SL Season 4 must have gearing for casual/solo players

and random battle grounds

they should phase open world by ilvl. that way there wouldnt be any contact between the chosen ones and the riffraff.

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You can’t retain players that you don’t have to begin with. The MoP launch started in a lower than usual spot because Cata ended on a bad note with a poorly received raid and because the MoP expansion theme was not well received, but MoP did an excellent job of retaining players with the quality and pacing of its content.

By contrast, WoD and SL exploded with subs at launch, but were not able to retain many subs because of the elitist gearing systems in place.

Comparing Wrath and SL gearing is like comparing Arthas as a character to the Jailer. Devs might have thought they were going back to the glory days and bringing back the Wrath hype, but they weren’t.

You also have to keep in mind that SL having LFR severely widens the gap between casual and hardcore gear rewards, and back in Wrath open world enemies didn’t scale up in Health and dungeons didn’t scale up in difficulty with each new season, so a non-raider in Wrath could over time earn a significant and meaningful amount of power just by doing dungeons.

There were always minor power gains attached to rating, but many players in Wrath found an entire endgame in unrated PvP.

SL is completely different because you need rating to make Conquest gear even viable, due to the upgrade system and requirements.

No, wrath was the only expac to get it right. Tier 9 then 10 normal could be purchased with badges which you got daily for pugging a dungeon. Yes, it was a long slog, but it was a guaranteed achievable goal. Why they ever got rid of it is beyond me.


Because 14 of a currency per week for players who refuse to raid to purchase a set of gear that cost thousands of said currency is better than what we have now

Try 50 or so per item. I was there. I GOT that set.


I’m looking at archived prices for emblems of frost right now.
60-95 for non-tier armor, 30 or 60 for trinkets/relics, 695 or 1100 for tier sets.

also, no weapons that I can see.

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All the badge armor for at least ICC gear was normal raid gear with the set bonuses. Nothing cost that much, at least that i remember. I do remember it taking time, but not an unreasonable amount. And as i said, it was guaranteed achievable, no RNG, no frustration other than time. I dont remember weapons tho. I got my claymore off marrowgar. Had to go level 2 hand swords to even use it. Lol.

Chest Emblem of Frost x 95
Hands Emblem of Frost x 60
Head Emblem of Frost x 95
Legs Emblem of Frost x 95
Shoulders Emblem of Frost x 60

Ok so a little higher than what i remembered, but certainly not out of the realm of doability.
Emblems of Frost also dropped off all bosses in Icecrown Citadel, as well as from Toravon the Ice Watcher. I do remember doing Toravon a few times to get those last few badges i needed for some item.


It was ICC 10 normal loot, there were tier and non-tier options for chest, hat, shoulders, gloves and legs, with the tier being just over 11x as expensive.

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I still HAVE that gear on my warrior, and it all has tier bonuses.
I never once saw tier gear for any more than what i posted above.

I mean its all deactivated but the gear is still the same, unless they changed it in Cata.

Given that it’s been over 10 years, I’m going to go with what it says in the archive.

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I have 9 posts because I don’t pay sub ( from tax payer and welfare cuz u dont have job ) to sit on forums and cry like a 13 year old instead of playing game like you lol. I truly feel bad for you, deeply.

I am not lazy; in that I average about 60 hours minimum a week playing the game. But that said I am not hardcore anymore and consider myself a solo / casual player. I don’t do dungeons, raids and PvP just infuriates me. To do dungeons and raids would require me to have a set schedule and since I am on call 24/7 and my days and times change constantly since I am a salary member of management at my job, I can’t conform to a guild schedule anymore which makes being in one pointless.

But all that said I would like progression, something to make when I do play easier because I put the time in to earn it. I wore the quest gear I got from doing the campaign up until Zereth Mortis and now wear the 252 gear which sucks stat wise because as an enhancement shaman I would want to stack more haste / critical if I am correct. I was forced into wearing this ugly looking gear because the crap in ZM hits a lot harder than it did in Korthia but also had a crappy looking design.

So, while I know because I don’t raid, do dungeons, or PvP I would love to at least have the transmog of the tier set. I would love to have the bare minimum stats of the gear I wear at bottom tier of raiding or dungeons. After all I have put in more time than most dungeon / raiders / pvp players do in a week. I travel the zone’s helping anyone I can saving some from a sure death or making other people’s days easier because that is my playstyle.

So, no I don’t want free gear, I want to earn my gear. I just want a path that allows me through grinding countless hours on the content I can do and like more which is the Story of Warcraft. I want to actually use the currency that the developers continually throw at us that people complain isn’t enough, so they lower the bar for the dungeon, raiders, and PvPer’s to get the components for that gear.


If you play 60 hours a week and you call yourself a casual you must be trolling lol. Thats like similar to sit down 3 days straight and not get up from wow lol

in that 60 hours a week you can only achieve 244 PVE gear, all these hours you can’t progress lol, that seems like you need to practice how to do better DPS rather than complaining about game being hard.

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M+ and it’s excellent rewards negated the need for a mindless grind of heroic dungeons while giving 5 man players a real endgame.

Currently my iLvL on my main is 245. My weakest gear is my weapons and trinkets. Do I care about DPS no not really? This is my 1st DPS character I have played since 1999 when I started in EQ, WoW, SWTOR and now WoW again. I prefer to play tanks and healers, but when I came back a month before Shadowlands and was leveling I seen how people abused those two playstyles so figured hey just play something I don’t normally do but can at least do the content in a timely manner.

When I was hardcore, I played a minimum of 10 hours a day of which 5 was for raiding, worked for 10 hours a day and spent minimum of 4 hours sleeping. On my days off I would play a minimum of 20 hours a day 5 spent raiding and slept for the other 4 hours in the day for a weekly average of 90 hours gaming. When I went super hardcore I was playing a average of 140 hours a week while I was in and out of the hospital for 2 1/2 years.

When I am not on my main, I am leveling one of my countless alternate characters. I run from zone to zone doing content I missed when I left back at the end of Cataclysm. I hunt down achievements and I generally go out of my way to help people. Something that this game seems to lack in mass like it did back in the beginning.

The game is as hard as you make it and that comes down to how you are geared and what knowledge you have about your character you are playing. Some characters and classes have an easier time than others. One my goals always is making it to level 60 before you even die once. Do I hate the death statistic the game tracks yes, but I do make it a goal to achieve and even afterwards I try to minimize the amounts of times I have to die by learning everything I can about distances, abilities of NPCs and classes without relying on Add-Ons to win the game for me.

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M+ is not excellent to those who hate all esports and everything it stands for, which lets face it, is 99% of nerds who would ever have bought an MMO to begin with.


:roll_eyes: regular m+ isn’t an eSport. You don’t even need to time it.

And yet, if you dont, you get to experience the most toxic of all player attitudes.

And please, dont pretend that isnt a thing.


Are there rude people? Sure.

Is it possible to just list/join completion groups and very rarely have an issue? Absolutely.

Is running content intended for organized groups with an actual organized group the best way to never have problems? It sure is!

I dont think you understand the word ‘never’.

Look, Esports and M+ is not for everyone. Not everyone LIKES competitive play. Some would rather play on their own time, at their own speed, and a guaranteed loot like LK had was the perfect solution. WOW once SHINED in this.