Slime cat mount will not be obtainable in LFR

Guess I better see what Perky Pugs are doing

:dragon: :cyclone: :dragon: :cyclone: :dragon: :cyclone: :dragon: :cyclone:

Seriously, I’ll never understand some posters. They want a mount in LFR yet refuse to do a normal raid because they hate grouping. And people wonder why LFR sucks sometimes.

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So many guilds broke apart of opted out of SL raiding at different tiers that PP haven’t even done friendship dragon runs for the AotC mount from Jailer, which is saying something since they’ve done their contest carries for the previous three expansions. I hope they do something but to get the Slime Saber mount it takes killing all the fated bosses, not just the last one in each raid. Doubt that PP will commit to carrying a ton of people through that much content :cry:


Don’t mind me; just flagging these unnecessary and redundant threads.

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You know that Flying Book was added as a Mage Tower reward BUT the mage tower is up forever, even though I do think the difficulty should be reduced in some ways at least you can keep trying.

The Slime Cat is going to be a time limited reward, as I understand it , and is going to require Normal Raiding to get? That seems off to me personally.

I 100% agree on it being in LFR but the time constraint is only making this a worse situation. If Blizzard is deadset on having a raid requirement then make the mount not a FOMO reward. Its a for fun season, why would Blizzard even mention a Free Carry service like the Friendship Moose runs when Blizzard even states its a season to test things?

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I was pretty excited about faded raids, but this really diminishes my excitement for S4.
I’ve been a casual since I started playing in 06, so this isn’t new to me but IDK, I genuinely thought this would be the one and only seasonal raid mount I’d get. I feel so trolled by Blizz.

I can only hope community uproar changes Blizzard mind so casuals like me can get slime cat (Mr, Jig glesworth SR.) mount on LFR or during DF (If DF, not a .01% drop rate).

(I don’t mind grouping to do Normal, etc. It’s just not fun for me to be in a raid for 2-3 hours, that’s on me, I get it. I guess this one feels like they changed their mind not to benefit players, but likely to boost Q3 and Q4 token sales.)

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Thank you for clarifying Zan, much appreciated. :heart:

I bet most of these pugs will be looking for mythic geared people for normal so they can just fly by it. My hunter is 250ish ZM geared.

People will also be looking for AOTC achievement or no invite.

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It feels almost like they keep saying something about “Play WoW how you want to play,”

But what they mean is “just not that way.”

How ironic is it that they deliberately leave LFR out for this just a few short weeks after acknowledging a large amount of the players only experience raiding through LFR.

Speculative numbers suggest at least 30% of the player base only use LFR and 50%+ use it regardless of normal or heroic runs.

Before anyone adds to the endless droning about player capacity to finish the higher levels, it’s not about difficulty.

It’s literally about time. LFR is broken down into smaller wings and is easier to schedule times with less punishment for lockouts.


good, get people playing the game and interact with people other then pressing a “queue” button

Cool, guess I won’t be playing S4 for this. Back to Guild Wars!

I feel like the issue is the wording.

In game, currently as of writing this, it says,

Complete all three fated raids in shadowlands season 4.

There is no mention of difficulty whatsoever here in the achievement text like there would be for other achievements of similar caliber.

So i think alot of people expecting to be able to clear the raids however they wanted to, and now are let down. I mean, if it was meant as only a normal mode and onward thing for difficulty, it should say that.

It should have said, from the beginning to avoid all the confusion,

Complete all three fated raids in shadowlands season 4 on normal difficulty or higher.

Why it says otherwise when it could clearly be interpreted as being available on LFR by the average player, makes no sense to me. Like why word it that way, when it is only for normal mode raiding and above. Regardless of what other people might believe and think, LFR still is raiding. I mean, why is it called Looking for raid. That is what LFR stands for.


