SL Season 4 must have gearing for casual/solo players

I’m genuinely wondering why you care about your gear’s power if you don’t raid, m+, or pvp. There’s literally no reason for you to even have gear


Why, then, should gear be a reward for any content when devs could just tune the content to not require the gear? An MMO is dead if its typical or average players cannot obtain gear upgrades or experience power progression through the content accessible to them.

Maybe casual or solo players want to do Torghast, or farm their preferred content more safely or more easily, so you literally can’t say “no reason” for better gear.

A better question would be, why are players like you so opposed to players like me being able to obtain gear upgrades during a potential year-long content drought in a subscription-based live game?


Maybe in BfA, where you could get Heroic+ from solo content and even buy your BiS corruptions, but in SL the gap is wider than it has ever been. Solo gameplay in 9.2 can only get you to 250-ish (Cypher armor with trinkets and weapons from rares and quests), while the max iLvl from group content is 278/285, depending on the slot.

S4 sounds like it is going to widen this gap even further, because no one deserves power rewards (or even sockets or conduits now, LOL) outside of the three endgame pillars.

Wasn’t there something about Ghostlands, too, on 9.2.5 PTR? (Wait, is S4 going to be Patch 9.2.5, or 9.3? Maybe Ghostlands and Tirisfal have nothing to do with S4.)

It would be great if there were some zone to gear up in other than ZM for the next year+.

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All content outside of covenant mini-games and pet battles “needs gear”.

And like I said above, competitive players won’t “need” new gear in Season 4 either if the new raids are not tuned to require it.

Gear upgrades are a universally appropriate reward to motivate gamers into playing an MMO long term. Whether players technically need the upgrades or not, it feels better to do the same content more quickly or with fewer wipes.

If people getting gear that they technically don’t need is moronic, then WoW’s most successful expansions to date are moronic, and nail-in-the-coffin expansions like WoD and SL are genius.


The whole point of them NOT being queue-able is to get players to try the Group Finder.


So a social engineering project to try to transform loners into people who are addicted to the group finder? I’m thinking that’s not going to be as successful as you think it will be.


These are great all great Ideas.
I can’t believe the difference in PVP from BC classic to SL retail. It’s like night and day.
Even though Horde kicks butt, no ones getting two shotted in Battlegrounds, kind of refreshing.
Not sure if their is Arena gear in BC but it seems like the gear can be earned by all.(If I remember right Arena had its own server)
Definitely would paricipate in some Mythic 0 or 1s if I could grind valor points and upgrade that way.(My counterstrike days are done can’t play sweaty tryhard crap anymore)
I liked Torghast great way to solo and improve your play but it gets really boring, and hardly anything good drops from it.

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Who said I thought it would be successful? It’s just obvious what Blizz is doing.

This is a social game at heart and Blizz tries to push that wherever they can. That’s why they constantly repeat the phrase “WOW is better with friends”.

Honestly I for one am sure i won’t be around for that slow drip they plan on feeding us. This is my last order of retail unless something amazing happens. Luckily Wrath ReDux is coming out so I can entertain myself that way.

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Who needs gear right? Not like this is an MMORPG who’s core progression at max level is improving your gear. :clown_face:


I open world in 242-ish chars I work in this expac more.

It does me fine really. get to pick your stats even. 2-3 choices per slot. Really want crit, its there, buy it. Some class/specs you get lucky. awesome…pvp and pve are the same stat priority or close enough.

and you get that nice vers all pieces to live longer in solo mode. you won’t be guide X’s Best pve setup.

Some need to realize guides Xs best pve setups are more glass cannon build in design. by pve they mean raid/dungeon. You know…1 to 2 tanks to be your meat shield lol. Healer(s) on standby. etc.

lacking these in the open world solo…versatility helps.

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WoW is a terrible single player rpg

Idk why you lot bother

So many better options out there for the solo minded


If ion hadn’t said that old content would nerf itself once you got heroic raid+ gear you’d likely see less complaints. No one should need to do hardcore raiding to transmog farm but here we are.


I am not opposed to the Group Finder in theory.

But especially compared to LFR lately, M+0 and lower levels of M+ tend to have a high success rate, and making them queue-able would be more efficient, cutting down on traveling and summoning time.

Sometimes you see two groups for the same dungeon, and one only needs a healer and one only needs a tank, but both groups go unfilled because they are manually managed.

But more importantly, group leaders often pick and choose high item level applicants when the group leaders themselves are way undergeared. A queue system would screen out lower item level characters while also not discriminating against characters with sufficient qualifications.

WoW reached its peak when it introduced Dungeon Finder and tied it to appropriate power rewards. But WoW expacs flop hard when manual grouping is required for any kind of power progression.

Not saying I disagree with you, just saying that WoW needs to keep servers and guildies full of players by offering good gaming experiences for all before we can even think about being social. Many premade groups are toxic and exclusive because they feel that they have to be, which has the opposite effect of making players more social.


Why? The open world isn’t going to be scaling up like raids and dungeons will be.

Remember when ion said they weren’t nerfing LEGION (not bfa, legion) raids in shadowlands because the gear you’d get would soft nerf the content itself and made a comment about being heroic raid geared? Refused for ages to fix it? That is why. After the level squish and all that that ruined the devs expected us to raid heroic or push keys to be able to do two expansion old mog farming. We didn’t make that choice. They did.


Even if nothing in the open world scales up, there are still some areas of Zereth Mortis filled with elites, and maybe I would like to pull more than one mob at a time.

Or maybe it would be nice to do Layer 8 of Jailer’s Gauntlet on any class without having to do Mythic raiding for the gear.

Geared, competitive players always talk about how brain-dead easy open world and Torghast content is, so let me experience that, too!


Would love a torgast mode that gave gear. Up to heroic ilvl/12-14 ish ilvl for the max difficulty.

I wish they would do an updated twisting corridors with the box for weekly loot too.

I also would like an endless torgast mode that was like zombies in call of duty games.


Ele, the snark we could do if we were bnet friends. Lawd. :see_no_evil:

I 100 percent disagree with you. Playing Classic BC right now story is great. I felt that way right up to Shadowlands.