Slime Cat forcing players into pug raids

I feel like that isn’t really Blizzard’s problem.

LFR is technically a pug as well and probably just as toxic, if not more so.

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A pug? That’s just the half of it. You’ll also have to feed it and clean it’s litter box and it will still run around and knock everything off your counters for no reason.

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I consider this like a problem from them because players can discuss any plans with their corresponnding guilds/cores, its similar to announcement for season’s end like 1 week before next patch which was discussed multiple times that a better approach is like a month before that season’s end.

Well considering we have known a Season 4 was coming for a while, as well as a mount associated with it, you had plenty of time to discuss it with people. If no one was interested in it, or you failed to bring it up, no matter where Blizzard put the mount, it wasn’t Blizzard’s problem lol.

Because, the mount achievement wasn’t for normal +, that’s the whole point of so many threads today about “any difficulty”.

There’s not achievements in the game for SL raids completion in normal only, the first achievement shares progress with LFR. Blizzard should clarify those details like the Heroic achievements text that has “Heroic or higher”.


Right, but it would have been better to run it with your group of peeps either way. Your argument was about not having your core group to run it with because they went on break or weren’t interested, not about the mount not being available from LFR. As I said before, at that point it wouldn’t have mattered where the mount was because even if it WAS available through LFR, it would have made more sense to just run it on Normal with your regulars. Not only would it have been faster, it would have been a lot easier as well.

Sure, but if it was available on LFR like a lot of players assume, I wont even bother to ask my core to pay sub for S4 content. I’d have just played S4 on my own doing LFR and just taking my time with ksm. I asked my raid leader today and it seems that there’s not anyone for S4, maybe we’ve to look for new players for DF.

Yeah, I get that, I just don’t think anyone can say Blizzard is forcing them through pugs when the group of people they normally run content with made a conscious decision not to do anything in Season 4. I think it’s pretty dumb to leave the mount out of LFR as well but I’m also mostly indifferent about it. If I wanted it, I would find a way to get it either way.