Then you dont get raiding rewards.
I am not a raider.
This is a good choice.
If it required afking through LFR, the very bare minimum, mount wouldn’t have any value. Remember Deathwing mount? No one uses that.
IT’S A RAID. Stop acting obtuse.
Then there’s no reason for all those people to sub through season 4…
And Blizzard makes tons of money when people get frustrated and buys carries! Everyone wins! No wait, just Blizzard.
Stop spreading this lie.
Oh look the causal vs hardcore vs softcore war again on the forums
You guys realize that the common suspect among all our problems with the game like covenants, conduits, balance , rep , raids , mounts e.t.c is Blizzard right
I know you’re joking/trolling, but at this point as someone who used to love lfr (in MoP, WoD, and Legion) I don’t see a need in stepping into LFR anymore. You can get better gear from casual pvp queues and open world zones.
A fool and their money.
If I do LFR (which was only when I had to for either tier, specific item etc), I voted those people that AFK and many others do the same. I don’t generally LFR but the multitude of people that do makes me feel bad for them…I mean really - the end of an expansion and this?
And it’s all caused by Blizzard.
Everyone can find time. People working 8 hours a day and commuting find time. You can most definitely find time if you have time to chat on forums for hours. You mistake casual for lazy. Normal raid is casual. Expecting all rewards to be given through queue and afk or do bare minimum of hitting the boss with whatever’s on your action bar is just silly.
If you won’t put in the little effort it requires, you don’t get the mount, it’s simple. Enjoy your day.
I uh, might disagree with you there
And the logical extension is then not everyone gets everything. Seems braindead simple.
Everyone has it, you see it once in a blue moon. It’s a fact.
i guess they think token sales (to buy jelly cat) will outpace allbthose that quit in s4
scummy approach if true
I see it basically everytime I’m online
Sure, go out in Oribos and take some screenshots. Or Orgrimmar, or Stormwind, I’ll wait.
If you see it every time you’re online, shouldn’t be a problem to go snap some photos of people riding them. I remember last one I saw was months ago. : )
Its me
I’m the one using it
Crab mount for land, worldbreaker for flying
And barely anyone else, point made.