SL Season 4 must have gearing for casual/solo players

I don’t think you know enough about the game and it’s players to get how bad of an idea this is.

Definately this. ZM gear should start at ilvl 300 and progress to 350.

OMG, you must be trolling.

What kind of MMO would NOT provide the bulk of its playerbase a way of getting gear upgrades for over a year, while only adding a new tier of gear at the top for the elite players?

Well, I shouldn’t say that, we know exactly what kind of MMO: WoW Shadowlands. Look at what they did with the 278 conduit item.


The devs wouldn’t even have to develop a new mode, just plop gear drops onto the bosses of Layers 13-16 as they are already way overtuned for most players.

The issue here is not a lack of dev resources, but an overabundance of arrogance.

It wouldn’t be that hard to create a scaled up version of Twisting Corridors, considering that devs are already scaling up old raids and dungeons and developing new mechanics for them.

I sort of like the Twisting Corridors format, too. Getting a good power early on feels meaningful, because you have a long road ahead and you know that Floors 16-17 are going to require some sort of OP build.


I mean, yall could just unsub and go play something else.

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Yeah, I’m looking at S4 and there doesn’t seem to be anything for someone like me. No one’s going to invite a person who didn’t get to do CN or SoD during current and thus would be unfamiliar. Every bit of the announcement seems to be for hardcore three pillars content. It would be cool if there are gearing options for those who don’t have a group too.


Millions have done just that. I don’t want to see the game die, but they seriously need to focus on more than just the hardcore three pillars champions.


So? If Blizzard hasn’t done what you want thus far, it might be safe to say it’s time to go. The fact you say something like…

…provides all the incentive Blizzard needs to continue with what they are doing lol.

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Lmao no? It’s a significant upgrade. Are you okay?


In comparison to max ilvl of the season. Pretty big gap. Also lack of cypher weapons, or trinkets is noticable.


In order to reach rank 6 in Korthia, it required a massive amount of rep farming and a ton of research farming.

I didn’t even get close on my alts to having remotely enough research to getting to rank 6, I got most to rank 5. And I played way more than your average player.

Cyphers, on the other hand, can literally be ground out in a single day if you want to reach rank 6, which then just relies on getting the gear to pop up from quests at a free 252. (And if you were smart and saved some of the side quests til you had rank 6, that’s a few pieces quick at 252)

On top of this, we get a free 242 and 246 Trinket from the Sands Achievement on any toon you do it on, and you can get a 246 weapon from the dune rares.

this because i never understood why not. its your key you can do what you please with it. just add a required ilvl per key level in order to queue. this will open the door to so many possibilities for so many people. if they fail they fail who cares. always tomorrow.

also add legacy buff to bfa. its time now. gonna suffer through a content drought at least let us take our army or alts through bfa raids solo for mog and missing pets and mounts etc…

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Korthia could eventually be ground out via rift farming. Either way it was better item lvl in comparison to max season rewards.

Numbers wise it is a downgrade. The trinkets you get in ZM I think cap at 242 as well. Cypher gear is on a few select pieces.

You can get rewards faster but the rewards cap at lower item levels.

The only weapon you can get is off rares that spawn every like 3 hours it seems. You have to be lucky enough to get the right rare on the right character. And do that a couple more times for classes that duel wield.

Also you cant upgrade cypher gear, you have to refarm it which is an annoyance compared to korthia where you could upgrade gear.

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There’s a 246 from the sand piles, and I know of at least one person who got a 249 from a World QUest, so I’m convinced the trinkets are bugged atm.

Also, every rare drops a weapon for every class.

Not that really thing it has anything to do with sun count, but really the population grew for 5 years and then right with 3.3 when LFD came out it plateaued and then we started the decline. Cataclysm was the first expansion to have LFD in since launch and then added LFR and it’s the first expansion to drop subs.

So I don’t think subs helps your argument very much.

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nope season 4 is for the top 10% that raid and do mythic+ either do that or there is NOTHING for you.

you mite as well unsub like i am and i will be playing other mmos.

That explains Lost Ark’s growing numbers.

In that case, Hey everybody If you do not want to be punished with no content’ sitting AFK bored out of your mind in Capital cities or wasting your free time killing opposite faction Auctioneers, come join the Korean MMO, Lost Ark! :smiley:

If you only want to play solo in an MMO, you’re playing the wrong type of game. Single player RPGs are this way ———>

And what solo SL content is anywhere near as hard as 4-5 mask visions were?

I’m not against the concept of good gear from solo content, but the effort required for said content has to be on par with the rewards. I’m not averse to something like 5 mask visions dropping 272 gear this patch, But I would be averse to you telling pocopoc to open a chest for you gave 272 this patch.

Ehh…No I can’t support this

I love this idea so much. Please implement this blizzard.

Raiding/Mythics/High-Rated PVP, should be for getting the gear the fastest. It’s for their world first achievements.

Let us get the highest powered gear too, even if it takes 10x the time. I don’t mind, I like playing the expansion the whole season taking my time.

That’s what achievements are for, achievements are for the bragging rights, competitive players already get rewarded alot with custom titles, mounts, achievements.

The power is all borrowed too, so what does it matter, let us all get the gear even if it’s towards the latter part of the season.

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