SL SPriest Void Form Fix

Hey everyone,

I’d like to formally share my idea to fix Shadow in time to make it in Shadowlands without major reworks in resources and mechanics etc.

See link if you want to see the progression of my idea that I just worked out while talking with Nyelle in this thread here…

Okay, so first off lets make sure we all agree that Devouring Plague is currently in competition with Void Form. I purpose we split the spec to 2 or 3 different playstyles. See below.

  1. Change/rename Legacy of the Void to “Void Eruption”
    Void Eruption (Replaces Devouring Plague) Cost 60 insanity: Releases an explosive blast of pure void energy, activating Voidform and causing [ x% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 10 yds of your target.
    During Voidform, this ability is replaced by Void Bolt.
  2. Let Void Form be w/e damage enhancer via % damage or %stats it wants/needs to be with a hard CAP of amount and / or duration. Then balance that with Devouring Plague.
  3. Rework a few talents that affect Void Form specifically to something else like just insanity gain or actual mechanic altering talents.
    Examples can include…
    • Adding baseline Mind Spike that doesn’t generate or cost insanity thus making it worthless or very little gain for Void Form play and maybe bring back From Darkness comes Light to allow instant cast procs.
    • Replacing Dark Ascension with Clarity of Power to allow more mobile play with instant cast mind blasts.
    • Make S2M just a flat % more insanity gain from all sources.
    • Change Void Torrent to increase the damage of mind flay by x% for x sec after using Devouring Plague or Void Eruption.
    • Change lingering insanity to grant its haste bonus by x% after Void Form or Devouring Plague duration ends (amount is determined by how long the triggered ability lasted for, so DP you wont get as much compared to Void Form).


Change Shadow to 3 different play styles.

  1. Void Form (No mechanical changes, just numbers to round out the ramp).
  2. Surrender to Madness as a CD to enhance all insanity generation for more Devouring Plagues in a more rot focused playstyle.
  3. Clarity of Power for more on the move damage.

The goal was to take the insanity mechanic and split it from Void Form and I think this can be done since Devouring plague is the main ability that competes with Void Form so its natural to just make a talent that replaces it and that talent be Void Form.

What do you all think?


traditionally blizzard has rejected a talent system that fundamentally changes the spec playstyle to that degree.

voidform on a talent isn’t going to work anymore than shadow word: death did as a talent

As soon as I read there were no Azerite traits that affected SW:D, I knew immediately that the devs had lost their creativity for spriest. That sapped creativity is continuing in SL.

Alright, you didn’t play during WoD right?

That’s what we had, we had 2 good playstyles and 1 crap one (Void Entropy) that didn’t work. But the other 2 (CoP and AS) worked and were different.

So I don’t know what your talking about.

The fact is, they already stated in the bluepost that we are to use DP when you cant really use VF… so just take that a step further and make them officially separate forms of gameplay in talent choices.

That way you can enjoy your VF and we can enjoy DP.
We are not forcing you to play DP and you don’t need to force us to play VF.

Why is that a problem?


To compare:

  1. They both act as Spenders to do more damage.
  2. They both go against one another to achieve the same outcome.

There is no reason to use one over the other.
So it makes sense to formally separate them.