It’s not the difficulty that’s making me upset, it’s pugging. God I hate pugging.
Dude you’re a well-equipped BDK… maybe you don’t have the common perspective.
I just tried to join a group for the mount and they said I needed 420 ilvl and AOTC for the first DF raid.
WTF Blizzard this is so toxic.
Getting into a raid with a BDK tank is easy mode. They shouldn’t get the mounts.
How do you think I got the gear?
I had no guild at the start of the xpac, then joined one and we eventually had an aotc team
LFR takes no effort and the mount shouldn’t be obtainable there. Normal isn’t even hard.
Finding public groups is the hard part and time consuming part. It’s also really difficult to get into tight schedules.
That’s the worst part of raiding in my opinion. Unless you can devote multiple hours to both the raid itself and the process of joining one: You can’t begin to start.
And if you play lots of alts. God help you.
Cross-faction raiding should have fixed that. My guild has a community for Horde and Alliance and we take people from both factions now.
These are also fated raids, not new raids. Similarly to what happened in classic, the raids will be cleared super fast. We know the fights, strats, and everything. Trust me, it will be a lot easier than you think.
Alts have nothing to do with the mount.
I didn’t say just give it without effort, Torghast would of been another fine option to earn it.
Still have no reason to play in S4.
On the other hand, ESO dragons.
Honestly the worst part about this is that I was looking forward to actually being able to do Castle Nathria LFR because the queue times basically make it impossible. But if you can’t even get the mount through LFR will anyone even actually queue up for LFR?
I thought Fated raids were going to give people an incentive to do old LFRs so people could actually do them, I thought that was the entire point. Doesn’t this kind of defeat that point then?
Okay but lfr is not earning anything.
Hey. Maybe I can organize a group to help frands get it through normal if that’s doable.
Do normal raids in lfg. I mean you don’t even need to make the group just join one, requirements for normal are pretty low.
It helps, but it didn’t fix it. Being able to play with the Alliance as a Horde main definitely made a huge difference I won’t lie.
Well, for me it kind of does, because when I play WoW I enjoy playing the character I am in the mood for, which is often a newer character.
In my experience the best time to get into a Normal raid is on a Friday night or on a weekend… but uh… I don’t want to play WoW on a Friday night or weekend most the time??
LFR gets fated as well, so that raids LFR will have people queing for it cuz higher ilvl, regardless of mount
Well they can stuff it then. Less reason for me to stay around…
I think Tovi already took the word’s right out of my mouth.
Yep. I was hoping to farm the mount from The Nine because atm the queue time for that is 10 days.
Brilliant move Blizzard.
I mean I was going to spend time in game doing LFR for this mount, but now you took it away.
Holy crap