SL Season 4 must have gearing for casual/solo players

Thank on this! This is the only expansion where world loots out does LFR and heroic dungeon at the same time. It is not being very well received by some. LFR and world loot should play off each other not make one lesser of two. Since this move there has been a decline in players more than ever at end of an expansion.

They have gearing planned for casual players, is called normal/heroic and low level m+. Being bad at the game=/=casual, there is nothing stopping you from doing that content, if you want the rewards of course.

BFA and Legion were the same way if I recall correctly.

Just make solo ques for everything CR 0-1600 or 0-1800 for PVP, M+ 0-10, and raiding normal and heroic. Heroic requiring 12/12N to que for Heroic.

While giving people the same options of making their own groups. That’s would 100% fix the gear void people see, and give everyone the chance. It’s not like years ago we weren’t stuck within our own severs and sometimes forced to use who we had to. It’s doable, it’s fine, and it’ll work. Anyone that argue against it is out-of-touch, or plays on Illidan, A52, or Darkspear where finding a guild that isn’t dead extremely easy.

Odd that you (name checks out) are telling someone to “stop crying” when you are here in the forums on a 29 post character you brought to have tantrums in every post. Telling people who are not playing the game right™ that they’re on welfare, what a jerk you are. You sound like somebody who’s not on welfare because he’s freeloading living in his mother’s basement.

Nope, slightly better heroics than LFR and the world was below that, the numbers were close though. That is what made it work. This time around world quest is way high. Heroic is almost close to lfr. Still it is way out of balance for world stuff. LFR should be at least 246 and heroics 249.

The devs wanted to use it a esports minor league is what it looks like. They never cared about things like reality or the good of the game.


It won’t. To Ion you either raid or you’re trash.


That just seems like the opinion of someone who really doesn’t like the system. I definitely understand not being into m+, but it’s pretty absurd to assume the people who make a living off the game aren’t interested in what’s good for it just because they make decisions you don’t agree with.

They have repeatedly made decisions that bleed the game of subscriptions. Flying being a huge red flag. They cut back the rest of the game but always seem to manage the full amount of raids. They treat non M+/raiders as second class citizens. Ion has done a terrible job as lead. In any other business he would have been canned long ago.


Wrath grew in subs as the expansion progressed. SL lost subs rapidly after launch hype died down.

As a whole, Wrath obviously did something right about end-game progression, and SL did something very wrong.

Why can’t content be both convenient AND rewarding like previous expansions? That’s where SL went wrong, it really tries to punish you for not wanting to deal with the toxicity of premade groups.

Premade group leaders don’t even let you in based on your spec or require some extraordinarily high item level, and can instantly remove you for no reason.

Queues only discriminate based on role and minimum item level, and require a vote to kick.

Queued content can of course have toxicity, but at its worst it is still a better experience than a bad premade.


Skip season 4 and just release 10.0 with meaningful content.

Edit: Oh wait… that is an impossiblity.

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They just have a different idea of “what’s good for the game” than some players who now have little reason to play.

If you haven’t seen the many claims by elitists that the game would be better off or even “more successful” without casuals - who make up the majority of paying customers - you haven’t been paying attention.

Some have even said that if the game was reduced to a single digit percentage of the most hardcore players, there would be many millions of new subscribers flocking to join the ultra hardcore game wow should always have been, now that the casual taint was purged from the game.

People said this. The ones who said it actually believe it.


Being bad at something doesn’t mean you’re not trying to do well.

Raiding has always been the intended pinnacle of endgame, and it’s what Blizz does the best. You can’t be surprised that it gets a lot of love.

They made open world/solo content that anyone can do give raid quality gear and 2 legendaries. Serious crafters had the opportunity to get rich. A ton of cosmetics/pets/mounts in SL. 4 theme groups that RPers could get into. Flying faster and easier than BFA. A new solo queued PvP now.

Seriously, if people just refuse to do the rest at this point, how much more are you expecting?

Numbers without reasons are nearly useless information. Nothing in what you said explains why one did better than the other.

Because queued content in wow is always significantly easier than premade. As it is, you get solid gear without any group content at all. Doesn’t get more convenient.

Or they could be a group of your friends or you could be the leader choosing anyone you want.

Well have to agree to disagree there.

LFR gear is too low in item level, considering the time and frustration you have to go through for it.

Note: Castle Nathria LFR in 9.0 for 187/194 gear (in comparison to max world quest gear of 194) was fine because the LFR mechanics were very manageable, but LFR in 9.1 and 9.2 has too many mechanics and results in too many wipes for the gear being rewarded. In fact, you see many Normal+ raiders doing LFR in 9.1 for shards and in 9.2 for tier pieces, rather than casual players who wouldn’t see the raids otherwise.

I am going to plagiarize the ideas of others, but here are two possible solutions:

Bump up LFR, Normal, and Heroic raid rewards by 13 item levels, and make Mythic cosmetic / prestige only. This would make more sense for Normal raiders because their raid rewards would be better than open world gear rewards, and this would also make more sense for Heroic raiders as their rewards would be comparable with M+15 Great Vault rewards.

Mythic raiding would be more like a Mage Tower challenge for raid teams, which would make more sense because currently the teams who need the gear to complete Mythic raids can’t exactly farm that same content for gear.

Scrap LFR and make Normal raids queueable by wing, and similar in difficulty to Flex difficulty in MoP 5.4. This would cut down on item level bloat over time and reduce the power gap between casual and hardcore raiders.

Citation please

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Check the decline in subs.

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So no citation then…got it.

Don’t worry you can’t understand it.

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That is not what causal want. Here is your first clue: gear would never be an issue till they introduce the problem. There was and never is a solid reason for making it harder to ply till you out gear for a zone. Once the company made it mandatory to out gear current zone. Gear became an issue. before then no one really cared about it as the current low-level gear was fine.

A second clue no one asked for these sudden changes to the game. Making a game center around a small portion of the player base was equal to a lot of lost subs. have you noticed in the last 4 years what that means for the game. less and less stuff and more force game style. That does not work in the real world. If a company does not offer what the customer wants, the customer leaves period! Thus, it reason SWTOR failed, Rifts failed and one game went under. Broad base= long-term sustainability.