SL Season 4 must have gearing for casual/solo players

Then doo your own key. Start you own groups, that’s how you learn.
I basically didn’t play season 1 and had to essentially relearn all of sl dungeons.
Just do them and you will progressively get better.

Ohh and starting a group right now is the perfect time everyone is still doing low keys around 5 months from now it will become difficult though.
Would say I’d help ye learn the stuff but wellll ye know factions and what not.

Yeah, I just see it all the time on these forums. Folks getting kicked for making a mistake in a dungeon, and others cheering on the kicker because how dare the person make that mistake after the dungeon has been out for a year. They should know better and the mistake-maker is actually the toxic one for wasting the time of others and not being perfect.

It genuinely scares me into not trying because I could easily be that person. Just that right now I’m not giving them the opportunity to yell at and kick me because i’m not in the world of dungeons.

My main at the moment actually is Alliance. But no, I get it.


It happens. Even for silly reasons. No sense worrying about it. Bad stuff is going to happen no whatever what.

If you describe the type of people you want to join I think you can get more patient people to group with.

Oh well then I’ll help ye with some if you’d want.

I was responding to the bolded text of the OP saying that increased power gains would need to be implemented to compensate for the increased power of the mythic+/raiders.

I don’t know if any ‘new’ world content would be made, but I will eat my shoe if they end up not providing a means for solo players to increase their ilvl since as far as I know it’s never happened in the history of WoW. They could just increase the ilvl of existing or old content, I don’t know. I mean, saying mythic+/raiders are getting “new” content is a bit of a stretch as well since it’s really just old content that people have done in the past.

Looks like a list of demands, but Blizzard doesn’t respond very well to demands.

Then there should be lots of folks out there willing be inclusive of other casual players who can group together. The argument can’t be that tons of players are excluded and also there’s nobody available to play with, because by default all the people feeling excluded could be seeking out each other.

Pugging can feel bad in general. I hate the queues myself. If I could do all my power progression by myself that would be awesome.

No, it doesn’t.

To start with, casuals and solos are not the same thing.

Solos do not group. At all. (Players who tell you they are solo but group thru queues are lying about being solos.) Casuals play the game for fun, in not seriously, not competitively.

Not all solos are casuals. They can be very competitive when it comes to gold farming, playing the AH, collecting, ect.

Not all casuals play solo. They can group with friends and family, thru LFD/LFR/LFG, belong to a casual guild, ect.

So are you with me so far? Yes?


With the way Season 4 current stands, casuals can still progress gearwise thru Raiding, M+ Dungeons and/or PvP. But let’s be real, the average casual doesn’t care about gear progression unless they have delusions of looking hardcore, they care about fun so they will probably at least try these new ideas out to see if they enjoy them regardless.

On the other hand, with the way Season 4 stand, there is nothing for solos. Not just for gear progression but no activities at all. But this is a MMORPG so any realistic, non-entitled solo wouldn’t expect anything just for them.

So your premise is false. As well as your understanding of casuals and solos.

No, it hasn’t.

Shadowlands has proven beyond a ‘shadow’ of a doubt, the present design, started in Legion and continued thru BfA and into Shadowlands is not enjoyed by a significant portion of the playerbase, despite the additions for solo and casuals.

No, it doesn’t.

High item level numbers does not equal enjoyable play.

You are focused on the wrong thing.

Yes, Blizzard is going to pull the plug on the whole game just because an advertised-as-experimental season failed.


Ohhhh, this is all just an early cry for Season 4 welfare gear.

Darn, I wish I had realized that sooner. You should put that in a TLDR next time.

This is nothing but excuses.

You get the same effort you put into it. It’s accessible to anyone that actually wants to do it.

The best gear for soloing comes from group content >.> Depends on what people want he gear for. The solo only way to gearing caps out at 252 and doesn’t provide stuff like weapons and trinkets which cap out at 246.

If you solo queue via pugging then you can get up to 278, but that is then doing group content for gear.


This statement makes no sense. There are more paths of progression, more paths of “casual” progression, and more ways of grouping than ever before. What you want is high level gear handed to you.

Luckily for the people who don’t want to dop content beyond LFR, heroic dungeons, and world quests they won’t need anything higher to do their content.

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Doings 16s right now recommends 285 gear. That is solo content. So far I got 3/6 flawless for the achievement. More gear from group content definitely helps for that. Not everything is centered around group content.

If you just do the 9.0 campaign it will give you about 33 renown.

I hate this argument. Look, ilvl is used to nerf content, It’s fun to blast through content, not always have to “struggle” in it, just because you’re limited by the ilvl. Progression should never stop if there is available higher level.

The top 1% is clearing heroic in 252 ilvl gear, why do some people farm 265 to clear it then? Clearly 252 is more than enough and it should be the ilvl cap for everything else.

Right now the only reason i’m farming ilvl on alts is to have an easier time in LEGION MYTHIC RAID! Yes, 4 years old content is requiring me to gear in current content at the latest patch.

The same reason guilds farm M15’s to progress in Heroic, it’s because its fun to overgear the content and make it easier and faster with big pew pew. Nothing more, Nothing less.

Everyone wants power, Everyone should get power.


For solo content, everything but high level TG will be facerolled at 252

YES. Please. All of the haters and whiners… please go play Classic since you are all just not happy here no matter what Blizzard does.



no, just spam +2s for valor, not that hard


that…defeats the purpose of raids and m+ for the season?

see above

That doesn’t mean it should stop there, Torghast should provide gear progression as well.

252 is the bare minimum to start feeling good in older expansion, along with 2 legendary.

Being my main solo content this expansion, everyday i’m in Torghast on some alt for the daily leveling quest.

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No one is forcing you to do solo content or ZM upgrading?

That’s whats wrong with the raiders, they just feel forced to do ALL the content because they don’t want to be left behind.

Weak mentality.