players anymore. I cannot even remember the last time i farmed a mount i wanted that required zero groups. It was a long time ago.
The developer’s only listen to one side of this community. Only one side. You cannot really change my mind here. They waited way to long to add the normal mode only tagline to the achievement. Way to long.
I mean, the PTR is when everyone starts to come back and see what all the fuss is about. What is new this season 4 of shadowlands. I am excited. Cannot wait to see what i can get this time around.
The content in this expansion, has already been eaten through. And i mean, the only thing the average person seems to be talking about right now, is that bloody gooey slime saber. There is, pretty much nothing else.
And for the casual solo players, and the casual non group related players, there is absolutely nothing for them. Just like if ion hazzikostas and his elitist jerks were told at the last minute in vanilla wow that the nerfs were not happening. There would be nothing for them to do at that point.
In this day in age, The game is old. So to the average player type i mentioned, what is the point of playing. There is none. Everyone wanted that gooey saber. It is like, the only thing i feel like people were resubbing more.
And this change, is just going to cost blizzard dough. Just going to cost them money in the long run is all i am saying. The casual solo players and the casual non group forming players based on non LFR stuff, and there are alot of them, just simply probably not be playing. Just like how no hardcore players would have been playing vanilla wow for a while if they could not beat cthun for months on end.
But short term money is still money i guess. But you would think blizzard would want to maxximize profits. Not only keep a select amount of individuals invested in playing the game they want to play, the way they want to play it.
It’s funny how elitist think the decision was based on the legitimacy of them being “better”. It’s like decisions like this are made to prove normal is upper class lol. Delusional.
Are you…okay?
the cat doesnt look like what i thought so its worthless to me
i thought it would be a jello cat like bigglesworth but its just some wolf reskin
Me too actually. I still like the new mount, but if they would have made it a big bigglesworth pet mount, that would have been better.
i think its actually a reskin of the panther that monks get in legion
I honestly would have to agree. But i still think it looks cool though as it is currently.
The decline button boss may be the hardest boss of normal, but I think you underestimate the difficulty of getting past it as a DPS with no raiding guild. If I try for the cat I will definitely do it on a tanking or healing class (most likely paladin to cover both bases at once).
Or you know maybe you’re an adult with a life and a job and no time for a full time raiding guild. Maybe you have serious anxiety issues and can’t handle the stress of possibly wasting the time of all the other people in the raid if you screw up. Maybe you’re just not very good at wow because of a disability but sure why not assume anyone who can’t raid is just a lazy ahole who wants everything handed to them.
I am just frustrated that they left the description of the achievement completion the way it was worded, all the way to the PTR, which is when people start up again, and resub to the game, seeing what is new for the season 4, etc.
Even now, looking in game, it says that you just need to clear the fated raids on shadowlands season 4. They should have changed the wording of this, like in beta and alpha of the season 4. Why they waited until it was about to come out, which is real soon, is way beyond me.
It legit leads everyone to believe that LFR would be included. And it wasn’t set in stone, and was subject to change, but they waited to bloody late. Now, alot of people are not going to play. There just is simply nothing new to them.
I mean, the normal raiders, and mythic plus raiders are going to have fun and will get a gooey saber. But the solo players and the non group creating players, will be shafted. Because there is absolutely nothing new for them to shoot for. Like why play the game if you are not making any progress whatsoever.
Heck, even for pvpers, at least they get the cool mounts for casual players/pvpers, and the vengeful glad mounts for the hardcore. But anyone who just casually ques up for dungeons, and does exalted grinds solo and all that. Nothing for them this time around.
Where it was told that all difficulties of the raid award mount?
also LFR isn’t even a difficulty it’s a randomizer of people looking at a story.
I never experienced anything social there. It’s a mechanism for bunch of randos matched together to stay in one place pressing 1-2 buttons for five minutes and then disperse (literally).
Your whine of not getting something from this activity tells how annoyed you are that you actually to do something to get something in return. You know, how real world works.
Blizz such an utter BS move we already have a current aotc mount why another raid group locked mount for stupid shadowlands raids??
It wasn’t stated anywhere by blizzard for confirmation. I just saw the achievement being there worded the way it was, all the way until two days ago, when the wording was changed, and felt like it was going to stay that way.
But that was my fault. If they delete dracthyr from the game 2 days before dragonflight launches. I won’t be surprised. I mean they did announce it. It seems to be moving along. But why believe anything. Nothing is set in stone.
A little sarcastic on my part, but i mean, never say never at the same time. Not gonna sit here and be all like, yah, they will never remove the dracthyr race in this game. Because they honestly could. Company is just that frustrating.
I am just upset because i believed the achievement wording would stay in the state that it was, and then changed last minute. And now i just wont be surprised by anything anymore, because i refuse to believe anything anymore. If you don’t believe anything, then you can never be surprised when it get’s changed.
Well sadly it is not gonna be possible to get the mount for you. If you ever get time and since we are in the same server, whisper me. I can help you with heals and maybe bring a tank or 2. But most likely, you either make a schedule to get the mount if you really want it or just dont get it and try to be ok with that. You are probably going to miss all the future AoTC mounts too.
If your source is not an official Blizzard statement in patch notes, yeah it can be changed. Dracthyr has been included in the selling promotion for the expansion. See? Difference
Doesn’t mean it won’t change lol. I won’t be surprised if it does even still.
Never forget when it was advertised way back in classic that paid level boosts would not be in classic BC because they did not want to break any hearts. But they added them in anyways and flat out lied.
So yah, even on the selling points, i no longer trust it. Just Because it is advertised doesn’t mean it will be there. Just because they said there would be no paid level boosts in classic bc doesn’t mean they won’t add them anyways.
I am just not choosing to believe anything anymore. I will still play, but will no longer be surprised anymore. No believing. No surprises.