SL Season 4 must have gearing for casual/solo players

there is nothing for casuals in season 4 the only upgraded gear you can get is the pvp gear which you can turn in to tier sets.

You get guaranteed normal raid level loot from WQs and 2 legendary items. C’mon now.

Rhetorical questions:

Is Season 4 raiding gear going to have tier set bonuses? If not, is it going to be better to hold onto pieces of Season 3 gear for certain specs because the set bonus is so good? But if new Season 4 does have set bonuses, what gear is going to be convertible or droppable with set bonuses?

Is Domination Shard gear going to be active or attainable at higher item levels in the revamped SoD raid?

Is there going to be a new higher rank of legendaries in Season 4? (Hopefully, the base pieces will be super cheap and/or no longer crafted with professions! I don’t want to keep paying more gold for base pieces than I do my sub time….)

I almost feel like the announcement for Season 4 came too soon before devs could even explain what it actually was, and the player praise is coming too soon too before we actually know whether the systems will be properly implemented.

I for one would rather stay in Season 3 than get a new season that just doubles down on exclusive and grindy systems design.

There was something satisfying about the way that Wrath, Cata, and MoP (up to 5.3) handled power rewards from random dungeons by implementing an Emblem or Valor currency with vendors that sell raid-level gear.

Good gear from World Quests is fine, but Heroic dungeons offer a better gameplay experience for many players as they can actually use their specs’ toolkits in a more meaningful way.

SL M+0 and M+ content doesn’t offer as good of an experience as Wrath did to the average player because M+0 and M+ are not queueable and there is no Valor vendor.


Also less RNG is always wonderful.


Source on the average player’s opinion?

Sure queues are more convenient, but m+ is overall more rewarding, so I guess it’s just a matter of if you value matchmaking over the rewards.

Source that its incorrect? Queable content will always beat toxic exclusionary content in the casual playset.


Burden of proof is on the presenter. Always has been.

Queued content is just as, if not the most, toxic as anything in wow

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Ok now i KNOW youre trolling.

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Exactly then stop crying when someone kicks out of mythic because healer and tank is out dps ing you and it takes them 4 hours to complete key because of you.

You don’t care about dps, then no reason to get all the good gear lol, just go play pokemon go or sims city. Stop ruining peoples keys with your 100 dps then coming and crying on forums about how hard it is to get geared. Lazy and stupid gosh

Whatever you want to believe. Meanwhile there’s threads all the time about people being jerks in LFD/LFR (and random BGs have always been heckholes) so :man_shrugging:

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First, I am not crying, I was participating in someone’s comments. I put in the work to gear my character for the content I play and am able to hold my own with what I do wear for that content long after that gear is relative. I know not to ruin other people’s experience in the game, so I don’t do that content that they want. Does that mean I won’t be running around in max gear, yes? Does that mean I still don’t deserve some kind of gear, no? So, I wear what the developers meant for my playstyle.

You on the other hand don’t like my playstyle and want me to leave the game. I don’t go out of my way to ruin anyone’s game and go out of my way to help anyone and everyone I can. Maybe you are the one that has the issues with the gear being offered to people’s various playstyles. Maybe it’s not the gear that needs to be given out for those playstyles but the skill of the player that needs to be evaluated.

Just because I don’t play in a guild, run dungeons, pvp, or raid doesn’t mean the amount of time I put in the game is any less that yours. That is what the intent of the original post was about and what my comments started about. People want a return for their investment that they put in.


/Played may not be less, but the rewards are tied to how that time is spent. Just doing the minimum activities is only going to give the minimum rewards. I know that since I’m not able to play like normal lately, I’m not going to end up with the same stuff, and that’s ok.

They’re getting a return, they just don’t like it.

I know when I was a hardcore player, I would invest a lot of time before raids getting the materials, researching the fights and getting the required death penalty so I wouldn’t de-level and lose access to my gear (EQ). When it was time to give out loot from the raid, I would pass for the players that only raid logged because my skill far outweighed the minimal point upgrades it offered.

When they came out with Add-ons, I was strictly against them because it dumbed down an entire generation of players because they were required to use them and have become complacent on using them. Now at my age and health condition raiding, pvp and dungeons are something I don’t do because I don’t want to ruin another person’s experience.

That is part of the issue I find with gear. Because they impose these ilvl requirements and put artificial statistics on them they have become required or your just not invited along. Only reason I would want the tier set is because as a shaman it looks sweet to me, and I don’t have access to many transmog sets I like. Currently I use the honor bound set from Warlords of Draneor because I wanted to experience that expansion, I missed during my 10-year hiatus.

But because they also felt the need to make gear have statistics people want some kind of progression for whatever content they play. As I said earlier, I wear the ilvl 252 gear because I found the campaign gear, I wore was now decremental to my playstyle for the area I was now fighting in. But the look of the gear is appalling to me, so I had to transmog the set to even look at my character. Will I ever get the transmog of my tier set? Won’t know but if anything, that is worth the amount of currency I build up while doing the Daily and World quests between old content.


You mean players aren’t inviting you? What do you mean by “artificial statistics?”

It’s always had stats tho? And there is progression based directly on the content played.

Is the issue really that you don’t like how the open world gear looks? I agree with you there but that’s the great thing about transmog and the tons of old sets you can easily get. If you want the current tier appearances, LFR drops them and is very manageable for any limitations you are working with.

Yes and no, this thread OP has a point… the ZM gear grind for casuals isn’t that long, when season 4 hits… those won’t really have anything new in the open world to go after. So yes, the only ones getting something are the instanced folks [raids m+] for season 4.


Actually, it is just the opposite. LFR gear has been downgraded to the point no one goes there. waiting to see the fall out of that move and the next move is removing LFR. This is my opinion.

The new zone makes it extremely hard to do weekly/ get gear to a point/ accomplishments seem futile. It takes a strong will to say they get that done in one slitting. as the bug is still not fixed. If you leave at 88% you might come back at zero percentage.

A lot of people just want to do normal stuff. Mythic, hard raiding, and arena are just not what they want. This is what the company keeps pushing. As I can not see any reason not to log in for an hour or two every other day. What is the point? Used to log on three hours a night. have not done that since MOP and early WOD.

Auto correct needs to die.


Has LFR gear been placed too low or world content gear placed too high?

To me that depends on your perspective.

I doubt it would be a popular opinion to make ZM gear be < 239 so LFR provides upgrades to it.

Oh no.

I thought the people here said that people go for the experience of seeing the content, not being able to simply AFK for free lootz.

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:sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:


That is just one of the memic line companies men/raiders/ lack of maturity folks say to make them feel good. I have never once heard that from people doing lFR. Thus, going to use a gemic phrase become more original than this dead horse.