Its satire, and probably will exist in a week knowing how LFG seems to work lately
Sunzsu, ok? Just stop.
They listen to the community. They have their finger on its heartbeat.
Like, if some of yall play tanks and healers, you got a raid team ready to go for normal based on the people who hate pugging in here
Get ya’lls mount together
Or, you have a life and commitments.
I can put quite a lot of time into WoW, but it is hard to commit 2-3 hours in a solid chunk. That’s why M+ is great, and so is LFR. If normal was divided up into wings, you’d not see me complaining.
It isn’t about skill. It’s about time.
Don’t make it a 2-3 hour raid night?
Have like 3 nights of 1 hour’s each or something
Guilds are a thing, you don’t have to pug everything
Right, I’m sure guilds will love filling their rosters with people that are going to get the slime cat then quit.
Which is exactly what I would do. I don’t enjoy being in guilds.
An extremely rotten move. There’s no reason for it. They’ve given casuals no open world content for season 4 and now they give no incentive to even run one of the levels of the raid for casuals.
This war on casuals needs to stop.
Every single raid level is putting forth effort. Don’t act so obtuse.
Yes. It is. It’s the same fights, same bosses, same length, same rewards, same Fated affixes. It even gives tier. That’s a real raid experience, sorry to burst your bubble.
False. LFR can actually take MORE effort than Normal, due to the amount of wipes, because people don’t know them and don’t work together.
WoW! What a terrible decision. Why even have lfr fated? I’ll be clearing it on heroic so it doesn’t affect me but man that’s a lot of people that will be.
Anything you can afk through and still beat the boss isn’t a real raid experience. Only thing you raiding is your fridge while the boss dies.
It’s the last season of an xpac, I don’t think anyones gunna expect people to get a mythic raiding guild at this point
Hell basically all my guilds doing is a single normal and heroic clear for the mount/title
You can, just put together a group whos entire purpose is to get the mount and be done of raiding for this season
Don’t even make a guild if they bother you so much
One of our main tanks is an Alliance DH now. They’ve made it to every raid since they joined our pug a while ago. Cross-faction has been good for filling for sure. We just have to yell at them every so often for calling lust, “hero” >.>
If you’re trying to get the mount you should probably focus on one. Then go alting after. It’s a non-issue really.
I feel like you’re either exaggerating or just have no clue. There are basically no mechanics you have to do in LFR. It’s gutted to pretty much make every fight a tank and spank.
This is a common occurrence in raiding guilds. Most people grab their AOTC and AFK until the next raid tier. It isn’t out of the norm for half our roster to vanish afterwards.
I understand your point about time constraints, but we do have lockouts, so what ever you kill, stays dead.
An hour here or there over a week isn’t a terrible obligation.
Though, I would probably try to get into a guild that has a set raiding time that gels with your schedule.
Can I join your guild? For reasons.
No one AFKs through these fights and survives.
People get kicked for that crap because they wipe the raid. Stop spreading lies.
The anti LFR gang is ridiculous
If people want to go do real raiding, they’d go raid.
These people are like me, super casuals who want the reward and enjoy the convenience of LFR to just jump in and get the reward.
This just is a silly rotten move by slimey Blizz.
I dont think im being unreasonable. The only skill you learn in lfr is the skill of patience. People literally afk running into walls or auto hitting. Its more of a story mode.
Its not just the 1% doing normal mode of a raid. And if you cant accomplish normal mode of a raid I feel like you just dont get that specific reward. Like, I kinda suck at pvp so I dont get the cool pvp rewards.
Raiding shouldnt be a loot pinata.
And spend what, half of the time looking for groups?
And I’d be lucky to find a group starting at the bosses I need. This isn’t a one and done, or even a full raid clear. We are talking 30 bosses.
.I can’t commit to a schedule, and your advice is to join a guild?
That’s the exact opposite.
I mean I’m happy to tank for anyone who isn’t a jerk.
Me tanking in my imagination:
Me tanking in reality:
They’re spiteful. That’s all there is to it.
It would hurt no one and nothing if it was obtainable in LFR. We have the stupid robot thingy from Heroic for the people that don’t pug.