SL Season 4 must have gearing for casual/solo players

I’d agree with that, but the open world stuff shouldn’t go past normal raid ilevel.

That’s just Blizz being terrible at scaling.


Relax, I am sure they have something planned for the world players. Probably an ilvl increase across the board and some updates to the various world bosses to make then worth doing again.

that wasnt the point of my post, at all.

Do we have a casual player advocate in the council forums? and if not why? why not? we are kind of the real bread makers for blizz.


Zereth Mortis would have to provide means of obtaining 259 gear in every slot, 278 conduit upgrades, and socket attachments to even break even with Korthia. (An upgrade to Korthia would be 265 gear.)

Zereth Mortis is intentionally a downgrade for open world content, confirmed by Ion in an interview discussing why he thinks it is bad to tie player power with open world content.

That would require farming thousands of chests or rares.

These all need to be 259 to break even with Korthia, even if you have to farm Cosmic Flux or some other currency to upgrade them.


They dont till like 75% of people leave

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The drop in Cata (despite having LFD throughout) only confirms my theory because Cata Heroic dungeons were NOT accessible and rewarding.

The typical (not hardcore) player just wants to log on and progress their character’s power without a lot of frustration and social networking. Cata did not provide this experience as well as Wrath did.

Cata added LFR only at the end, and only because premade group raiding participation was so low. The obvious huge drops in subs in WoD and SL were also because there was no accessible power progression.

My theory is based entirely on the numbers. If they indicated otherwise, I would change my theory.

Devs need to realize why Wrath had so many subs and apply those design principles to SL Season 4, instead of doing the opposite (as they have announced).

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So why did subs also drop in MoP?

You kinda just skipped over it in your post, and it’s dungeons and LFR were very easy, and it had timeless isle picking up items off the ground.

MoP heroics were extremely easy.

Valor gear.

Shadowlands gearing is actually really close to 3.3 wrath. The SotFO normal/heroic/mythic are 1 item level off being identical to ICCs 3 levels of gear.

Wrath had rating requirements on PvP gear.

Except in SL even solo players never touching a dungeon can get what would have been ICC10 level gear, something that never came close to happening back then.

wasn’t there effectively no solo gear in wrath? from what I know of that time, your options were raid, pvp, or bust for getting even close to 10 player normal ilvl gear.

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" i am lazy give me free gear " its not like we have honor gear, conquest gear, covenant gear, zer mortis gear, lfg, dungeons, raids.

Give me gear for free while i cry on forums instead of playing game.

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you have 9 posts. the 2 i’ve seen so far have been… well… i guess you don’t enjoy posting on the forums much? idk

Blizzard doesnt respond to much of anything. The dont seem to care about sub losses or so it seems. Wonder if that will continue under their new MS overlords.


Except, they do, and the current marketing strategy is getting the bulk of sales up front from pre orders, and sales of expansions. Just look at when most of the TV commercials are released. This game, despite what your Blizzard hatred agenda types tell you, is still the largest, and most profitable within it’s genres, just saying.

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Here’s the thing. It’s not power progression that’s needed. It’s progression of any sort. Gear is irrelevant. One of the ‘nice’ things (I realize there are pros and cons about this) in the old system is that one could progress skills over time.
For example: I created a warrior back in the day. My goal was to be expert in all weapons, which meant that I had to use each weapon to max at each level. Tedious? Somewhat, yes. But, it was something to work towards. A meaningful goal for me.

Now? I max out the toon. Gear? Okay, so when I max out the gear without going Mythic or whatnot, what then? Nothing to do unless I go to an alt or want to do pet/mount collecting.

That’s the problem with the current system. This is a Blizzard design issue. I’m not saying I want to go back to the old system, but they have narrowed the ‘to do’ field to funnel everyone to M+ and raids and those that aren’t interested in that well, they either hang around hoping, because friends are here or – go elsewhere.

It’s NOT a gear issue. There are those who claim it is, there is a minority who will whine and say it is, but overall? I suspect there are many who feel as I do. With Korthia, I took a subset of my toons to Korthia to level their gear. With ZM, a smaller group and I’ve no desire to take the rest. Why?

Because, ultimately, there really is no point. There used to be. That’s the main problem.


Numbers alone are terrible for understanding anything outside of that number.

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Nah it won’t. You have ALL 3 raids available on top of mega dungeon M+ for best gearing. Your not gonna get the best gear ingame for no effort. This is an MMORPG, not Skyrim.

Mechanics in mythics are no joke, a random que’d team won’t be able to do half of them die a ton, and rage quit and beg for nerfs.

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Have you realized that that’s because LFR is queued content?

Blizzard don’t neuter or outright remove like 90% of mechanics in LFR for the fun of it. They do it because randomly matchmade groups are of an incredibly low quality compared to manually formed ones.

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We have CC members who claim to be casual, yet seem to fully support and even praise SL’s recent design principles that have been driving away casual and solo players. Millions of players didn’t quit because they didn’t resonate with the Jailer, they quit because they hit max level and didn’t see a worthwhile progression path.

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This is exactly why mythics won’t ever be queuable, just saying.

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So despite the fact that wow was originally marketed as a game that anyone could play by themselves at any time, solo players are no longer welcome, and you are here to see how many players you can drive from the game.