You’re not scamming them lmao they want the mount too. What an odd comment and what absolutely bonkers walls you people put in front of yourselves

For those who won’t look past the first paragraph of this: This is disappointing because Blizzard set an expectation and cannot be counted for it. The expectation for this mount for a fated achievement was set at ANY difficulty. You can look at it in the achievement window. The set expectation was that as long as you could use the usual platforms of LFR, Normal, Heroic or Mythic you could obtain this mount. As of 7/31/22 at 1:40PM EST, the achievements required for this mount are as follows:
Fates of the Shadowlands Raids -“Complete all three Fated raids in Shadowlands Season 4.”
Fate of Nathria-"Defeat the following bosses on any difficulty while Nathria is a Fated raid."
Fate of Domination-"Defeat the following bosses on any difficulty while Sanctum of Domination is a Fated raid."
Fate of the Sepulcher-"Defeat the following bosses on any difficulty while Sepulcher of the First Ones is a Fated raid."

Now, for those who care to hear the rest of the statement here, because the above pretty much states all that really -HAS- to be stated. Given that Blizzard themselves stated in the game achievements for ANY raid and to go back on this is very disheartening for the efforts that they are trying to do to make the community heard (I hope you are paying attention Blizzard). There are arguments of course that LFR is not a ‘real raiding environment’ and that people who want this mount should just ‘get gud.’ This goes against the original idea of LFR. LFR was meant to be a steppingstone or a lax environment for those who did not want to commit to the time or struggle of finding a guild for a raiding environment. It was there to help get the gear to move into Normal raids even for those who did have raiding guilds, and with Mythic+ it was counter-weighted for those who did not feel like doing the entire fights or wings of the raid to get gearing. Options, right? The stigma that LFR is just not real raiding or training wheels makes sense and I can get the arguments, however again, it was initially there to help those who didn’t have raid options have the ability to raid and also serve as a segway to get the gear needed to do harder content like Normal raids. There were those who didn’t want that, so Blizzard implemented Mythic+. It does have its fair share of issues, you have less organization and leadership in LFR because there is not a guild set of guidelines to go by, it is like anything in the queued environment of random chance in WoW. This does not mean that it should be excluded when expectations were set prior that -any- raid environment would work. LFR stands for LOOKING FOR RAID, I mean come on. It is a raid environment, albeit with its own set of flaws and weaknesses.

Why should we care so much about this? Would it be such a waste that a majority of players would be able to obtain this mount before the achievement window were to go away? There are always things that players hope to obtain before an expansion leaves that opportunity behind. Case in point, Mists where people can no longer achieve the class armors from doing the precursor to Mythic+ in Challenge Modes. (We are not counting recolors from Legion -most did not have that good of colorization to the original look of the armor let’s just be real.) This is principle of what was set in an expectation and it is why people are so upset about this issue.

There are people who rely on LFR to be able to do some of the content of this game for a variety of factors. Maybe they like the low population server they are on because some of their friends miraculously still play there with them and it is hard to find a progressing guild that works with their life. (Remember the old statement on Loading Screens of “Bring your friends to Azeroth but make sure to go outside with them too”). Maybe they work over forty hours a week and enjoy the game but have other responsibilities that putting time into a two-to-four-day raid schedule just really is like a secondary job to them, so they just want it on their time -hence LFR being an option? Maybe they do not like the toxic attitudes that most higher end guilds bring to the table because everyone wants to focus on a dps meter or a healing chart or how many times so and so parses on a fight? You know, instead of the end result of a dragon dying and getting kill points and maybe a shiny piece of gear. (I realize not all guilds are like this.) The point is, there are a lot of factors as to why LFR is an option out there for people. An expectation was set for those folk to look forward to and with an opportunity at a cool mount for folk to maybe have a chance to see the raids too. People have come back to the game recently just to see if Blizzard is to be counted at trying to do better for their gaming community. There are still a lot of people hovering on Final Fantasy just because of moments like this, where Blizzard set an expectation and backed out. I mean, I guess we should be used to this, it’s like having big plans of content that suddenly never make it to game. Like new dances or whole underground zones to match the size of the continent of Northrend (Since everyone is so juiced up for Wrath Classic).

