Slime cat mount will not be obtainable in LFR

You mistake not wanting to do something that you find no joy in for hours on end as lazy.


Then don’t do it. If you don’t like the mount enough to put in a little effort to get it, maybe you don’t want the mount that badly after all. Finishing a normal raid isn’t demanding at all. Imagine if it required 2400 pvp rating, or mythic raid.

I thought you said you didnt raid.
How would you know?

Ive pugged many normal raids in the past.
Demanding is selling it short.

I use it all the time. It matches my DID’s paladin mount and heritage armor perfectly.

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Yes, I don’t raid. Currently. Mythic+ is superior system.

I raided before, plenty of times.

You can join a casual raiding guild within an hour of typing in trade chat, don’t even have to pug.

Why? It’s not like raiding normal requires a huge barrier that only the top elites can perform. It’s a mount, relax.

Doing it with a guild is much better yes.
But i have no intention of using innocent people for my own gain.
That would be scummy.

Gosh, hearing this from a DH after the crap DKs dealt with this xpac is just pure joy.

I’m not sure why you are asking me to relax, I simply stated my thoughts on the topic. If you disagree that is completely fine. Either add to the discussion or go away - your response brought nothing to the table

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just the ones who love complaining just to complain about something.

Well I really don’t have much to come back with there…give me a few

If this is your argument then im sure the Jelly cat will be this way in 6 months as well. Mounts that come out are popular for a brief peroid when theyre first out. Then you never see them again hardly.

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9/10 times a mount I use is a shop mount. No kitty mount in game will beat that one from the shop, it’s adorable, meows, chases it’s tail. I don’t really use other mounts except to add a +1 to my collection

Other than Squeakers which was my favorite mount for a long time - maybe because it was small and not in the way, Invincible is my go-to mount. More recently I’m using the Book mount though

Please reconsider adding Slime Cat to LFR


I never even got Invincible, partly because it never dropped, partly because I prefer sparkle pony so I never tried to farm it much lol

Spectacular, just what we needed. Another “lol casuals” from the developers to their most dedicated and financially beneficial playerbase. This’ll go a long way towards repairing a fractured community :roll_eyes:

Criminettly pete. Can we even go back for it some five hundred years down the line, if and when Blizzard also lifts their war on people soloing old raids to get cool stuff years later, or does it have to be completed during Season 4?

Yeah, Raid mounts typically are good till the next raid unless its a rare raid drop mount Then people use those more often.

I have run LFR and that’s why I said what I said. I do it on my alts and it’s a joke. Even in the beginning.

Right, so basically what you’re saying is, you don’t have to put any effort into it because… it’s easy! Amazing that you contradicted yourself so quickly.

The one we got through LFR? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Life doesn’t work on your personal schedule.

This isn’t about me personally. Stop trying to make up poor excuses.

More lies.

That’s a bunch of crap. LFR is just as much effort, if not more, than Normal.