SL Season 4 must have gearing for casual/solo players

I’m not sure how you took just that from my post.

In the FFXIV model, most of the raids at 60 worth trying are un-soloable. That’s 30 levels below max level. Not trying to justify anything, just saying even there you need pals to some degree.

Difference between us and them is people will gladly help you out with that stuff. Heck, you can find guilds (Free Companies) that do it on the regular.

15s are casual content

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It’s not a matter of ignoring it, it’s a matter of being locked out from it. Not everyone is as fortunate in their guild/friend searches as you, and with the community generally as elitist and exclusive it is, lot of folks don’t get the opportunity to try tougher content.

I recognize that tougher end content exists. Can’t really help otherwise with the amount of e-sports pushing Blizz does. But it is not accessible content.


I haven’t tried the mmorpgs but I am a fan of the solo games. Its always nice to grind gear for the final bosses and secret bosses. Good gear helps alot when farming gil and stuff in final fantasy games. And mats for Rikku’s overdrive for example, good for farming gil for bribe stuff.

In wow Legacy loot mode is also only activated if you are soloing old stuff. Doesn’t work in group stuff. So the reason you want to do old raids in WoW is transmog farming, mount collecting, or gold making via selling the stuff you can only get in the raid in the auction house.

Until they say they’re doing anything with world content, people are going to continue to believe there isn’t any. So where would it come from if there is no world content update in next season?

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Could just join a group for a m0 why make it queueable?

Being able to queue means other players aren’t allowed to say no to you.

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Make your own group?

My PUG KSM strategy the last 4 seasons have involved this. And also being patient, since we have months to get it.

If I don’t have the confidence in my own ability, what makes you think I have the confidence to gather and lead a group of people?

Assuming people would even join a group I make. No one joins up with losers like me.

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That’s how I do things for the most part.

What’s wrong with that? Just make it minimum
i-level required

I’m the one in favor of queued content.

Well press the start group button annnd bam there ye go.
That’s exactly what I did in season 2 of bfa when I was new to the game since there’s only 1 way to find out.

People’s attitudes toward players who don’t automatically know everything are pretty nasty these days. I haven’t done a single shadowlands dungeon and at this point I would get a lot of crap because “they were out for months, you should know them at this point”. So I don’t really have the confidence to try until they’re soloable.

Also I main a warlock, sometimes a mage. If I tried to form a group as a pure DPS it would probably take an hour minimum.


it doesnt take long to form a group at all, you just sorta gotta do it

but if you’re not willing to do them to begin with that’s on you*

None of that helps with what I mentioned.

Focus on learning the dungeons by doing 0s. And if you want a baseline knowledge I recommended Quazii for a generic understanding of dungeon mechanics if you can devote 5 minutes a dungeon. Keystones are speed runs.

Even those though, people expect you to know them because “they’ve been out for a year you have no excuse”. Which is why I’m afraid to even try at this point.


There are people like you. Just type learning the dungeon in the description. Or be okay with wiping. Once you learn the dungeons or even one of them you can do the speed runs on them.