SL Season 4 must have gearing for casual/solo players

Before the legacy damage multiplier was added, the best time to solo Legion content was actually 8.3 BfA with maxed out Azerite powers, even without a legacy bonus.

8.3 had a lot of issues, but it was probably the best patch for solo players in history because we had so much control over our power levels. Shadowlands pre-patch was the beginning of the end for solo players, and possibly for the game itself.

Even today, BfA open world enemies (including rares) scale up in Health based on your level or item level, and take longer to kill than typical enemies in the base 9.0 Shadowlands zones, and take longer to kill than they did in 8.3 BfA as a geared character—so all the issues with legacy content have still not been solved.


This is actually wrong. WOW reached its peak at the start of Wrath when there was no LFD. It then plateaued and started dropping from the end of Wrath and onward.

The drop wasn’t because of LFD but it also had nothing to do with it’s ascent.

The beginning of cata had the highest subs not wrath. :smirk_cat:

I am looking at multiple charts now that all show a significant dip after the Wrath expac launch hype died down (as to be expected when players reach max level and quit), but then sub numbers go up and reach WoW’s historical peak just at the end of Wrath and the beginning of Cata. People were hyped about the ICC raid and LFD.

My charts are showing this, too, but it could be a sort of delayed response due to the length of subs and the way that data is categorized by month or year, rather than subs and data being synched to match patch content exactly.

It could also be that people were expecting Cata to be as good as late Wrath (combined with the hype at the beginning of any expac launch), but Cata leveling zones were not as satisfying as Wrath zones, and at max level Heroic Cata dungeons were not as rewarding for how difficult they were, as opposed to how rewarding LFD was at the end of Wrath.

The numbers only support, rather than disprove, my theory that MMOs need to provide accessible content for people to farm gear upgrades. It’s just common sense.

cant they just play the game like the rest of us? we did it somehow. are they lesser players than us?

Next to crz, item level scaling is the worst thing they ever did to this game imo. The true progression killer was when it was snuck in back in Legion. Although with world quests being a new feature that was added in Legion, I do understand why some sort of scaling needed to be done to open world mobs to keep the wq’s relevant longer, than a few months. They have just constantly failed at adjusting the scaling as you get better stuff lol. And imo they will always fail at it :rofl:


My question, is someone that is not in a guild, doesn’t raid or do any dungeons. There is no way I can get the transmog at least of the tier set for 9.2? Personally at least with Korthia gear there where different stats on the various pieces but with Zereth Mortis gear it all the same with some different equip power to me which is completely useless. I am not in a guild, do raids, dungeons or PvP because I am on call 24/7 which makes it impossible to commit to those three items.

Just feel like gathering all these different currencies are just pointless if I can’t use them for anything. Have several million stygia, anima, 35k of flux and 3k cypher after getting it to 6/6 on my main character.

They may plan on adding levels to the cypher gear later on. Reaching rank 6 happens before the pocopoc research is completely filled out. They could also add another world boss. Right now on the PTR the creation catalyst changes the world boss loot in ZM to tier, but not the cypher gear. I don’t have any sand worn items to check those. I wouldn’t mind if they added upgrades to the sand worn stuff. It would give a reason to actually buy it.


you can use the gold you gather from solo play to buy a run…

In the good old days, guilds would just invite you along to raids, which really weren’t that demanding. Now, even Normal raids have so many mechanics and are so overtuned that the social, welcoming guilds are going to have a hard time unless they start getting exclusive.

And it’s OK to have difficult content, but with the Shadowlands 3 pillars, all worthwhile progression is locked behind gatekeeping premade groups.

Scaling is fine if the rewards continue to scale up, but there should be a cap. I think that they just forgot to implement a cap on much of BfA content (and I am not sure whether it is character level or item level that is the culprit).

Granted it is only Health and not damage that just keeps scaling up, but it is kind of crazy that it takes longer to solo many BfA rares in 9.2 gear now than it did with 8.3 gear back then. And the tougher 8.3 rares have about as much Health as some of the tougher 9.0 rares like Valfir.


but having been a social player in your community for so many years, getting invited to a guild of your choice will be no problem, due to the friends you made along the way, right?

the true casual way.

True, but I can’t support that playstyle. I play and wear what I earn through my abilities and not what I can pay for. As such I am also not rolling in gold as I refuse to farm and only started playing again 1 month before Shadowlands, so I lost out on 10 years of making money in the game since I last played up to Cataclysm and on a different server then I currently do.