TLDR (Even with a First Paragraph TLDR):
Blizzard, you have a returning player base trying to get hyped for Dragonflight who may want to try to give Shadowlands a final chance. You give a bonus of folk who put in SOME effort of time in any raid, like you stated, and they get a mount. Sure, you have some people preaching why give it to just everyone, LFR isn’t a raid and we were here this whole time like loyal Kyrian Stewards, but is that an attitude you really want reflected on something you hadn’t specified previously? It’s not like this is handing out a Zereth Overseer mount. The ball is in your court, Blizzard.

Hopefully by the time this is posted, maybe this will change. :slightly_smiling_face:


:popcorn: this thread

The sub-achievements actually literally say “on any difficulty”.

It would be funny if it turned out that one blue poster was just wrong and the only reason Blizzard hasn’t corrected it is they all have the weekend off. I’d love to see a livestream of their Zoom meeting tomorrow! (Not that I expect there to be one, of course.)

If it turns out that it does require normal, I might pick one alt, gear them up through Fated LFR for the first few weeks, and then try to build my own normal groups. But I don’t know how many people would be willing to do the same.

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Imagine being unable to gather in social MMORPG

You people are pathetic really. More and more I see your whine and can’t fathom what do you do in this game?

By working 9 hours a day and going to gym for 2 hours three times a week and spending some more hours each other day with my bf walking around city, I still managed to gain 3k rating in M+ and had time to do some rated PvP arenas (a little) and had time for clearing normal raids with randos. I also had time to clear old raids for mounts and toys and mogs and even finished one of my rogue mage tower (it was hell for me). What do you do in this game really?

I honestly think i am just done at this point. The one thing i really wanted, with the gooey saber this expansion. They deceived me into thinking i would have a shot at it. The way they worded it, made it seem i would have a shot at getting it through LFR, which is the only reason i really do LFR. I have done it one time, and that was in wod. For the special molten core mount. Also told that it was a limited run event to.

But, in shadowlands, i haven’t really wanted anything more than that bloody gooey saber. Nothing. But i was misled, and so were alot of others, and that is why i am mad. They waited way to long to change the wording of this achieve in my opinion to include the normal and above only tagline. I mean, we have been in the PTR stage for shadowlands for season 4 now for how long. It is just outright deceitful at this point.

And that is the real issue. The deception. I was 99 percent sure i was going to have a shot at the darn gooey saber. And i am a solo player and a casual non organized raid player at best. And an extremely broke player. And a super casual pvper. So at this rate, the mount just will not be obtainable for me. Simple as that.

But i don’t have a problem with not being able to obtain it. I don’t like being deceived.
An analogy i have been using is, it is like back when vanilla wow was out, and ion hazzikostas was pestering the developer’s at the time, over how overtuned Cthun was, and how he was impossible to kill. He did it constructively to, and had no power at blizzard. But imagine being told that the nerfs were coming, and they provided the damage modifiers and whatever else all the way to the and alpha and PTR stuff for the game, and then being told, yah nevermind. Not nerfing anything. Even though they said they were going to nerf it. Guarantee all the elitist jerks would have been none to happy about it. Dare i say, they might stop playing. Who in the heck wants to work towards something you really want when there is no chance in heck that you are going to get it at that rate. And no cthun kills would mean no gear, the thing really driving people to clear raids, at least back then. And a lack of progress and not playing anymore.

And that is the real issue. Being deceived. I wanted the gooey saber. Had my eyes on the prize, and was 99 percent sure i would be able to get it through my own means and playstyle, and suddenly, i am told no. Like it just isn’t worth it to me.

Just do the raids on normal. It’s basically LFR except that you can’t directly queue for it.

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This is a great decision.


Normal mode is not hard in the slightest.

Anyone crying is just upset because they can’t get a free carry.


Again, it is about more having to do with being deceived, and it saying clear the raids for shadowlands season 4, all the way up to the bloody PTR, more than enough time to create that sense of euphoria in your brain, that you based on your playstyle and whatever else, would be able to get it, and then being told normal only at the last minute.

I can live without the gooey kitty. But why did they have to trick me and a slew of other players into believing LFR would be an option for doing the raids.

It’s like saying i am going to get the thing i wanted for christmas, and then saying, nevermind 2 days before. Like just tell me the whole year i am not getting anything. I would be more fine with that than feeling like i have been lied to.

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