When I was able to play more by doing the other content I don’t do now and was in a guild, but even then, until now I never maximize my profits and never want a tip when I craft something for anyone. I play to help anyone out, and don’t mind stopping what I am doing to assist people on what they are doing.

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I don’t really understand this. “WoW is better with friends” often turns into “You people don’t know how to make friends because you’re casuals” and nonsensical arguments like “Back in vanilla, everybody belonged to the right clique in the right kind of guild and did progression raiding,” a claim we often see that is demonstrably false.

Maybe they should stop trying to force personality change on people who are perfectly happy being what they are and don’t want to be changed. Just because you have found your sweet spot doesn’t mean that pushing everybody to become exactly like you is going to be a positive for them.

I think people do want to play with their friends. Their real friends who play wow. They don’t want to have to dump them and recruit new ones because they don’t play the game well enough to be useful. I think it’s a shame there is no content you can play with your friends, even if they are a different level and skill, things like the original Korrak’s Revenge.

Not everybody wants to belong to an esports team.


I’m so sick of this elitist, gate-keeping argument and have been since BC was retail so let me shut this BS down once and for all alright?

“Why do you need gear?” It’s called a REWARD LOOP. Any video game you put time into, spend time playing, when you get nothing in return for the time you put into it? That’s hollow, and unrewarding.

Convenient how it’s okay for you mythic cliques and the raiders can make posts on here all the time about the vault being problematic and that’s okay, but the SECOND that people might want, say, a perfectly reasonable scaling up of world quests (so you can take that “they just want free gear” lie elsewhere) - suddenly there’s people like you, Monolithicc, that want to gatekeep and act like the game should not respect our time.

REWARD LOOP. Devs could take notes. Mono isn’t gonna; he’s convinced he’s right and likely didn’t read half of what I said, but here’s hoping most others did. This expansion has a track record of not respecting the player’s time. (See also-other threads about “what is the plan for the other 75%?” and comments such as "Ion literally has said ‘raid or die’ ").


I don’t know whether you are being sarcastic or not, but not all of my friends raid, and not all guilds raid. Most players in fact do not raid. Being social will not help much, as you need a higher iLvl and/or Raider IO score.

This game has changed, and SL devs are willing to kill the game to try and bring back raiding.

Good question, and we may have to wait until the Creation Catalyst goes live, or until patch 9.2.5 (when it is speculated that sandworn relic gear might be eligible for conversion) goes live.

From my testing, once any piece is converted, you learn the appearance of the new gear. Even slots that don’t apply to the set bonus seem to be eligible. There is a generic appearance set for each class that I seem to be unlocking on PTR, which may correspond to the Normal appearance set of the 9.2 raid.

I have also noticed that buying Conquest gear and unlocking elite PvP appearances both seem to be unlocking slots of this generic class set, even if I don’t use the Creation Catalyst, so I would stay hopeful for now that there will be ways to unlock the appearance set without raiding.

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They’re trying to train casuals to play the game for love of the game and awe at its perfection of design only. Rewards are for those who earned them. Aside, of course, from constant complaints that the persistence rewards that casuals can get for playing the game a lot should be nerfed into the ground because elites shouldn’t have to work for those.


Stop projecting your insecurities. No one is saying that at all.

Then play with them. There’s content for every skill level. That’s the point of having 4 different Raid types and M+ keys from 2 to infinity.

This never ending victim complex super cringe.

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I have seen it several times on the forum. Stop projecting your own need to change reality. There are bad actors and control freaks in your midst.

What? You did not read what I wrote. People want to play with their own friends, not have to recruit teams that will all be at the appropriate level. There is no such content in the game where people can play with their friends as happened during Korrak’s revenge.

Look in the mirror. There is nothing more cringey than telling people they have their choice of elite content they should be doing. Stop pretending elites are victims. They are not. If it bothers you that people don’t want to play with you and others like you and you think they ought to want to, that’s a you issue.


What are you talking about?
Run LFR or low keys with your friends. That takes very little skill and doesn’t require great gear at all. You can do sub 5 keys in the Cypher Gear from Korthia.

Wasn’t the suggestion above to add Low Keys and M0 to LFD? What’s the difference between you grabbing some friends and doing it and queuing?

LMAO I love being called Elite when I run a few keys a week with friends and derp through the Raid with them. I play less then 10 hours a week.

Low Keys are NOT Elite content. LFR is NOT Elite content. Are you high?

Its a little more simple than that. Blizzard has to decide not if they like solo/casuals, but if they like their money. because give them a year+ with nothing, they will slip away, and all of those lovely $$$ with them.